I can't wait to install it. For now, it's just stuck to the wall with a piece of doublestick tape.
I think I'd like to put into the outside wall of the coat closet. That way I can make a room in a box...maybe even with a little light...and set it all up on the inside of the closet, with easy-enough access.
I can't wait to get started on this fun new project. Just in time for the Club Little House magic! I hope I can talk Rich into working on this this weekend.
If you'd like your very own fairy door, Catherine sells them here. She's currently sold out but just send her an email. They come in pink, green, purple and red. Isn't this a magical idea?

It's an a-door-able idea! :) Really really sweet. I'm sure she'll do well with them.
That is SO cute! Reminds me of little Miss Mouse that Deb painted sitting on the baseboard at my shop! I think I need a little fairy door, too! :0)
Have you seen this: http://urban-fairies.com/index.html
I love this little door!
Thank you for sharing the link, I can't wait to shop her store!
I love this idea. I've been working on a fairy door, too. I bought a dollhouse door but found two funky wall-tiles that look like old doors to put on either side of it. My carpenter looked at me like I was crazy. I think I need a light in there, but everyone (Veto) is worried about fire.
I still have the fairy ornaments that my mother hung on our Christmas tree when I was little. She thinks I should put them behind that tiny door in the hallway. I'm worried about locking them into a tiny box in the wall and never getting to hold them again. What do you think?
Just precious!
How beautiful, it looks so realistic!
Can't wait to see your fairy door project done :)
oh, this is the most adorable idea! Thanks for sharing the link.
I am recently very intrigued with the idea of Fairy doors! I can't think of anything cuter. My mom has a little blue one in her living room, and I have to have my own. And probably one for my daughter's room too! Yours is adorable, and I so want to visit Ann Arbor's Fairy doors!
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