I've reached that point where I'm losing some of my confidence. I'm second-guessing choices I've made, worrying that people won't respond well to what I'm offering, worrying that the rain will ruin my things, and generally panicking.
What if people don't want to make things? What if the things I offer for them to make are too simple? too hard? What if it rains so hard that the tent starts leaking and ruins everything? What if all the things I thought would look so dear together end up looking like a pile of junk? What if no one shows up? Ugh! I could go on and on. These what ifs are killing my confidence!
I still have lots to do so I'm trying to push those feelings aside and just push on. I don't mind being nervous but there's nothing productive about being doubtful.
On Friday, my friend Pam is going to chip in and help me run the operation. And on Saturday, my friend Debbie is joining me. When I think of all that good help from friends I love, and when I think of being with fun people like Ann and Linda, Stephanie, and the rest of the gang, I start to feel better.
Meanwhile, whenever a what-if pops into my mind, I respond to it as if it were a child. "What if it rains"..."then it rains and I will protect my things from the rain in a quick and effective manner." "What if no one comes"..."then that will be very sad but at least I'll be in the company of good friends. Besides, that won't happen. Don't worry dearie. Everything will be fine. Really fine."
It really will be fine, you have made such lovely things- how can they not sell:) I would love to go rain or not !!!! And fun with good friends is the best :) Have a Great Paris Flea Market- Amy!!!!!
( It even rains sometimes in Paris ) :)
First of all, I know that your booth is going to be fabulous & that you probably won't have a thing left at the end of the day.
Whenever I get doubts like that, I think, "What is the worst thing that could happen?". When I realize that not only is the worst thing really not so bad, but also, probably not going to happen, I feel better!
Okay, the weather, yes~we are all in a panic. Your "stuff"? Well received? I've already "received" a few of your things via blog. I've got my eye (both, actually) on so much my head is spinning. Stop thinking~this is normal~stop thinking. I went into a full-blown panic yesterday after I saw all your great offerings on your blog. I drove myself crazy yesterday feeling like I had to run really fast to not just catch up but get you in my sight! No worries, my dear~other than the &$*%@&% weather~you've already done soooooooo goooooood!
Amy....You adorable silly thing! Cast those doubts away. You are going to be a fabulous hit! You are always wonderful, you wares are lovely, and maybe you will get to wear your cute pink boots if it rains. And there's no doubt people will be there! I can't wait for Friday and I am sure there are many people just like me! I'll see you at the Cottage!
Oh dear....I think like this ALL of the time. It's dreadful isn't it?! My tips for you....pray for no rain of course, if it's poorly attended then lucky you b/c you have a website business and you just stocked soem great inventory for yor loyal followers! And third, something good ALWAYS comes of it. Absolutely! May not even be recognzeable that day and not for a week or more....but something good always comes of hard work. You will see!! I wish I could be there. I'd hold an umbrella for you and empty my piggy bank at your booth! :)
Keep thinking positive thoughts! :)
No matter what happens...flash that beautiful smile of yours and have FUN!
Your stuff is so lovely that I asked my husband if it would be crazy to drive over seven hour with 2 young children just to be there. The silent, blank stare I got in return has only slightly cooled my desire to make the trip. I would SOOOO love to be there. Are you putting in any glitter houses? That would be the clincher for me!
Oh dear Amy: That's the last thing you should be worried about. After all, you have an international following! After seeing your cute little packages I thought, "it's a good thing she's in Virginia and I'm in Arizona" or I would be in there shopping like crazy.
Amy! I completely understand your feelings, but your little kits and goodies are adorable! And, even if the rain keeps the crowds away, your little treasures will be scooped up as soon as you list them on your website!!!! :) Best wishes for a great day!
Well, you don't need to worry about a thing. I live near there and my 3 sisters and I will be there shopping with bells on! We are all looking forward to it. If you see 4 blonds in your booth buying everything in site...that'll be us. I'm hosting a sista scrap/shopping weekend and first on our agenda is to attend the Paris Flea market. Fun Fun!!!
You should not be worried. Your stuff is so wonderful. If it was anywhere near me, I would be there shopping.
not to worry! if i lived even remotely near by i would definitely be there and would probably spend way too much money! Good for you, not so good for me and my checkbook!!! i pray the weather will be bee-u-tiful and you will not have anything left after all the shoppers come through so you will not need to worry about protecting it if a rain cloud happens to fly by!!!
I have been absolutely drooling over all the pictures of your beautiful creations!!! Good luck and have a great weekend!!!
--melissa :)
Banish those thoughts, Amy dear! Some things we simply have no control over. Good things will happen no matter what! Your goodies will sell, new friends will be made, a good time will be had by all who attend, including you! :)
I can't imagine anyone not loving your stuff!! I sure wish I lived in the area...
