I love Oprah. Have I told you that? So when she announced months ago that she is launching her very own radio channel on XM, I knew right then that I really must have XM Radio.
As a side note, my sweet friends, you should note that Rich is adamantly against having to pay for radio programming. He says all the time how ridiculous it is. And, until now, I've kind of agreed with him. $12 a month indeed adds up. And is it really worth almost $150 a year to listen to the radio? How ever wonderful it is?
It has been eating at me for months now. I needed to hear this radio programming, especially the broadcast of Gayle and Oprah's telephone conversations. That was my proverbial dangling carrot.
I even thought about just going out and getting it. I couldn't do it. While I certainly don't have to clear every purchase with Rich, he is so vocally and stubbornly against paying for radio.
I tried to be creative in ways to get XM without really getting it...The Cottage has it. I asked if they would loan it to me for a little while. But it's not that easy. It's a lot of wires and bits and pieces...more complicated than I thought.
Plan B? My friend told me that you can get a "boom box" where you can just plug in the receiver and make it portable. I thought maybe I could just buy the boom box and use The Cottage's receiver. This, too, is a little bit complicated since I would have to make sure I got the right kind of boom box for their receiver. I'm not good at this sort of purchase.
Plan C? Could I hear Oprah's channel online? Last night, in a sort of panic, I was searching XM's website to find out. I signed up for the free online trial but it didn't seem to be on the line-up. I called their hotline and was on hold for a full hour. Finally I got a person on the line, only to find out that this person knew only what he could read in the little manual and, quite unfortunately, this fellow was not at all a fast reader. And there was something about his lack of confidence in his answer that fed my frenzy.
So after witnessing all of this creative-problem-solving-met-with-brick-walls, Rich turned to me from his reclined, television-watching-position and said (with a little scowl) "Put your shoes on." Off we went to Circuit City. And today, I am a very proud (if a little guilty) XM radio listener. Oprah's channel premiers in just a few short hours. I'm as happy as Christmas.
You will be so glad you made the purchase. I currently have Sirius in my craft room and we just purchased a Home Theater receiver for our basement and it has XM. So, without hesitation, I am getting XM once our basement is complete. I want to listen to Oprah as well as Ellen.
Call it the best of both worlds. Spoil yourself!!
Amy, I have XM in my car~ for some odd reason it doesn't work in my house~ BUT once you go satellite, you will NEVER go back! NO ADS! NO FLUFF! Just muci and talk....YIPPEE! Oh and P.S. How could Rich refuse you? You checked out all of your options first, that was very thoughtful of you!
DRAT to spelling MUSIC wrong in my first post!!
I'm glad it all worked out for you. XM radio is something I've not even heard about--I'll have to do some minor research on this and see what it's about as now I'm curious.
OH! You're going to LOVE it! We have the boom box style and hook-ups in our cars - you just take the little box thing and plug it in where you want to hear the music. Why do I love it? 1) No commercials (at least on my fav stations) 2) If you go on a long drive, the channels are the same everywhere and never get "fuzzy" or disappear 3) At Christmas time, they have channels with all Christmas music 24/7 - no commercials :).
If the price really bugs you, just consider it your early Christmas gift. My dad has had XM forever. He listens to "oldies stations" on it. They play songs you don't hear on other "oldies stations". But you'll be listening to Oprah all day long anyway. You won't know what else is on anyhow. Enjoy every minute of it. By the way, I just wanted to tell you how much I have loved looking at your photographs, and your frames.
You will be glad, Amy. I have Sirius in my car and Ben has XM in his vehicle. I like listening to Martha Stewart on Sirius but will now have to borrow Ben's Jeep to hear Oprah, as I am sure it will be worth it. Also, I can listen to Sirius while I'm on the computer so that is a feature I think you will love. You will never, ever go back.
Your last paragraph made me laugh
right out loud. What a very sweet
husband you have!
Oh, I just had to tell you it's refreshing to read that someone actually likes Oprah! So often in Blogland I hear only complaints about her and they make me tired! I am sooo looking forward to more of her "Oprah and Gayle's Big Adventure" show today! My own sweetie-pie husband loved it last week as I did and he asked me to tape today's episode for him while he's at work. :) Thanks, again... Debra
Rich is a saint
"Put your shoes on." The sweetest four words in the whole language, eh? :-)
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