Let me start from the beginning. Two years ago, something horrible happened to our little Alfredo. Someone threw him in the air and watched him fall to the floor. Some folks say that all things happen for a reason. I don't subscribe to that thought. I don't believe that a sweet little boy's arm would be broken for any good reason. But what I do know is that God makes good things happen from even the worst.
So two years ago, just three days after we became certified to be foster parents, I got a call about this little boy, Alfredo. We were given just a dozen facts about him...his age, his condition, whatever they knew. And then we were asked if we would take him. I felt scared and unprepared but I called Rich, told him what I knew and he said "Let's do it". A few hours later, after a mad dash to Target to buy everything I thought we needed to care for this little boy, we were at the hospital to pick him up.
He had only his hospital gown. I'll never forget how scared we all looked...him and us. He looked up into our faces as he said a sound "Grrrrrr". We told the social workers that he was trying to say something. They looked at their folders and said "No, he doesn't talk." But there he was, trying to say something. Then Rich and I realized that he was trying to tell us that he was hungry.
I remember coming home that night and rocking him in a chair. It was awkward with the huge cast on his arm but that closeness of holding him then bloomed into love for him. If I had to say when exactly the love came, I would say it started that first night when he looked up at me with big eyes and trusted me.
He became so attached that he would cry hysterically when I left the room. So I would make a little nest for him out of blankets and pillows and I would sit beside him and talk and play and read books. I carried him with me everywhere. I had to figure out a way to take a shower, to use the bathroom, to make dinner, to do everything I used to do without even thinking of it.
Those first weeks my life shifted. Things that had been so important before were much less so. All that mattered was him.
Our love for him shaped that year, 2008. That was the year we became parents. That was the year I was given a mother's heart and Rich a father's heart. It is the greatest gift we've ever received and it has changed who we are.
And then late in the year, our little baby left us to live with his father on the other side of the country. Our hearts broke. Our life broke. We didn't know how to go back to the life we had before him. We didn't know what to do.

We started last year off with the thought that maybe we could adopt these three children. That afternoon at the Christmas party wasn't so hard...it wasn't nearly as hard as we thought it would be. Lots of people do it...maybe we could do it too.
We went to California to see Alfredo for his second birthday. He didn't remember us. And he didn't seem like the same little boy. It was as if a light that shone in him before had gone out. It was heartbreaking. It's not that he wasn't cared for while in California...that's not what I'm saying. I just think that everything we were feeling, heartbroken and just plain broken, he felt too. They say that children are resilient. And maybe that's just what it was...he found a way to deal with his pain and it changed him. I think that's what happened.
We left California feeling rather sad. We were glad to see him and loved him more than ever, but, in a way, it seemed that chapter of our life was ending and we had to find a way to move on.
We came back to our life here with the idea that yes, we should adopt those three children. We started taking them every weekend...a little bit longer each time. And soon, very soon, we realized it was not going to be easy. These were broken, angry children. There weren't a lot of tender happy moments yet still we thought we could do it.
I think most children are happy most of the time with bouts of unhappiness or anger. But these three were truly joyless with just tiny bouts of happiness. Instead of us making a difference in their life, it seemed like their joylessness was effecting us. I woke everyday with the prayer that this day will be different...I will be more patient, more loving, more generous. But everyday was a struggle and I remember looking at the situation with fear and confusion thinking "THIS is my life? THIS?" I was beginning to forget myself, started losing myself. And I thought there was no way out.
This is a very difficult thing to talk about. We live in a culture where "doing what feels good" has become a religion. I knew that God often asks us to do more than we think we can. And I stood at the face of this situation with so much guilt because I knew I had to say no.
I'm still struggling with this. There are parts of me that really feel like it was God's will that we open our hearts and home to those three...that we step up as adults and do more than what feels good but what is good.
I learned the most from those difficult months. I understood things in a way I'd never been able to before. I understood depression. I understood being pushed to the point of breaking. I understood feeling like I would never be happy again.
The thought came to me that those three children deserved someone who loves them as much as we love our Alfredo. A dear friend said to me "Amy, I don't think you should do this. I keep waiting to hear you sound happy about it but you don't." I realized that I was about to change my whole life for one reason...charity. These children deserved more.
About that same time, we got a call from Alfredo's father. He asked if we would consider being "co-parents" with him. We didn't know exactly what that meant but we were so excited at the possibility of being a part of Alfredo's life again. We said yes and we could feel the rift between how we felt for this little boy and what we didn't feel for the three. It's so hard to admit to but there it is.
