1. I talk to my mother on the phone every single day. We talk about anything, everything, and nothing. Sometimes the call lasts for 5 minutes. Sometimes the call lasts an hour and 5 minutes. If I initiate the call, I must also be the one to say goodbye. I sometimes forget this rule (her rule) and we talk even longer because she'll never say "Well, I'll talk to you later" or "I have lots to do...I'd better get started" unless she called me.
2. I like to be surprised but I also really like to figure things out. If you really want to surprise me, then don't even let on that there is to be a surprise. I will find it and then I'll wish I hadn't.
3. I drive like a little old lady.
4. When I was little, I was known as the one who could find things. I had a keen memory for where I last saw the scissors or hammer or an odd sock. If something went missing, they'd ask me. I'd think for just a minute and then run to find it. The same thing might happen now but it's because I never put things back in their proper place...Rich always does...so if something's out of place, it is nearly always my fault. Sometimes it is the house fairies'.
5. I like to order a coca-cola with a cherry in it. Try it next time you're at a restaurant with a bar. I've never had anyone say they couldn't do it and nobody has ever charged me extra.
6. I took my friend Lorraine to Neiman Marcus cafe this week just so I could have some of that monkey bread and pink butter. If you haven't tried this treat, you really must. Next time you're near a NM with a cafe, just pop in for a pot of tea. They will give you the roll and pink butter regardless of what you order.
7. I ate one of those crab apples yesterday and it indeed took me back 30 years. I closed my eyes and pretended to be back there, my hair in twin braids, happy and free. A time machine disguised as an apple...imagine that.
Such a sweet post. :)
I drive like an old lady too. :)
Have a happy weekend Amy !
You are the sweetest!
Love your photos of your smiley face...always makes me smile right back.
What enjoyable things to learn about you--numbers 3 and 5 are things I do, too. Thank you for sharing these little tidbits.
You do realize you never have to put a tag of which one you are in an old photo - your sweet smile is evident immediately. I love your list and can't wait to try ordering a coke with a cherry in it! Yum!
So fun to share a coke with a cherry in it, last time I visited you -- thanks for playing along today!
Monkey Bread...Yummy!
Off to NM I go...
Oh that Pamela Jane!!
Monkey bread with pink butter? Sounds delish! I think I'll have to take a trip to NM...
Nice blog.All looks like beautifull.Have a good life...
I love the part about your conversations with mum, so sweet. About the coca-cola with cherry, do you have cherry coke over there? or is it not the same?
I'm intrigued by the roll and pink butter. I used to like going to their cafe for corn chowder. It was the best.
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