I haven't gotten flowers from Rich in a long, long time. That is until now. And here's the story behind why I haven't gotten flowers from my sweetie for such a long time.
When I worked in an office, Rich sent me flowers for my birthday and our anniversary and Valentine's Day. HUGE bushes of flowers. I loved the feeling I got when Paula, the receptionist, called me up to the front to collect the garden. And then I would place it beside my computer in the studio where everyone walking down the hall towards me was sure to see it. In fact, they couldn't even see me behind it. It was a wonderful display of love and I adored it.
Then one birthday my sweet sensible husband decided to cut back on expenses, one of them, unbeknownst to me, being the delivery of flowers. So on this birthday when I happily skipped up front to collect my bush of flowers so big that when I carried it I looked like a rosebush with legs, imagine my dismay in finding a minuscule vase of 4 flowers...3 carnations and one shasta daisy.
I carried these flowers all the way back to my desk hoping no one would see. When I got back to my desk, I tucked them behind my computer instead of placing them proudly beside me. I know, I should feel horrible because it's the thought that counts...blah blah blah. Well, let me continue by first saying I was young then. I didn't know the things that I know now, some 7 years older and wiser. So I ask you to please consider the silliness of my youth before you judge this next thing I will tell you.
The more I looked at this pitiful "arrangement", the more I dreamed up this crazy possibility. I thought to myself that if a florist wanted to they could easily charge a customer a very large sum of money for an arrangment and then send out a skimpy "bouquet". Surely no tactful person would ever mention to the giver that the flowers were not very lush. So I thought that maybe the florist charged Rich the usual chunk of change but did a switcharoo sending me the smallest arrangement in their cooler. Or maybe they even took an extra vase in the van and picked up the broken off stems of larger arrangements that might have ended up on the floor and stuck them together.
The more I thought of this, the more I thought it my duty to let Rich know of this injustice. So, you guess it, I told him that I thought he'd been duped. I described the pitiful flowers and told him they were nothing like those to which I had become accustomed. I went on and on about how skimpy and horrible the few flowers were. Shamefully.
So that was the last time, until now, I got flowers from Rich. I am so happy that the drought is over. Thank you, Rich, for my beautiful flowers. Since there are no coworkers to see, I posted them here.