Here is the state of things now...Rich muttering curse words under his breath, concentrating on this wire then that one. I could say anything to him now and end it with "right?" and he'd reply, zombie-like "right". He didn't even realize that I'd snapped this photo. Twice.
I want to try to hang the hutch part of the cabinet above the television but something tells me we won't get that far tonight.
Aww, poor guy. I'm sure all of that hard work will be worth it. Love, love, love the cabinetry!
Wow, the "shabby" cabinet doesn't do a bit to hide the gaudiness! Talk about dissonance - high tech vs. country battling it out in your living room.
sorry...i'm having trouble signing in..BUT..my comment was....my DH and I purchased a nifty 50" flat screen plasma wall-mounted tv...holy moly how can it take THAT long to setup???? There was rewiring in the wall...several hardware components to get to work together....drilling into the wall...much colorful language usually stating how E$%%&*('n stupid something was...reading glasses on his head..with said head immersed in various manuals....SO...when you mentioned the other day a picture would soon becoming of your tv and awesome cabinet...i was hopeful for you ..but not betting on it :-) Soon you will be in viewing bliss!
LOL...is he like my SweetiePie and thnks directions are for everyone else?
I think it will look wonderful .. I LOVE your shabby cabinet....if anyone can make it work it is you Sweetie!
I've heard that muttering myself! It's always the thing he is working on (this is an "expletive")... No, dear it has nothing to do with you not reading the directions. Looks like it's going to end up just beautiful though! Please post a picture when it's all done!
We have yet to figure out how to operate some of the neat features these wonderful tvs have to offer. And I always leave the room when my hubby begins tinkering with it.
And I wanted to say a belated "hi" to you from when you spoke to my best friend at R's over the weekend! Funny how I never run into you. :)
Poor Amy! Been there, done that. Guys and electronics are a womans nightmare...all you can do is sit back and assist as soon as he screams your name and pray it all gets hooked up soon. Love that cabinet, it's charming and it is so you. I've been reading your blog for months now, quietly in the backround, never commenting. But I finally got brave and started my own blog - wish me luck. I found you thru Romantic Homes Magazine, one of my favorites. Have you heard? They're starting up publishing Victoria Magazine again. ~ Yipee ~
By any chance is there a connection called "HMDI" on the back of the TV? It is one $30 cord you buy at Walmart that's what I did!!! Made everything so much easier!!
You will love your new tv! I won a huge 56" plasma at my employee Christmas Party~I thought my husband was going to die of happiness! I handed to him and said "Merry Christmas!" I was skeptical at first, until I watched my choice of movie on it....Now I love it too. I bought the cord that Posey mentions-you have the hi def on your movies without having to have hi def cable. It works great for us. BTW I love your cabinet! Please post it again once it is all together-
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