Kitchen utensils framed in a shadowbox! I'm so happy with how they turned out.
This will also be there...
I found this yesterday and could hardly contain my excitement. If it doesn't sell, I might end up keeping it for myself. I love child-sized chairs!
Here's something that I made that I've been wanting to show you...
It's an old Singer sewing machine, painted and decorated. Isn't that a fun prop?
Other things to show you from around The Cottage...
You are always an inspiration! Love coming here for a look see...
Your shadowboxes are adorable!
And the Singer machine is totally did a great job!
The table and chair is really wonderful. It's so rare to find a set in good condition. Sometimes I see a chair, but rarely a table! Hans and I have about six child size chairs and my mother is bringing over three more next week. When neighborhood children come over, they get so excited that we have chairs just their size. Little chairs are always special.
Absolutely love the Singer sewing machine - you've done a fab job on that!
I love that sewing machine.. I completely gasped when I saw it. It's so pretty, and so unique!
I love the shadow boxes and so want some of those tin baskets!
everything is so wonderful!! the sewing machine is great!
It's all wonderful!! I'm so curious, where do you find such wonderful things and stock for The Cottage? Are you scouring estate sales and flea markets?
You are simply amazing and incredible! How did you get so much talent? it is completely mind boggling!! Absolutely lovely just like you!
The sewing machine is lovely. Each time you post photos from The Cottage I wish I lived closer! I would be in there daily!!
oh my gosh I would buy the table and chairs in a hearbeat if I was there! :o(
What incredible vignettes, Amy! I love it.
What lovely things in that cottage of yours! The Singer is really amazing, how is it possible to do lettering like that?
Have to go back and linger awhile longer now. Thanks for the inspiration! xox
That sewing machine is so adorable!
how i wish i lived nearby. i would swipe that little red table set in a heartbeat.
Love the framed kitchen utensils! That four shabby chicks store looks fabulous- thanks for the link! I only wish I had a store that wonderful near me. It looks like it has all the gorgeous things that I love!
LOVE the sewing machine and shadowboxes!!!! Very inspirational.
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