First, at the scrapbook store, I browsed the aisles looking for beautiful papers. Ideas fluttered into my head and it was lovely just to be out and about.
As I was checking out, I was invited to create the "make and take" project...

It was instant creative gratification. I especially loved using ordinary coarse sandpaper to distress the edges of the patterned textured papers. I hadn't tried that before but I can't wait to apply that tecnique to some projects in the works.
When I have time (and even sometimes when I don't!) I walk nearly every aisle over at the craft store. I know that store by heart and I love finding new things...

Like these ribbons wound on little bobbins! They call them "Jam Ribbon" and display them with jars with the idea that you can fill jars with them. Talk about eye candy! If you have trouble finding the display in your store, look on every endcap. At my store they were in the floral department endcap.
I also picked up these sweet little Valentine tins...

They are for packaging the new batch of Valentine charm bracelets due to arrive this week. How's that for letting the cat out the bag? I can't wait to see them...and I know you are anxious too. The price will be a bit higher to reflect the increasing costs for Melissa to make them. I know you can appreciate how much work goes into them, let alone in finding all the little bits and bobs. She's a genius at it but good golly, it's bound to add up.
A trip to the craft store can fill your heart and soul with ideas and inspiration, can't it? I can wander around for hours. Scrapbook stores, too. I hope the Micheal's stores in Canada carry the jam ribbon... and that I can get past all of this snow to buy some!
your creation is gorgeous!! I love craft classes like that!
You managed to buy lots of fun goodies too!
Oh, I absolutely love those ribbons!!!
I read your blog daily and tryly enjoy every moment...thanks
Started my own just a few weeks ago and have new respect for all bloggers
WOW! What great stuff. I have an appoinment after work but I think I need to go to M's and check it out. I am a ribbon addict and those ribbons are making my mouth water.
I can't wait to see the new stuff you have in the works for the store. YUMMY! I feel all valentiney inside!
Can you share who makes the jam ribbon? Do you know if it's available online?
The jam ribbon has Michael's name on it.
Honestly, I think they take the Offray ribbon that they sell and just wind it on an unfinished bobbin that they sell too. You could make them, but at just $1.99 each I figured I'd just buy them.
pure eye candy! My Michael's doesn't have fabulous finds like that. But now I can't wait to go and check!! Think I'll need to make a visit tonight.
Can't wait to see what you have planned with those heavenly pink pom poms.
those ribbon bobbins are from michael's! it's all about packaging isn't it? those are so vintage-y looking. i'll have to make the trek and see for myself.
I am drooling over the M's ribbon. I made a trip to my local and can't find them...will have to check again tomorrow. I am also a ribbon (and paper) addict! Thanks for sharing, Amy. Your blog is one that I check daily. Love it.
So many pretties! I can't wait to go to Michaels next week. I hope there is some left for me. Jen
Ah-ha...found the ribbons at Micheals today. Had to do two jars as I love the pinks but only have the guest room to use that color! :) So did a jar of reds and blues for the family room. Way FUN! and springy looking.
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