I am so inspired to make a little pink house of my own. So today I found this sweet tiny cottage for only $12!
It's just a kit but I think since it is so small I should be able to handle it. I am so taken with the idea of creating such a sweet little house. It's not going to be fussy and "don't touch!"...do you know what I mean?
It will be pink, no doubt. And will have a picket fence and window boxes like Jenny's.
Inside the walls will be covered with something like this:
I'm so excited. When I was little I had an issue of Holly Hobbie's magazine (I can't find anything about this magazine anywhere but it was wonderful. I remember that it had a picture of a little girl in a tree swing with long pigtails.) There was an article in the magazine about making a real miniature garden. It was wonderful with tiny little baby lettuces. I can see it now in my mind's eye. Oh, I wish I could find that magazine. Wouldn't it be fun to have a real garden with a real miniature harvest? Isn't it scary how carried away I'm getting? :)
Hey thanks! Your little cottage will be so adorable! I love that wallpaper design, cute and retro at the same time. Can't wait to see it completed!
I want to make one too! And I'm going to keep it for me, just me!
Hi there, I was wondering if you would mind sharing where you found that little doll house kit? That is about the right size for me too! yescerri@yahoo.com
Thanks so much!
Oh that is so inspiring!! I want one too.
I love Holly Hobbie's illustrations - I have some of her books but have never heard of her having a magazine (that would be a cool find indeed!) this post brings back sweet childhood memories!
Where did you find that amazing wallpaper? It's really amazing.
Hi everyone. Here's a link for the dollhouse since I bought mine from an ebay auction. http://www.bellaminiatures.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=9310
The wallpaper is really scrapbook paper. Here's a link to the company that makes it.
I bought it from a really wonderful paper arts store called Cami's Paperie.
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