In early May, I boarded a plane for California with my two sisters and my brother and we went to get him. I couldn't believe this was happening. This thing that we wanted more than anything but didn't think we had the right to ask for, was happening. And that's just how it felt...it was like it was happening to us. We didn't force it or make it happen...we just said yes and it happened.
And that's the biggest thing I learned this year. I learned that when you are open to God's will, when you give your problem to Him and allow for Him to work through you, wonderful things happen.
It's been seven months since he's arrived and the light that dimmed in him before is shining brightly. He's so special and we love him so dearly. When the time approached for him to return to his father, we were all set to send him back, knowing that's what we agreed upon. But we worried about what that would do to him. He's so happy and is doing so well here. But this is shared custody and that means he's only with us part of the year.

Here we are on the dawn of this New Year knowing that whatever is in store for us, it is with God's good grace that we live it.
Happy New Year, my sweet friends. Thank you for tagging along on this great adventure and thank you for all your love, support and encouragement as we journey through. I do, indeed, love this life!
ahhh Amy, I just love you! And that sweet little boy, Alfredo!! I really do! God has blessed you!
xo Bryanna
Amy, your words have brought tears to my eyes... you are not only Alfredo's angel, but an inspiring light to all of us. I think the name of your blog means so much more than it did in the beginning!
Enjoy the miracles and everyday blessings, dear friend...
Your words are remarkable. Happy New Year to you & little Alfredo...wishing you lots of blessings in 2010~
Thank you for sharing this journey with all of us, Amy. A very happy 2010 to ALL of you!
the Lord is
so good...
i can't wait
to hear more.
happy everything
to you, amy!
Amy, I continue to be awed by your journey with Alfredo. I still cannot read your words without tears as it brings back so many memories of my own journey with three foster families. And a fit with love is so vital, which is what has happened with your little guy. God bless you all and may 2010 be filled with love and joy.
(I met you at Silver Bella and am Cristin's Mama)
Oh Amy, I am so very happy for you, Rich and little Alfredo! Having his father move out here is the best solution to a difficult situation, and how wonderful that it has worked out that way. May others read your story and be inspired to make a difference some someone's life. You are an angel!
Hugs and Blessings,
Sue E.
Amy...I am so happy it is all working out for the three of you. You deserve that and so much more. Happy New Year!
Oh Amy ... that is amazing! I am so thrilled that Alfredo's father is moving to where you are!
May God's blessings be on your whole family in this upcoming year,
Amy, you and Rich are the most loving, generous, fine people. You brought tears to my eyes with your sweet honesty. Alfredo is a special boy with outstanding parents.
Loved reading this...Happy New Year to all of you.
Thank you for sharing your story. Best wishes for your family in 2010.
Ok, Amy...I am sitting here crying my eyes out! I am so touched by the whole story...though I have heard most of it before. I adore that child...and I have never met him. There is something that just shines through his little pictures and everything you say about him. And, of course, I adore you. You are so sweet and kind and honest and a person who truly strives to follow God and do good in her life. I am so thrilled at this outcome!
God bless you all!
Love and hugs,
I've never met you but I love to read your blog. I have to tell you that I loved this posting. I think you are very brave. I appreciate the honesty and integrity that you live your life with. Isn't having a mother heart the very best thing? There is nothing else like it. The whole range of emotion from joy unparrelled to the famous mother guilt, it's truly an amazing gift from God. Thank you for sharing your story. I wish your sweet family many blessings.
Thank you for sharing your journey with us. Wishing you and your family many more blessings in the coming year!
Happy New Year!
We came very close to adopting a very special needs child. It broke my heart when it did not happen. But, I still feel she came into our lives for a reason. I can now look back through the past 15 years and understand God's direction. Perhaps the path was the only way we would know her and love her enough to pray for her.
Thank you for sharing your story. God does work outside the box, doesn't He?
The way you open your heart, to let us catch a glimpse of someone other than ourselves, truly inspires me. Your honesty to share the details and the tough decisions creates a fullness in my heart that I can't explain. This year has been extremely depleting for our family. Your story has brightened my day that 2010 has the potential to be a better year.
That is just the best news! I am so happy for everyone involved.
oh, amy. i said a prayer for you today (while in line at target!) that alfredo would stay in your lives. then i came home and read this. i am sooooo happy for you, but mostly for alfredo. he deserves this wonderful life you are giving him. yeh 2010!!
You and Rich are angels... here on Earth. May God Bless you and your blended family. Inspirational! We all could take a page from your book. Have a wonderful 2010.
Michelle Fox
This is wonderful news. I just pray that your new arrangement works out well for everyone involved. He sure is a sweetie.
