Wednesday, January 7, 2009

building a house...

About a month ago, I received an exciting email from Tim Holtz asking me to be a participant in the Ranger Ink CHA Designer Challenge. Of course, I said yes. I think I must've been the first to respond...maybe just 3 minutes after the email was sent.

The challenge was to fashion a house of whatever style we fancy using Claudine Hellmuth's Studio line of paints and brushes and sticky back canvas. All of the supplies, including the fabulous paints, were provided. All I had to do was build a house.

Using a paper mache rectangle as the base and chipboard for the roof. I painted a sheet of the sticky back canvas and then cut it into strips to use for the siding. I applied the siding from the bottom up, overlapping the edges to mimic siding of a real house. I added a door and windows and flowerboxes, all made with the sticky back canvas.

I put flowers in the flower box and a little clay birdy. The doorknob is a shiny button and the topiaries are vintage pom-poms.

The whole business got a coat of glitter, because it didn't seem complete without it. Although, in retrospect, I miss seeing the quality of the paint on canvas which gave the piece so much charm. If I were to do it over, I'd only glitter the flowers and the trees, I think.

It was a real joy working with Claudine's Studio line, especially the paints. They are so pigment rich!

So here is the final result, shipping out today to {hopefully} make the Friday deadline.


Anonymous said...

It is exquisite. I love that your definitive style comes through. It's just so you. The little bluebird just about made me squeak. I've been looking forward to try Claudine's new line, now we know more about it. Thank you!

claudine hellmuth said...

Amazing!! i am so excited you could do the project!!!

Anonymous said...

What a blessing to work with all this fabulous products. And FREE!! WOW....Your house is very says..."come on in"!

Anonymous said...

I just love it. I love your color selection. Too too too cute. Take Care.

Lovie said...

O wow Amy, you've done it again, you've blown the top off the cute-o-meter! How do you do that?! Will we be seeing this somewhere in the near future in a publication?

La Donna Welter said...

Love your little house! So very, very sweet!

Whosyergurl said...


Anonymous said...

That wee house is so beautiful and you are so amazingly fortunate to get the freebie challenge - you'll make us all turn green (glittery of course) with envy!

cyndi said...

this is beautiful! i love it!!!

Unknown said...

My goodness! I would live in that pink house! And I just saw your photo and am in love with your pink coat--what style! You must (well, you don't have to) be a guest on Eye on Style!

Please email me at so I can fill you in if you're hopefully interested.

xo Mary Jo

Kathleen Grace said...

Absolutely darling! I love the glitter:>)

charlotte said...

It's beautiful, Amy! I made a pink one too!
I'll be thinking of you on your journey to see Baby. Happy birthday to your sweet lil guy. And of course, he will run to you! xoC

Anonymous said...

Best wishes for a Happy Birthday reunion with Baby!

Anonymous said...

Oh, your house is gorgeous! It doesn't get any better than pink and sparkly!

Debe said...

How do you get it all so sparkly?? How delightful it is!!
Hope the visit with Baby is as delightful as you deserve it to he has grown so much!

Saucy said...

Perfectly perfect! I like to hear when pigments are of good quality and nice to work with.