I have a full day's work ahead of me, getting orders out the door and generally getting caught up. I didn't sleep well last night so I feel extra sluggish, even for a monday.
This is a picture of some of my favorite buttons. Lately I've been dreaming up a new project for them. I'm dreaming up lots of projects actually. I just never seem to have the time. But it's all about priorities, isn't it? There are certain things I do everyday, regardless of how busy I am.
I read a comment on someone's blog recently where the commenter relayed that when the author complains about being so busy all the time that the commenter (and maybe other readers too) feels the author is being too self-important, self-involved. It was a harsh criticism, yes.
Even on the busiest days, and perhaps even especially on the busiest days, I think it will help me feel less stressful when I stop to take a breathe, slow down and collect myself. That's what this blog is sometimes. A resting spot.
Thank you all for checking in on me so regularly and not minding me too much when I go on about how busy I am.
Time's a-ticking. I better get started with my full day. If anything blogworthy happens today, I'll let you know.
I don't ever think the bloggers are too self-important & too self-involved when they say they are busy. I tend to think that they really are. Also, those buttons are too cool. I can't wait to see what gorgeous thing they become.
Your buttons are gorgeous, I think the turquoise one is my fav. Blogging is mainly used for hobby and meeting like-minded people after all, we all have a life and that includes being busy...it is important to take time out to pause and enjoy life instead of being in front of the computer.
Hi, Amy--
Just wanted to introduce myself. I stop by your blog and browse your online shop frequently but have never commented before. Your endless creativity and eye for the beloved and whimsical inspire me. I LOVE the pinks, reds, and rubies of your button collection.
I own a French-inspired shop in Ohio and, in addition to my store blog, I co-write a blog devoted to supporting and encouraging other women entrepreneurs and creative types. We would be honored to have you stop by and check it out!
I will be avidly reading your blog!
Those buttons are gorgeous and look so pretty grouped together like that. I am almost tempted to get out some of my favorite buttons and put them in a bowl or decorative dish or something just to look at them and enjoy them.
I hope that one commenter's reaction is hers alone and not something that is generally thought. It sounded a bit judgmental on her part, I thought. I mean -- we're all busy, and there are some stretches that are even busier. I think when a blogger says they're busy, that's all it is meant to convey.
I enjoy your blog and love seeing the things you do. It's inspiring. :) I've been away from crafts for several years because I couldn't seem to do them much as my children were growing up. Now that they're older I have been rediscovering crafts and even have done a few things inspired by things I've seen on blogs.
I love to hear about how busy you are! It means you are cooking up something inspiring. Plus it makes me feel normal. Isn't everyone busy? It's just that we need to learn to find joy in every moment. I'm working on that because I do not find joy in folding laundry but I did read a post on a blog about laundry that actually inspired me to try to start. A Mary Poppins sort of thing to say, but anything can be fun.
"...feels the author is being too self-important, self-involved"
isn't a blog supposed to be about one's self? :) you just be you. that's what we love and why we come here.
I agree with burd . . . it's the author's blog so essential all blogs are self centered right? Plus, I must say I'm too busy thousands of times on my blog and it's mostly because I know most of the bloggers who read me (and I them) are busy too and can comiserate! :)
Must be something in the air right now.
Love your blog, sorry I don't comment more! I should!
I love those buttons. I love to read your blog and I am not sure I have ever commented. But I really enjoy it here. I am starting to get my art dolls out there and it is fun to visit other artists who are already doing it (well). Just wanted to say hey.
Those buttons look yummy!
your blog is great!! just wanted to say hello!
Julie:) cute buttons :)
I wish everyone was a positive and cheerful as you. People seem to have lost the "niceness" that comes along with good manners. I love your rose colored view of the world and your everyday appreciation of other people and pretty things around you...which in turn makes you a beautiful person.
Michelle A.
Beautiful buttons!
Being busy is okay and blogging about being busy is definately okay. Blogs are for expressing yourself...
Ohhhh those buttons are adorable!! I bet they'd make cute bracelets like on Brenda Walton's blog! (if i remember correctly, she posted the how-to's)
Speaking of posting intructions...I am madly cutting circles in preparation for a yo-yo quilt...still drolling over your momma's Christmas project!!
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