Hi Amy,
I've been reading here for some time but I don't think I've commented except for maybe once or twice. I just wanted to say I enjoyed reading the story here all together. I'd read bits and pieces of it before. I am so glad to hear that Alfedo's father is moving there! It's been neat to see how the Lord has led step by step.
Amy- What an amazing story you are living. I am so beyond happy for you and your little family. May 2010 bring nothing but joy to you all.
What a wonderful and inspirational story. Thank you so much for sharing it with us. Happy New Year!
What a blessing! I will miss having you visit this side of the world but I am so happy knowing you will all be together!
Crafting by Candlelight
Thank you Amy...for sharing, for being transparent, and especially for loving that precious little boy...you are making a difference in the very best of ways!...Happy new year to you all :)
Life is good, for all. Dreams do come true. Hugs.
I hope and pray this all works our for Alfredo and all of his his parents. You are a very special lady - and Alfredo is very lucky to have you in his life.
God bless you all Amy, god does work in mysterious and good ways! Rachaelxo - oh and Happy New Year!
Amy, I've read your blog for a long time and followed your journey of being a foster parent. I never posted a comment before, but I had to say that this is the most wonderful news and the most wonderful post to read on the cusp of the New Year.
May prosperity, health, and the joys of parenting bless you and your family in 2009~
God bless you and Rich and little Alfredo, too. May the Peace of Lord be with you through the coming year, Miss Amy. Love and hugs to you!!!
Congratulations ! I am so glad this has worked out for you and what a blessing for Alfredo ! Happy New Year !!!
This is such a special post; thank you for sharing it. Continued blessings to your family in the new year.
Thank you for sharing Alredo's whole story....he is so blessed to have you and I know what a blessing he is for you. I truly pray that his father moving near you will be an answer to your prayers.
Happy New Year!
Your words are so true. God works in strange ways. Just surrender yourself to him and wow he'll surprise you every time with something so much better than you could imagine. I enjoyed reading your story. Have fun with Alfredo!
Thanks for sharing the latest! I am so incredibly happy for all of you. Alfredo is a very lucky boy! You brought tears of joy to my eyes!
What a wonderful way to end 2009...and an even better way to start 2010!!!
Oh Amy, I so hoped this would happen when you mentioned a while back that Alfredo's father was thinking about moving out your way. And it has! Sometimes it is important to be there, trust, and let it happen. What absolutely wonderful news for all of you - Alfredo, you, Rich and Alfredo's father. He will have the best of all possible worlds.
God Bless you all this year and always.
Ohhh Amy ~ like a few of the women that left messages before me said, I too have tears in my eyes ~ but they are tears of Happiness for you & Rich..You are such a loving & kind hearted gal who blessed sooo many of us in blOZ land with your entries...I am sooo happy that you have been Blessed with the little guy ~ Alfredo...God has chosen the right pair to love & care for him. So I end this message with all the love happiness & blessings sent to You, Rich & Alfredo for a Wonderful Year ahead of you in 2010! Grace Peace Joy & many blessings 2 U, Marlene
Mostly God understands that Alfredo needs a mommy and you are quite a mommy! I will keep you all in my prayers and hope that the move from California is smooth. Not only are you a blessing to Alfredo but to his dad and I am sure he knows that. One of the basic lessons on Sesame Street is families come in all different shapes and sizes.
I will sleep better tonight knowing God and Karma have everything under control even if the big things on this planet still need worked out.
Oh, Amy, I am so very happy for the three of you! God really does work in mysterious ways. xoxo
I think you need to write a book... really...you have an amazing story! You and Rich have allowed God to use you to a mighty way!
Amy, I am so happy for Alfredo to be with you, I pray that he is with you always!!!!
Wishing you sweetness and loving thoughts for 2010!
Margaret B
I got my little kit!!!
Thank you!
Amy, I don't know you but our stories are similar...20 years ago my husband and I adopted two sisters through the foster system. It hasn't always been easy but we know it is what God had planned for our lives. You were so wise to resist the temptation to adopt the three siblings, I am sure you would have done a fine job but parenting is so much more...especially when you adopt a child who is not an infant..The connection, the eyes, the heart are vital. I pray that your little Alfredo will always be near. Many blessings in 2010.
Thank you so much for sharing this, I have wondered about what will happen with Alfredo and worried. Your blog one of my absolute favorites and your writing so good. I'm not good at expressing myself, but just want to say I love you, loved this post, so happy that you will still get to be part of his life.
sometimes life is good and fair. You are evidence of that.
Oh Amy, how generous of you to open your heart in this way to share. I'd been anxious to know what had worked out about family moving close or him going back. This is wonderful news for everyone. Happiest of New Years.
