Here's how I made it: The tv part is a block of wood. Head pins made the perfect antennae, anchored with a little button. I printed out an image from "I Love Lucy" and glazed it with liquid glass (available at the craft store). I printed the popcorn box and filled it with tiny crumbles of styrofoam which I dotted with bits of yellow to make it look more realistic. The tv guide was just scaled down from an image I found online and printed out.
In other news, I realized today when I looked on their site and found that I didn't win the Plummy that I should never be an actress up for an Oscar. When I eagerly scrolled to the part of the page where they announced the winners, and didn't see my name there where I expected it, my eyes welled up with tears. Truly!
How silly am I? I do wish that I won it. Pink Loves Brown won and I knew the instant that I saw their sweet site that they'd win.
Rich said that he will give me a trophy that says "Best Miscellaneous Wife". Want to make me feel better? In your comment tell me what trophy you'd give me. Then I'll always have this blog entry as my virtual trophy case.
OH never mind Amy, I would give you a trophy for being both creative & really generous with all the info & ideas you give to all your blog readers. Keep up the great job you are doing, lots of us appreciate it.
Best Ideas for Tiny Swaps. A very competitive category, as we all know from admiring the things everyone has made.
-- Vicki in Michigan
How about Best Eye Candy displayer ever? You still rock...and you could always win a Plummie next month :)
Oh, you'd win my award for "most inspiring" any day!!! I love your work and I love your blog - keep the creative inspiration coming!
awww--I think your blog is WAY better...I look forward to reading it everyday (almost :)! You are so generous with your sharing and a real inspiration!! Ha, INSPIRE...yah for you.
Your Club Little House swap gift is wondrously clever. All the little details are great!
I present to you the trophy for "Biggest and Best Joyous Heart." This special trophy is given only once in a lifetime and lasts just as long. It's for the person who has selflessly shared with others and brought much joy.
The catagory is - "Most abundant in creativity and talent while exhibiting the gift of sharing and creating a community." The envelope please.... and the award goes to our very own Amy Powers, inspirational guru and all around wondeful gal!! (Applause) Amy - you never cease to amaze me. I am such a fan.
To be nominated was wonderful and u should feel proud!
Id say a trophy for being so sweet and inspiring anyway...you just seem so real...thats why I love reading your blog!(one of the first I ever read too!)
You win for Dreamiest, Most Inspiring Ideas, so there!
oh my goodness--only ONE trophy?? i could give you a DOZEN!! i agree with what everyone else has said, and here's one of my own:
sweetest, cleverest, funnest, most inspiring blogger ever! (please ignore my bad grammar!) :)
I would have the hardest time coming up with an adequately named award... Your blog is one of my faves and is ALWAYS inspiring to me. Your positive attitude is so refreshing...
You are a WINNER in my book!
Love the mini TV, popcorn and guide so realistic! You are so talented.
I've always had a hard time believing the 'I'm just happy to be nominated' rap too ;-) You deserve 'The Sweetest' award - for your sunny disposition and sweet/cute/charming/inspiring work and ideas.
Your mini swap TV is adorable! The popcorn is especially brilliant.
And as for the plum award, while I was happy to see your site as a nominee, I must confess that I am not thrilled about the plummies. To me, blogging should not be a competitive sport. Setting up an award for the "best" of anything is bound to end in tears.
I can't give you anything for your trophy case, but I can certainly tell you that I love and admire your creative spirit, your clever knack for making wonderful things, and the cheerful and generous attitude that you share with us through your blog and your shop.
Amy: as you can see, so many of us just love your blog... and you! I think we all voted for you. This is like a reality TV show, only way better. You are the rock star among bloggers! Thank you for everything, "Blog Idol"!
Amy. I found your blog about a month ago- was new to blogs. It helped me soooo much- I have 2 blogs now (email me if you want to see them) AND I did your swap- which has led me to completely cleaning my house, piles of junk, sorting, and getting back into crafting- because I was looking for ideas to make a swap- and found all my piles of stuff, and cleaned a room to make room for it all. so thanks for being MY INSPIRATIONAL BLOGGER.
I bestow upon you, my dear friend Amy, the illustrious and highly individual title "Patron Saint of the Technologically Disenfranchised" - awarded for your tireless & unflagging spirit, and your willingness to help & assist those of us who are less electronically intelligent and advanced than you are!
You are wonderful, generous, and a true friend. We are ALL grateful to have you in our lives!
i'm so sad that i missed this one on one swap. we were deprived of our computer for 2 weeks and by the time i manged to follow the link, i'd missed the deadline for sign up. bummer.
i keep missing the other super great swap of 12 goodies so maybe one day ill get the foot in the door.
good news is that i got from my mum her little house collection - kitchen & bedroom -, and i'll be getting a book soon on how to make dollhouses, so this time ill make a decent dollhouse in wood. no cardboard this time. and this should be an email not a comment. sorry.
have a great weekend. xoxoxo
My sweet, sweet Amy....don't be sad, Love. You truly are the most inspiring person I know. And we are all to lucky to have found you. You'll get it next year, I have NO doubt! :)
Oh, and the mini goodies are ADORABLE, as usual! So completely fun!
You are my MOST INTERESTING, CREATIVE, AND BEAUTIFUL FRIEND. And you're the ONLY CRAFT BLOG I READ. :) Sorry you didnt' win. I voted for you.
Best Maker of Pretty :)
Oh! Definitely I'll award you the 'Guaranteed To Inspire Me Every Single Time I Visit' Award. You always, always inspire me. My first visit was when you showed your friend's wonderful home filled with aqua, pink and white furniture. My life was changed! Not only did I fall in love with aqua, but I now feel more freedom when flinging around my paint brush. So enjoy all these awards you are being given today--you deserve each one! Blessings, Debra
Oh Amy!
I'd give you the 'Blog that makes me drag my laptop on to the bed at 06.00am to finish reading every post you have ever written' award. And then I'd give you the 'Blog that inspires others to start a blog' award.
And then I'd give you the 'Most generous use of sidebars on a blog' award.
I love your creations, your use of colour and your spirit sweet Amy. And judging by the responses to this post not only were you robbed but you are also very much admired and adored. What award could give you that?
Cherry x
I'm soooo sorry you didn't win -- I voted for you too! I would give you the trophy for "Kind Heart and Generous Soul'. Your
posts brighten my day and inspire
my creative spirit. Blog on!
You always have my vote and blue ribbon too!
Clever TV!!! And the popcorn had me lol!
I'd give you the award for 'Incredibly Generous Heart' but I have to say....that award is something you earn and is not given freely to just anyone....which makes you all the more special.
I would also give you the 'Blog Most Obsessively Clicked on Several Times a Day to See If There Are Any Updates' award.
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