My parents and Seth will be here in just a few hours. Seth is so excited to go camping with us and has decided we should have another sweets party. He requested a piƱata filled with candy and toys. I think we'll go find one today. Just now I called my mother and he picked up the phone breathless to say that he remembered the Slurpee machine.
I have some last minute cleaning to do. And the Verizon guy is coming today to bring a new box for high-def. Oh, and guess what comes with the package? One of those fancy, Tivo-like thingamajiggies. Pause live-tv? You betcha. Maybe I'll become a tv junkie.
What a cutie!
I just recently found your blog through, I think, Black Apple and I love it. Your camping set up? Priceless! The bed was my favorite part - I hate being so close to the ground when I camp....
what an adorable picture! have fun!
What a cutie :) I also have a DVR (similar to Tivo) and I heart it soooo much!! I don't know how I lived without it...
Hey amy! to darn cute!
i gave ya a shout out on my blog.
i love my book.
jessi nagy
Seth is so very adorable! What fun you'll have with Seth and your parents. I hope you'll have a blast on your camping trip even though camping is not one of your favorite things. Your past camping photos were so fun and amazing that I hope you'll share new photos on how you camp the "Amy" way.
Once you have tivo or anything like it- you'll never go back. I love to watch my favorite shows on MY schedule.
What a sweet picture.
I love that stove too.
Awww, so precious and such a wonderful smile!
I've missed seeing this sweet face!
I'd lend you my son, the electronics wizard if I lived nearby. Sounds like he'd come in pretty handy right now!
Take care.
Let me just say that once you have the power to pause live tv, there is no going back.
Where, oh where, do you get those great journal books in your previous post? the ones with the large rings? they rock!!! please email me at cvargen@myway.com I would appreciate it -- love your blog...Cathy
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