Oh, yay, yay, yay! God is good! Happy 2010, Amy! :)
Amy, you are such a blessing to me, a total stranger. You really are! Thank you for writing this post.
I'm excited that Alfredo's father will be close by. You are so right, look at what God can do when we are open to His will!!
Thanks for opening your heart. Happy New Year!
I have learned over time to leave those prayers open ended because God can work them out even better than what I can ever have imagined! Alfredo is a very lucky and blessed little fellow to have you and your husband to love him and now his dad will have your loving influence in his life as well. My prayers will be with you and yours...
Hi Amy - I have enjoyed reading your 'life's summary'...with teary eyes. I joined you mid-way through this journey so it was nice to hear how it has all flowed together. God does that for us...through the good and the bad, His grace just flows through our life...making it all seem right!
Bless you in this New Year!
My mom, dad, and I just read this and now we are all a mess of sniffles and tears! I am so happy for Alfredo, and for you, and am inspired by your faith. Hope you have a wonderful 2010!! I love you!
Amy...GLORY BE!!! Gods continued blessings to all of you!
I am typing through my tears, Amy. You and your husband have such big hearts to do what you're doing. I have followed your blog for some time and have grown to adore Alfredo and find myself disappointed if you have not mentioned him. I have wondered about the beginning of your relationship with him and want to thank you for sharing.
I'm so glad that he will be close all the time -- his father must realize that Alfredo loves you and blossoms in your love.
God bless you.
What a great read. I have never believed that "all things happen for a reason" either. I just don't. I agree that good things can come from bad situations as you do. How great that his Dad will be moving closer to you. Good luck on your journey!
Amy and Rich,
I am so very happy for you...what an amazing family you are and how lucky that little angel is to have you and his father love him so much! Wishing you a blessed New Year...2010! You are well on her way..
much love and admiration,
Well on your way...oops!
Dear Amy - I started reading your blog after seeing some posts about Silver Bella & I liked your style & thought your blog was so cute! The time I started was the time you were struggling with losing Alfredo & taking on the new kids.
My heart tugged for you & I was blessed to see your faith as you went thru the journey.
After I read your blog entry today I was brought to tears & still am as I am commenting. You see, I am a single woman who loves kids & longs to be a parent so bad. I know God knows my dreams & desires so your story inspires me & helps me grow in my faith even more. I went thru foster care training a few yrs back & I knew it wasn't the right time for me to be a foster parent. Being single, working, and needing lots of support was going to be a major obstacle. After my fingerprints for the background check came back because they were smudged I felt like God closed the door for me.
Here I am a few yrs later still longing to make a difference and love a child that so needs to be loved. I won't give up the dream and glad you have not either!
God made a way, didn't He? God bless you & your hubby for your big hearts, warm home, and love. You are Alfredo's angels! - Angela from Omaha
You left me with chills. Best wishes for a happy, healthy 2010.
A touching story, wonderfully and honestly written, as always. Happy New Year to you and your family :-)
What a beautiful story. As a therapist I worked with many "broken" children stuck in what seemed a hopeless world. I also saw many redeemed through the love of so called strangers (foster parents, theerapists, extended family members) who loved these little ones and brought joy back into their world. God Bless you and you wonderful family! Valerie
Amy, thank you so much for sharing. You are an amazing, awesome woman and Alfredo is one lucky and loved little man. Blessings to all of you!
I was holding my breath all the way to the end, hoping that you had good news. I'm so happy Alfredo's father is moving here. You and Rich and Alfredo clearly belong together!
I have been following your adventure and rooting for you guys. I'm so happy for you.
Oh, Amy, that is beyond wonderful. I have been reading you for several years now and have seen your joy and your pain, and, while I am not a Christian, I have prayed that you'll be able to have Alfredo (so long known to us as "Baby" or the "Little Bird")in your life forever. I hope all this works out exactly as it should for all of you, including Alfredo's dad. Families are made of love, not biology, and I hope this is the perfect family for Alfredo, and all of you-
My eyes are fiulled with tears of joy for you Amy! I am so happy for the change of events and that Alfredo will remain with you!!
So very beautiful. Thank you for sharing with us.
You are so right, Miss Amy. We have no idea what tomorrow will bring. We only know that life is, indeed, a journey. Thank you for sharing yours. You are truly an inspiration.
What an incredible post! If your experience over the past year does not inspire each of us to seek God's will in our lives, what will? Amazing! Sounds like incredibe things are on the horizon for you in 2010! Thank you for sharing!
So happy, Amy, to read of your joy and the promise of Alfredo's future with you. What a wonderful to begin the new year.
