20 answers: no. 4
Anonymous asks...What kind of camera do you use to take such fabulous pictures?
A. First of all, thanks so much for thinking my pictures are fabulous. I just have an old Sony Cybershot (I think it's 7 years old... that's ancient in digital camera years!) The one really good thing about it is that it has a Carl Zeiss lens. I guess I could go on using this rusty old camera but I have my eye on this newer version. I have to use a big camera that I can really hold. I can't do anything with those dinky credit card size spy cameras.
Also, I use a lot of natural light and never use the flash. If it's a yucky grey day, well, I just don't take pictures unless I absolutely have to. Oh, and one more thing...I always adjust the levels in photoshop. It's like lifting off a layer of grey...magic!
p.s. Just to emphasize how unspecial the camera is, it looks like it might be going on ebay here for about $10. Geezy pete!
I have a friend who teaches photography at the community college. I asked her what kind of camera to buy. She said whatever you get, choose a Carl Zeiss lens for the clearest photos. I think she is so right. I never would have guessed all those great pics were from a 7 year old camera.
I have this same camera and it is awesome. I can't beleive you are selling it for only $10.00. Great deal.
oh, no...I'm not selling the camera. I just found it on ebay this morning. I'm keeping mine, at least until I get a replacement!
I have a question for you. On the whole, do you get inspired to create a project from looking at the crafty things you have, or do you have an idea for a project and go get the things for it. Or, do you do what I sometimes do, and buy things 'just because' and find that a use for them suggests itself later?
i came to tell you how much i love inspired ideas....totally gets me out of a creative rut, but i just have to giggle at this post about your old camera. it made me smile
have a great day!
Wow, your good eye makes the biggest difference... as well as your PhotoShop knowledge... I seriously need to take a course in Photoshop!!!
I really enjoy your blog and photos!
I agree, flash photography is for the birds! It just makes everything look awful... I never turn mine on, either.
I love my old camera, too... the only thing the old ones don't have is lots of megapixels!
I agree about the Carl Zeiss lens. I have a Cybershot the is at least 8 or more years old. I still use it because of the lens quality. I definitely will replace it with another Cybershot with Carl Zeiss lens!
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