Maybe you remember from last year that I like to celebrate the whole month long?
We did lots of really wonderful things with my parents when they were here so I'm rolling that into the celebration list. Before the month is through, there's sure to be lots of cupcakes and sprinkles, virtual and otherwise. Just the thought of it makes my eyes twinkle. I really do love celebrating... and I love my birthday.
I was born on my maternal grandmother's birthday. That made it pretty special. It was also the first birthday of the calendar year for my family. And it is the first full day of Spring! Pretty special.
I've been fortunate all my life to be surrounded by people who are happy to help me make a big deal of my birthday. I think of it as my personal holiday. And I tell everyone I see that it is my birthday. I don't much care if it makes me seem a little nuts to the grocery store check-out lady.
I put together a few photos from all 'round as a sort of virtual birthday party for us.
Most images are from Mary Engelbreit's HC, with the exception of the muffin tin, party setting with yellows and oranges, cupcake liners (from Mathew Mead), and the wreath and petit fours are from Williams Sonoma)
Happy Birthday to you -all month long :)!!! How sweet :) Your blog is a delight :)
My maternal grandmother and I shared birthdays one day apart, May 13 and May 14, and you are right, it did make it extra special! Oddly enough, my son has a birthday one day apart from his maternal great grandfather, October 18 and October 19. (That is my grandma's husband. I love that it worked out that way.)
happy birthday month!
Oh yeah - happy birthday month! My birthday is also the same day as my maternal grandmother. We share a special bond, I think for that reason. Isn't sharing your day with your grandmother the greatest?
Hope this one is the best one EVER!!!
Sincerest happy birthday month wishes being sent your way! Lets celebrate!
A party all month long? Sign me up! My bday is 2 days after Christmas, maybe I should move it to Spring! Happy Happy Birthday!
Yay! My family has tons of birthdays in August, so we party all month long :). Thanks for all of the pretty eye candy! I LOVE ME and I've saved all my issues of HC.
Happy Birthday month! :) I always try to make mine last for at least a week! I like the way you think! :D I have to go out and buy myself a copy of Mary Englebreit's magazine- why did I ever let my subscription run out?
Celebrating your birthday for a whole month is a wonderful idea and definitely a life-affirming thing to do. Happy birthday!
Yay! Happy Birthday month! It's mine too, and since it's a big one this year I've kicked off my birthday celebrations too :o) I'm so happy to have a Spring birthday, it's my favorite time of year.
Happy Birthday to you this month...thanks for inviting us.....
Oh sweet! Another March birthday girl! We do love this month! And I agree with your month-long celebration!
My Birthday is on Easter this year and I too celebrate for a long period
Your collage is beautiful and many blessings for your upcoming birthday and always.
It will be the first birthday since we lost my darling Mother.
She will celebrate with me from Heaven!
Love Jeanne
Happy Birthmonth!!! I hope you eat lots of yummy cupcakes and smell lots of beautiful flowers!
What a kindred spirit you are! We always celebrate birthday month and in fact, mine kicked off this month and it has been a blast so far. So Happy Birthday month to you too!
Also, is that not THE best MEHC? Just absolutely LOVED it when saw it at the book store yesterday will be anxiously waiting for the mail man today.
LOVE the eye candy. I let my mehc subscription lapse, so I have to go to the bookstore to pick one up today!
Happy Birthday....or should I say BirthMonth, Amy!
Hi Amy,
Love your blog. I always believe in celebrating one's birthday for the whole birthday month. So have a wonderful, enjoyable time.
(from the BlissSisters forum)
Wow, the party bits & pieces look wonderful. I love the idea of celebrating whole month long, lucky you! Happy Birthday, may the month bring you lots of joy and happiness.
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