Love, Carol
What a remarkable story. I'm so happy I stumbled upon your blog today. God bless you and your family.
you have such a beautiful caring heart amy. happy new year!
Your story brought tears to my eyes! You are so loving and so brave to be sharing this with us! I believe it's destiny that Alfredo's dad is moving close by! You two deserve to have a loving son! all the best in the new year and I can't wait to see you in June!
Sandy xox
This is my first visit to your blog. Thank you so much for sharing so openly. God does indeed give us difficulties in life to love. I am so happy for you and your little one. I will be checking back to see how this arrangement works.
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
Oh Amy! Tears are pouring down my face. I'm SO happy for you and Rich!! This is the best news! I'm so very happy for you!!!!
Dearest Amy,
I've been reading your blog for so long now and just love it! You are such a doll and I've loved hearing your story about Alfredo. I'm typing with tears hearing how the Lord is working everything for good for you who love Him (love that scripture in Romans)! You are so precious. Thanks for sharing!
I'm soo happy that things are working out so well! God is good, isn't He?! Thank you for sharing your home, your story, and your faith. It's so encouraging to me today.
well, that is just so precious...i've been reading your blog for years...i love the story you shared and your real feelings...even the ones that were hard to share...bless you for doing so...we all have things that are hard to share and many of us just don't...happy new year. can't WAIT! to see what God has in store for you this year...
I'm so, so, so, so happy for you!!
I hope 2010 is the best year ever for you, Amy! I am so happy for you. Alfredo is so precious! Did he like the Christmas Book I sent him? Hope so...
If I can see through my tears I'll leave a comment...God's blessings to you sweet friend, today and the many days left of 2010. Thank you for sharing your heart, you have a gift and I'm thankful that you give us insights into your heart and life. You are such an inspiration.
All I can say is, you are amazing.
I have read your blog for sometime. Not only are you so creatively talented but, you have a heart of Gold. I can tell you speak from your heart. I cried too when I read your post. What a year you have had.. I have seen the cute pictures of Alfredo. He is blessed to have you in his life. I know you have made a difference. You have learned some great lessons of life. Letting go and doing God's will is not always easy. I know this too.. I love that you have a wonderful attitude about life and that you seen the goodness in all that you go through. God Bless you and your Family. Thank you!
Hi Amy, I having been a fan of yours for several years now, I have to say that I am really moved by this story and wish you and your family all the best in this new year!
Dear Amy,
Like the other's have said, I a bursting with tears and love for you and your family! You deserve all the best! 2010 is going to be a very good year!
xo suzanne
Congratulations, Amy, this is the best of news!
I'm so glad I stopped by this morning to read your uplifting story. You and your husband are such loving, exceptional people! I know this year will be full of adventures now that you have your little Alfredo back in your lives.
Is is so powerful for you to share your story - so candidly. I believe that you started loving him the moment you were born - love was always growing in your heart. The three that you write of - I pray they found the right fit.
Wow, thank you for sharing this. God bless.
God Bless you all! What a wonderful and touching story.
He is amazing in His ways!
Dear Amy,
I started looking through your blog (via Tara Frey's book), browsing through the lovely photos and art. And then I came upon your beautifully honest and tender testamony about the trials of fostering Alfredo and the potential of others. I am very moved by your words and pray that you and your husband have a 2010 filled with the same love and generosity you give.
Urbana, IL
Joyful, light, Holy and full of grace!
I am so happy for you.
Listening to your story, each chapter for at least four years now. As each chapter unfolded I prayed.
This chapter oh this chapter:
Joyful, light, Holy and full of grace! I pray.
You are so deserving: Beautiful Amy!
Aw, dear Amy -- I'm so happy for all of you. What great news. xoxo
I'm sitting here sniffling as I share a little of your joy of Alfredo. Hugs to all three of you!
OMG now I am totally hooked, what a beautiful story! I am so glad I found your blog (via Jenny at Allsorts, she says Hi btw!).
Love you and and your amazing lil family xx
So so so so so happy for all of you<3 What an amazing story, thank you for sharing. Now I'll rush to my blog and tell not only about you, your fantastic blog, but definetely about your magazine. It's amazing! So glad I found you!
I have never responded to a blog before, but yours has truly blessed me. We are the parents of 2 biological and two adopted children. We fostered for two years before adopting our children. They came to us a sibling group. We have now had them for almost 9 years. Many, including physicians, continue to tell us due to the abuse and drugs they are "broken". I believe we serve a God who heals the "broken". Even in the toughest of times, I remind my babies they were born in heart, not below it. God has a plan for each of these babies. We just must be patient enough to allow His glory to shine. It is always great to know their are others walking in your shoes.
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