Wednesday, October 24, 2007

pink tree love

I just had a fabulous lunch with my fabulous friend Lorraine. I love spending time with her! She makes me want to use words like fabulous.

I'm so loving the pink tree that's appearing on the cover of the holiday issue of Blueprint...oh, it's so, well, fabulous! And pretty.


Anonymous said...

What a fab tree! I NEED that magazine! I'm just loving the eye-candy on your blog, Miss Amy!~~~XXOO, Beth

Flea Market Queen said...

fabulous indeed!

Anonymous said...

Amy, that true looks so perfect for you--I can see it now all "Amy-fied."

Diane said...

Love the pink. My daughter and I went shopping last weekend and we got her a little pink tree about 12 inches tall for her bedroom for the holidays. She was so excited!

Anonymous said...

Perfect for the girly girl.

VĂ¢nia said...

There's no BluePrint in here... :(

Brooke said...

Oh, I love that cover! I haven't seen that issue around my area yet. I'm going to have to go looking!

Tutti Chic said...

I'm running out to pick it up NOW!!! LOL!

Parisjasmal said...

I posted about this very tree this week too. It is so cool and well..fabulous!

You have a very cool blog!

Have a great day!
Jen and MonkeyPosh