Everything is going to be just fine fine!! Your stuff is awesome. Is it awful for me to say I almost, only almost, hope some good stuff doesn't all sell, so you'll offer them here. Yikes, don't hate me cause I'm selfish!! lol wishing you tons of success!
When I wish I could go and shop from you but can't, I know that there will be hundreds who can go and WILL! So chin up and all will be well...and wonderful...and beautiful...and likeable...and marvelous...and fun (no matter what the weather is)...
Amy, I did major folk art shows for a number of years and one of the things I learned was that you can never predict a show...never. So don't worry. If it isn't a good show, you have stock for the next one!! I am sure you will do wonderful....wish I lived closer so I could come.
No matter how many shows I do I think these exact thoughts EVERY time! I think it must be just a part of it all! Your things look fantastic and if I were a just a tad closer I would be there in a heartbeat!! I know you will have a fabulous time ....Best of Luck to you!!
Amy, We can't wait to come on Friday ! I'm bringing at least three people with me ! We admire your style (I met you once at The Cottage) & can't wait to see what everyone is offering. I'm praying that it won't rain too, we have been planning to come for weeks ! See you Friday :)
You have so many lovely things i wish the "paris flea market" was in Paris (france;))
Oh we've seen the amazing things you made here, there's no reason to doubt and look at all the encouraging comments you're getting! When in doubt always turn to friends and just pick up a comment and start reading :) Have a great time at the Paris Flea, you'll do well, I have faith in you and your fabulous creations.
My mother is coming down from New Jersey and we are coming in Saturday morning. Even staying at the B&B you recommended. ALL JUST TO MEET YOU!!!!
I on the other hand am hoping that there will be stuff left by the time I get there on Saturday!!
Just think, if all your blog readers could attend you would already be sold out! Everything looks great.
You know how when you're really hungry and you see a plate full of brownies in a magazine and your mouth actually waters because you KNOW how yummy they are? Well, that's how I felt when I saw that jar of cherries and that stack of cute little tins...
you're killing me here! Sending you good luck wishes from Kansas, rain or shine... please take lots of close-up pictures at the Flea.
I could only wish that an event like this would take place in the Bay area..Sigh!
Ok, mini lecture here...Your work is beautiful. It will sell. Don't sweat the small stuff. Yadda yadda yadda.
I used to put on career fairs at the jr. college level...300+ employers and a committee of 'me' to pull it all together. HOurs of work. Sleepless nights. Stomach churning with what-ifs. All the things I thought went wrong were never noticed by anyone except me...It always turned out fine despite my self doubt.
THIS will be a picnic!! Enjoy...Be silly! Have fun!!
You gon' do great. Ne worry pas!
P.S. My secret password for this comment is "jobozo." Hee hee!
Amy I hope it rains. NO just kidding. Because I live so far away I have to wait to see if you have anything left for you to put on your web shop. If not I hope you make some for it. The best of luck to you.
oh you'll do great - cant wait to hear all about it and Im sure you'll take lots of pics!!!
I've been looking forward to this event since you first announced it on your website! I'll be there with bells on!
I am missing the shopping opportunity of a lifetime. Will you see anything remaining from the flea market on your website? Not that I expect you will have anything left, but just in case...
;) Jeanette
I am one of those lurkers that fade into the background, usually, but this time I had to speak out. I wish I could be there to see how great you are going to do! I do hope that you have a few things left to place in your shop for those of us too far away. Best of wishes are headed your way!
oh, it will all be just wonderful Amy! I'm heading to Atlanta on a roadtrip this weekend, otherwise I was planning to come to Leesburg to see all the goodies and meet you. One of these days......
Good luck! Enjoy it all!
Now that's more like the positive Amy we know and love! It will all be wonderful--as with all you do. Wish we all could go and then surrounded by nothing but fans you would feel a screaming success!
Thanks for the nod by the way!
I am sure people will love your things, from the peaks we have had they are lovely, ( I do hope though there are a few left over for the rest of us to buy)!!
Deep breath, my friend. Jitters are normal but your work is always so thoughtful and beautifully presented it can't help but be well received!
You have *nothing* to worry about ... I liked your booth sooo much. I was in too big of a hurry to shop for long though (school's out at 11:00). Hope you have great success the rest of the weekend!
Oh Amy! The flea market was just wonderful. I can't wait to use my (second set of) "Wish" tickets. I'll have to send a pic of my daughter in her beautiful new apron when I get a chance. It is just too too much!
I'm delighted that I was finally able to meet you. You're just as adorable in person as you are on your blog.
I can't imagine you doing something that everyone wouldn't just adore!
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