Saturday morning, after breakfast, I set up their Valentine gifts in the living room. Originally I'd thought about putting the gifts at the breakfast table but reconsidered since that would probably mean less eating and more playing.
The boys got similar ball toys...both were big hits and since the balls were interchangeable, they shared so nicely.

Miss Pink got Pinkalicious, which really seems to have been written just for her! She also got 4 little princess figures. Best of all, she got a little mouse made especially for our little princess by my friend Charlotte.

Today I'm going to work on getting her room ready. I'm going to add scallops to her wall top and maybe even move the bed in there.
I know you'd love to know more about these little ones. I have to be careful not to disclose too much information but there is a chance that they will be with us forever. Right now we're just taking it a day at a time, getting to know them and letting them get to know us. It's going to take a lot of time for them to learn to trust us and feel safe. Unfortunately, they've been in so many homes in their short lives. They deserve better and I hope we're able to give it to them.
oh my goodness! forever? even a hope of that is something very,very special indeed. i admire you that you could keep up with the meals, dishes and even LAUNDRY! my lucy is almost 14 months and we don't even have that rhythm yet. i try not to beat myself up too much about it. their only young once right?
"If you love until it hurts, there can be no more hurt, only more love.”
Mother Theresa and mantra of mamas everywhere.
Oh, I'm so excited for you- I admire your willingness to open your heart and your home to those little ones- and isn't pinkalicious a FUN book?!
I think you are such a wonderful woman to open your heart to these small little ones!! I look forward to your updates and pray that the Lord is with you each moment. Blessings and Hugs!!
Your post this morning brought a tear to my eye and joy to my heart when I read the word forever. Twenty-two years ago my daughter came to me from South Korea, at the age of 3 months, and changed my life forever! My little girl, without a doubt, has been the greatest blessing of my life. I hope you will know the joy, love and fulfillment I have from being her mom, three fold! God bless you and Rich!
I have been reading for a long time, but this is my first time commenting. You and your husband are the most amazing, open hearted and kind people ever! Your posts on your little baby that first came to stay with you brought me to tears.
I have no doubt that these three already love you and I hope that all of you get the settled, loving family that you so deserve. You inspire me!
I hope that whatever you want to happen, does happen and all of you be very, very happy! They are lucky little ones.
Oh, what a wonderful weekend you had with your 3 little ones! And the thought of 'forever' brought joy to my heart. The love that fills the hearts of you and your husband cannot help but inspire trust and love in these little children. Patience and time will cement that bond.
Bless you.
When I read the word 'forever' my heart just went all flip-floppy. xoxo the fan
Thats wonderful news. I do loving hearing about your journey! My husband, 6 yr old and I might take a similar path in the near future and I am so inspired by you. All the best ~*~
Keep your updates coming. You are very inspiring. I hope forever comes true. I'm sure up above is looking out for them and will make it all right.
Love that little mouse!
Wow- exciting things are afoot! If Pinky likes Pinkalicious, then she may love the Fancy Nancy books. My daughter is 4 and she is having a love affair with those books right now. (Target also has a cute line of Fancy Nancy stuff.) They are the perfect books for a girly girl!
Keep us posted- I'm so happy for you!
:) I'm so happy for you and Rich! I feel like I know the both of you I have followed your blog for so long...Pinkalicious is Isabella's favorite book, we have read it and "loved" it so much that I have had to repair many of it's pages with Scotch tape :) I love that.
You humble and inspire me. Those little ones are blessed to have you in their life.
-Leigh Ann
oh! that would be wonderful if it was forever!!! Pinkalicious is a favorite with our daughters. We sometimes read it everyday!!! Keep us updated and i am praying for you!
Those babies are so blessed to be in your home, whether it's for a weekend or forever. Reguardless of the outcome they will remember what kind of effort and love you are showing them. Becoming a forever family is so priceless.
A family member of mine has gone through almost the same path as you have. She had two little ones for a year and a half before they went back to their parents. It was a tough time, but I am happy to say they are now the proud parents of FOUR siblings, and have never been happier. I know you will find the same happiness.
Crossing my fingers and wishing for things to work out "forever"! It's always so sad to hear of little ones being abused and shuffled from house to house. I would love to see them end up with YOU!
God Bless!
What luck for those children to have landed safely in your home! You and your husband truly are their angels.
Maybe even forever? I read that and happy tears sprang to my eyes. How wonderful. God bless you...
Oooh, such exciting news! Well, exciting dream of a wish of news, since it is not for certain yet, I don't want to jinx anything. I have really enjoyed reading about your ups and downs and the whole process. I am contemplating now, with my husband, foster care and the prospect of adoption from foster care. Your blog has been a good counterbalance to the more clinical agency websites and their exceptionally negative tone about difficulties and RAD and the like. I know those things are there and true and not to be ignored but it is nice to be able to read also about positive and rewarding experiences. Thanks for that!
Sounds very special! I'm loving that little mouse! Can I get three of them?? Does your friend make them to sell? I'm really wanting some!
Pinkalicious is a favorite here too. You can buy matching PJs from the Signals catalog. Very cute!
I am following your blog with all of my heart. My husband and I were able to adopt our two girls so your story is very dear to us. We are praying with you for all that is good for these three little ones. Blessing to you and to Rich, Kris in Iowa
I need to find a copy of Pinkalicious for myself! I'm so happy you had a good weekend...I was thinking of you.
What a sweet word forever is and this will be my prayer for your new family. I think they will be very blessed if their forever is with you.
I am sure there is no home those babies will want to live in more then yours. You've made it such a happy and whimsical place for children, and most importantly a safe place for them! Blessings to you and those well deserving of love babies! Stacey
Oh, I hope you can keep them, Amy. What lucky little children they will be. I'll be keeping my finger's crossed for you.
Bless You. I hope it happens for you and them. It would be wonderful for them to be a part of your world forever.
I hope you get to keep them. They deserve to have a family like yours and you deserve to be their mommy.
so beautiful amy! Little miss sweetpea's favorite books are the fancy nancy series. I think your little love would enjoy them too.
I have found you blog by accident. I am so moved by your commitment to children. May God bless you and your husband in your loving efforts. I am amazed by all of your artistic creations. But more amazed at the happy, healthy, home you are creating for children in need! Kudos to you for enriching young lives! Barb
My last comment was on the first post of yours I'd ever read. I realize now that the room isn't for your daughter - yet. May God bless each of you as you make big decisions and adjustments in the coming days.
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