When I dream of someday having a baby, I dream of strolling with the sweet bundle in a pram just like this. It's not practical, I know. But I love it. So when the lady named the incredibly low price, I said yes. And now it's mine.
I think that Rich will think I've lost my marbles when he sees that I put the cart before the horse, or in this case, the buggy before the baby.
p.s. Just wanted the thwart the question before it comes up...No, I'm not expecting a baby anytime soon.
eeeee, I love it! what fun!
Oooh it looks even better than I imagined! So glad that you were able to snag this lovely pram before someone else did!
That is just gorgeous. I wish in some ways that people still used prams (I have a vision of pushing it in a dress & high heeled pumps--very much a Dick & Jane book!), but its true, the new strollers are more practical.
BUT, think of how CUTE that will look in a nursery should you ever have a little one!
A pram is an awesome thing. It looks great just as it is but I imagine you'll do something extraordinary to it. In the meantime, it can be used to store all sorts of lovely things. What a great bargain!
I bought a bassinet before I was expecting after trying fot 3 1/2 years...my first child was born 10 months later. I condersider it a good luck omen. Cool pram..btw!
I think its great. I have been finding baby quilts and little smocked dresses for the day when we might have a child. I think the pram is lovely and would love to have one in anticipation of my own little bundle of you. Maybe I can find one and it be a good omen for me also!
That is so beautiful! A friend of mine lent me hers {that she bought from Italy} and I loved it. You are right, not the most practical thing...but worth the sacrifice.
I love your blog!
I always dreamed of having a pram too!!! It seemed to cityish for our little suburb though so I never had one, but some day - I am going to get one of those wicker ones from the turn of the last century - just to store ribbons or such in... who needs a baby!!!? I LOVE YOURS - KEEP IT!!!
oh amy, i just love it...it is perfect and it is just fine to
"buy ahead" ;)..((love you))
What a dream! I'm drooling over the picture....and I'm sure it's even more lovely in real life! What a find!
L-U-C-K-Y Day!! What a fun surprise!
I linked your gift shop to a post on my blog yesterday, I hope you don't mind.
I'm new to your blog and i love it!!!and I love the pram, o how i do.
o... i got something nice for you to take a look at:
wonderful miniature rooms made for animation, i think.
It's a soft and nostalgic pram.. I think you should prepare a frilly baby hat to go with it..
I am sure you will use it.. at least as a daybed for the baby.. I hope you use it as you dream..
Please tell me you've read Angela's Ashes by Frank McCourt and you know all the torture their "pram with a bockety wheel" went through?! Through all the horrific things that happened in his story, that pram cracked me up!
You know, this is so funny because ever since my MIL found out my husband and I were expecting, she could not stop talking about how much she used to LOVE her pram! As far as she is concerned, it is far more practical than the "travel system" we bought - although I can't quite remember her reasons... Anyway, I also have a bassinet for using inside the house, and it is VERY useful for bringing my baby from room to room so he can hang out with me - I bet your pram would work well for both inside and outside use! AND it's just lovely!!!
I just know its a good sign (and a beautiful one too- I always wanted one of those!), Amy! Move a little closer to me and we can rub elbows (wouldn't that work?)
I had one. I mean, mom had it. I guess it was mine! The model was very similar to this one, but red and white. Beautiful!!! And I used to ride on it wearing a white and red crocheted dress. Unfortunately she did not keep it...
I had a pram like that for my daugher, now 18. It was pale blue and Sweedish, I'm thinking Emalunga. Or something like that. We used to call it the Rula Lenska. It was wonderful, came with a bunting and a little infant bed that could be popped in to stroll around. It was so wonderful.
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