I got a couple of needlefelting kits for Christmas and...
I'm hooked!

I started with
this kit that my sister Jessica gave me for Christmas. And it was a really good place to start. It was fast, fun, and easy. One day last week while Alfredo napped, I worked on it happily and was finished by the time he woke up. (And I think it was a short nap that day!)
The needles are VERY sharp and barbed so you have to be extra careful. I did poke myself once and it still smarts.
After the cupcake, I was inspired to try
the backyard birds kit that Rich gave me...

It was fun but the results weren't as pleasing to me. They turned out a little off and creepy to me...

But I do like how sweet the bluebird turned out.

I added a bit of color to the cheeks which made it more cute/less realistic. I think that's one reason I liked it better.

After those kits, I was ready to get a little funky...

Okay, maybe A LOT funky. When I was making the swirl of the cupcake frosting, I kept thinking what a fun beehive it would make.

And then I decided to make a bird of my own...

a little Springtime bird with mary janes and a fun hat. Once I got started, it was hard to stop.

I'm having so much fun working in this new-to-me medium. It feels a bit like sculpture and I'm really getting the hang of it, I think.

I even made an itty bitty version.

Here's my little helper...

Thank you all so much for the kindness and encouragement you sent out in your comments and emails. We are so thrilled by our good news and are so happy this new year.

In other news, Alfredo's birthday is coming in less than two weeks. I have some work to do to get ready. First things first...the invitation. Hopefully I'll get those out in the mail today. I'll give you a sneak peek first though.
Oh, and there are just a few stitch kits up at
the etsy shop. This is the last of it...I'm all out of the little books...but I'll start working on another kit soon.
Those big brown eyes melt my little heart. You better watch out when he becomes a teenager, I am not the only girl that is going to fall for them.
Thanks for the felt kit link. My daughter is obsessed with birds. I think those will be fun for us.
Oh my goodness- you just took needlefelting and ran like the wind! Love your chatty phone gal. But the little guy is the cutest thing ever.
I can't believe how good you are at felting already! I love those birds!
Oh I beg to differ with you in that they do not seem creepy in the least. I concur that possibly the colors are not to your liking? These are simply adorable and I look forward to seeing more from you in this new medium. I am amazed that you are "new" to this as they are quite unique and adorable at that!
Oh, so cute! Is everything you do so amazing?!
I love needlefelting, there are some amazing sites on net and places where you can buy gorgeous wool roving, all hand dyed and in merino or angora. Spend an hour or two (or a whole day) googling.
I've done a couple of small bears and a few hearts and small motifs, just play around, its all in the fun. Stock up on lots of spare needles as they are very easy to break if you go in at the wrong angle.
I love your needle-felting. The best ones, I think, are the ones that get closer to the bottom...the blue-footed mama bird and her baby and that darling crazy woman with the red glasses...love her! Isn't it interesting what happens when we learn a skill then just throw our own self into it?
Sweet Alfredo is as cute as ever. I rejoice over your great news...just makes my heart SING!!!
Big Hugs,
P.S. I am getting some nice things from your store! I hope that works out well for you. I love having my choices narrowed down and so far I am going to be making bright fabric flowers and giant pom-poms!
That little lady with the pink hair and the phone is the BEST!
Really adorable and silly - I love it.
Oh my gosh Amy, the needlefelting looks great. I love the birds they look so cute. I love your own birds even better. Love your sister, Jessica
i think the birds are really cute!! now i wanna try!
These turned out ABSOLUTELY ADORABLE!!! Now, I'm feeling like I want to learn! Thanks for the inspiration!
So CUTE! I love the springtime bird with the maryjanes the most-- such sweet details! The beehive hairdo made me smile! So cute!
how fun this post is through and through!
i would love for you to visit and say hi sometime. :)
Ohhhh my gosh Amy ~ they are all sooo adorable...I can see why you are addicted to making them...I think I will have to treat myself to a kit...I love the little chick a dee with her hat & little little chicklet..Alfredo is sooo adorable too...have a honey of a night~sweet dreams! Grace peace & many blessings 2 U, Marlene PS see you soon....
Those birds are wonderful! I do like your versions the best though, VERY cute!
Alfredo is a doll too!
Wishing you all the best,
Your behive girl looks like you at Silver Bella 08!!!
They are not creepy at ALL !! That little Bluebird is absolutely ADORABLE !!! I can't believe how much you've made. Felt must be the new black as it's EVERYWHERE. I am doing a *FELT SMACKDOWN 2010*( do those words even belong together?LOL) Challenge myself. I think you should felt yourself a pink wig ! : )
Those are adorable ....and so is that little helper of yours!
Love love love the beehive lady!!!
Crafting by Candlelight
I see your birds as Alfredo because you used to describe him as a broken winged bird. I love them, especially the mary Jane bird and the mini you!
great needlefelting! i have a rule - never needlefelt and attempt to watch tv at the same time. that needle really hurts!
love that little lady and her phone! love that phone!
Hi from Kana. I talked with you while shopping on the bus tour at Silver Bella. I have a big smile on my face right now, just reading the update on Alfredo. Soooo happy for your family that his father is moving nearby!! Happy Happy New Yr to all of you.
MARGE SIMPSON...the funky woman looks just like her with her beehive hairdo.
I love the birdies, all of them.
Brenda in Canada
Your needlefelting is just adorable...but Alfredo......
well he is just too cute for words!
God Bless you all!
I LOVE the birds you made! Would you consider making them and selling them because I want one!
The beehive lady looks a bit like you at Silver Bella last year with your pink wig. :)
So cute!
bellissimi i tuoi lavori..complimenti!!
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