Recently, three of the original members have created a brand spanking new community to empower and inspire women entrepreneurs. It's called Women Take Wing. I have great hopes for it. I think the spirt of it is strong and encouraging. It is already a vibrant and active site...and it just opened!
If you have a business and a dream for it to grow, take wing! And find a whole community of kindred spirits who'll help you through. Click here to see what I mean.
Amy, this post couldn't come at a better time. Just last night, I was describing (for the billionth time) to my dear boyfriend the type of business I want and he finally snapped and said, "What are you waiting for!? Just go do it! It's not going to magically happen on its own!" As someone who has a huge passion but absolutely no entrepreneur background, I really appreciate that link.
The Business of Bliss had a huge effect on my career. It helped me see my occupation (private music teacher)as a Blessing, and my personal unique contribution to my community. Years later, I still keep my copy of the book in my teaching studio :)
Thanks for the link!
Thanks for the link, Amy. I will definitely check it out. I loved
Victoria magazine and the Business of Bliss book is one of my favorites.
i treasure my b of b book and had many of the women featured in it autograph their page at the seminars. so glad victoria is coming back, hope it will be as fabulous as when nancy lindemeyer was editor! thanks for the link too!
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