Lately when a friend calls and says "Hey, Amy, whatchadoin?" my answer has been a steady "making houses". I really should say "I'm playing" because that's what it feels like. I love making these houses so much.
My father used to set up a village scene every year under the Christmas tree. We'd go to bed as he was hammering at the plyboard platform he remade every year, with the smell of spray paint and reindeer moss in the air.
And we'd awake the next day to a magical little town, complete with a working railroad and a train that whirled around "chuga chuga chuga choo choo!" disappearing in a tunnel only to reappear on the other side. Did a burst of steam really puff out of it? Did I imagine that?
He set up roads with cars and ponds with skaters. And dotted along the imaginary neighborhoods were people going about their imaginary business, frozen in place. Or was it? The real magic of it was that the whole town came to life. The newspaper boy threw the paper into the bushes. The children laughed and played stick ball. The cows gently mooed and the horses galloped in circles.
I would sit and watch this sweet little town with its sparkly stars courtesy of the Christmas tree above. I longed to play with it. "Look with your eyes, not your hands" was the strict rule. Punctuate that rule with the fact that the railroad sometimes let out an electrical shock and, well, I don't think I ever did touch it.
This is one reason why I do love making these houses so very much. The 8 year old Amy comes alive in me and plays with a magical neighborhood. When the tiny little man tips his hat hello, she smiles and curtseys back. She tells him how lovely his gumdrop tree is looking. And when she sees the newlyweds sitting on their front steps ankledeep in fresh fallen snow, she smiles too at the sweetness of it all.

These houses and dozens more are for SilverBella.
What wonderful memories, love the houses that you make ! Thanks , so much for sharing. :) I adore my tiny little glitter house!
What fun it will be when your village comes alive at Sliver Bella :)
Oh Amy! The swoon factor with these houses is really high! Absolutely adorable. I can relate with the "making houses" comment. Everytime anyone calls me and asks what I am doing I say "Sewing".
Your houses are amazingly sweet! I love how sparkly they are! Thank you for sharing them with us.
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the houses. What a wonderful Christmas memory to share. I want to go to Silver Bella! (someday)
What a lovely story and it's especially poignant because you are continuing your father's tradition.
Oh Amy, they are charming!
I love the sentiment behind them too.
I love the the houses!
Could they be any sweeter...
Hello from Toronto,
I love your houses, lovely!
Hi Amy
We had little houses that were set up at Christmas as a village on a piece of fabric that was a cross between cotton batting and felt that I loved. Thanks for bringing back the memories
Amy, Amy, Amy! So very pretty and magical! Do you make the little figures too?
I love this story, it's great to hear how you fell in love with the little houses. miniature villages. Your father sounds like a wonderful creative and inspiring man. I can see how you spark through your words while making them, you did a fantastic job...love the gumdrop trees in particular.
Wonderful to know there are little lives going on in there, unseen...Can't wait to see them in person. I'll be happy to have my voucher in hand for that. Which one? which one? oh, my. Bring plenty!
Your houses are so sweet! Thanks for sharing the memories behind them!
Amy, your houses look beautiful and what wonderful childhood memories.
I love those old houses--the sparkly-ness is so perfectly party of the magic of Christmas.
By the way, a lot of those old train sets actually did have "smoke" coming out of the stack!
I love these little glitter houses! Reminds me of my childhood.
~Cathy Nash
Oh Amy your little houses are adorable. I love the story about making them with your Dad.
Ohhhhhhhhhh the houses are SO cute!! LOVE them! I made one last year for a seminar that we hold every year, our customers LOVED it...but mine didn't compare to yours! But it wasn't so shabby for my first one! Your's are AWSOME!!!!
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