We just finished making the treat bags...
here's my helper...

Here's how they turned out...

And here's what's in them...
Animal stamps: 25 cents each,
Animal Parachutes: 21 cents each,
Safari Cars: 42 cents each,
Animals: 48 cents each,
Lollipops, 40 cents each.

He's very excited about giving the treat bags out. I think what I'll do is put them in a basket and let him hand them out after he opens each present. I read online about the idea to put two chairs in the middle of the circle of children, one for the birthday boy and one for the person to sit in who gave the gift. I think for this age especially it will bring a nice order to that often chaotic part of the birthday party, helping him to really understand in a very visual way that this special person sitting beside you gave this wonderful thing to you. And then after he opens the present and says thank you, he can give them their treat bags. How does that sound?
There are lots of adults attending the party...family and friends. Maybe he can give grown ups lollipops with that tag that says "Thank you for coming to my party" on it.
How fun! Can I come to the party? ;)
What a nice idea of the two chairs so the gift giver can be acknowledged too. So many times at the kids parties there is so much chaos and this seems like a nice way to slow things down and show appreciation for your guests.
What a wonderful idea! Actually what wonderful IDEAS! I sure wish there were computers and blogs and this wonderful network of kindred spirits when I was was young mom. I think you girls are so talented and giving! Happy birthday to your little boy. My oun little boy is going to be 31. Wow. Where did the time go? Love your blog, Cristina
Love those treat bags and the great idea of the chairs! It's so visual, and a nice way to remember who you received those wonderful gifts from! I'm an adult, but for a great bag of goodies like that I'd revert to a kid in a heartbeat! Have a fun party!
Julie B.
I think it's really sweet that you have made lovely treat bags but the idea of "trading" gift for gift seems a little selfish. Aren't you just thanking the children for coming and helping celebrate?
It seems like a transaction rather than just a token of appreciation. Though the idea of trying to give more credence and appreciation is novel.
He's going to have the best party ever! Have tons of fun! xxo
Love your ideas! Being a mom of grownups, I can honestly say I LOVED throwing birthday parties. The 2 chair idea is wonderful- a nice, exciting way to open gifts and develop a sense of appreciation.
A suggestion from a mom who always made gift bags? Wait until they are leaving and have Alfredo hand them out when he thanks them for coming- otherwise, the bags will be opened right then and there, kids will want to swap their animals, they will get left behind, lollipops will be started when the sugar level is already high...etc. It is a treat to open them in the car on the way home!
Nothing is more fun than throwing a birthday party when they are this age!! Although I don't know exactly who has the most fun-- you or the birthday child. Enjoy your day-- the both of you;)
I love the sitting face to face and handing a goodie bag...aww! Happy Birthday little man! Grace
I love doing the treat bags! It is one of my favorite birthday party things to do. The kids always pass them out to each guest as they leave or they end up lost and the whole "but that one was mine" sort of thing ensues. Have fun! What a fun time!
Happy Birthday Alfredo...what a big boy you are growing to be. Those treat bags are wonderful. xoxo the fan
Great plan to have the two chairs! I've done this before and it also makes for great pictures! Take one of each guest with the birthday boy! Have fun!!
Oh I think that is a lovely idea. Can I come? I loooove lollipops! LOL.
Well done they look great! I have just survived two birthdays in December so know that it can be stressful! I love the Safari theme!
Treat bags look adorable. As someone who has an 8 year old and been down this road with a younger child before I think you've got it spot on. Love the idea of adult lollipops! Jamie
What a sweet helper! I just love that precious face!
~♥ Trust me stranger friend ♥~ I have 5 kids, have had about 20 kid parties to date (at least) PLEASE WAIT UNTIL THE GUEST LEAVES!!! They open the bag and stuff gets spilled and lost. I like handing out a plain latex helium balloon and the treat bag as they EXIT the door. A quick thank you for coming and hand over the bag! Hide the balloons until the first guests leaves and then they will head out. The best part of a birthday party is the family time after all the guests have gone home. Have fun and roll with punches sister!
Amy....I love the idea of the chairs in the middle. I think it is great to make someone feel good for giving, as well as receiving. Your little boy is one lucky boy.
He is sooooo adorable! And the gift bags are total winners. Mark me down as another vote for giving out as the guest leaves. Things won't get lost AND it gives the youngster something to ooooh and ahhhhh over on the way home. Thanks for the big goofy grin on my face!
Happy Birthday to sweet Alfredo!!!! Hope you both have a wonderful weekend and enjoy every minute of it!!!! XXOO
I have used the idea of the birthday boy and the gift giver sitting together and it does bring order. I always used the opportunity to take a picture of them both also. Then I used that photo as part of the thank you.
Pass the gifts out at the end : )
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