First, I want to let you know that the very first picture I took to show you the new look was a little misleading. It was taken from the foyer, looking into the room. It made it appear that it was one long is just a room that's open to the foyer but defined by some columns.
Anyway, this is more like how it really looks.
Isn't this the cutest little house? It reminds me of Snoopy's house and how I used to draw that same picture of Snoopy reclining on top of it over and over. I think that was 1980. I like that memory. See this chandelier lamp?
For years now I've been obsessing about making one. I'm not 100% happy with how this turned out...I'm thinking I might paint the chandelier and the bridge lamp part the same color to make it more cohesive. I first saw the idea in a Nell Hill decorating book and knew instantly that I wanted one. I searched high and low and never found one that either I liked or could afford. My friend Irene donated the bridge lamp part and I bought the little chandelier from Walmart for about $30. The prisms are all plastic...maybe someday I can dress it up with real ones. For now though it'll have to do.
I bought these chairs YEARS ago when nobody knew a thing about ebay. Hundreds of these chairs were being sold in pairs from some dealer who bought the lot from the Ritz Carlton. I think they were $60 for the pair, including shipping.
I'm thinking of tipping my hat to the wood stain and painting them a happy, surprising color. Perhaps periwinkle. I'm still thinking of that periwinkle/red combo that the rooms at the Metro were sporting. So fun.
And these bare windows? Hello, neighbor.
We are planning to cover them with plantation shutters. Rich was all onboard until he saw the price. I have some work to do there. The poor dear's eyes turned into dollar signs just like on the cartoons.
Also inspired by the decor at the Metro Hotel, I decided I absolutely needed to dress the windows in floor to ceiling drapes. When I couldn't find my dream, red curtains, in the length and shade I needed, within my price range, I decided that I liked the idea of keeping it all light and bright and opted for Ikea's grommeted drapes in ivory. The quality is surprisingly good for the price...and you can hem the length to precisely what you need using the hem tape they conveniently include. We installed their curtain wire to hold them up. The whole contraption fell on us 4 times but I do think it's up there for good now. We must never, ever let Rich catch us playing hide and seek behind them though. But really, is there a better hiding spot in the world?
Can you tell how giddy I am today? Due in part to an overdose of caffeine this morning supplemented by motivation to get stuff done, but mostly because I'm feeling so very excited about my beautiful life and the sweeties that are about to fill every square inch of it. Can you feel the excitement? Sometimes it's happy excitement....sometimes it's panic. Yesterday panic. Today sheer excitement.
Let me get my hiney in gear and tick some of these things off my list, for crying out loud. I'll check in again after the weekend to show you pics from the hoedown.
Hi Amy,
Just dropping a note to say how Wonderful everything truly have a very sweet & loving home - definitely a home that is filled with candy for the eyes - everywhere you look there is something are an inspiration to us all - whether it bee creativity or just being YOU a loving & caring person...."ENJOY" every moment of your Nesting....many blessings...
peace joy & luv 2 "U" :O)
you have such a wonderful eye for colors and patterns! that room is perfection. i'm not usually a bright color-person, but i adore your room!
I see joy and love in your room. It is obviously a cozy home filled with laughter and good feelings. You inspire me to do the same in my home. I want people to feel the same way when they walk through my doors. You are SO creative and have the "touch" for decorating. Good luck this weekend! Mary Sue
I really, truly can feel your excitement and I'm so happy for you. I look forward to hearing all about your days with the new wee ones!
Oh Amy! your house is just so beautiful and happy lookin'! Thanks for sharing all your redecorating it's very inspiring! Those three little ones are just the luckiest to be coming to your home. Can't wait to hear about your adventures with them!
I really love chandelier lamp...what a clever idea! And I love the ikea pillow in the center of your sofa. I kept wanting to buy it, but I didn't know where to put it. I should have bought it anyway! Your room is so cheerful!
I am so very excited for you!!!
I have followed along with your blog and purchased gifts from your store for quite some time...
My heart was broken when your little guy returned to his Dad. My heart rejoices with you now!!! I cannot wait to hear more stories about your little ones and see pictures of the small little stains that will soon fill your new drapes and glass coffee table :-).
Congratulations ~ what lucky little children!!!
p.s. I love your living room re-do!!! Cannot wait to see the kids rooms.
I somehow found my way here...don't ask me how for I do not know. But I really enjoyed looking at your bright cheerful living room and your writing style makes me smile. Thanks for sharing.
Your home looks like such a fun place. I love being invited in for a visit through your blog. By the way, I LOVE that you're NOT afraid of color!
Your house looks so *!HAPPY *! Amy. A perfect place to play...
I like the periwinkle idea but I like bright yellow or orange too for that chair. Or how about mixing it up a bit and really make it fun -- polka dots, stripes and colors to go with everything. A really happy chair that every kid will fight to sit in...
Unless it's the time out chair...
I've found your blog two days ago and I just can't stop reading. It is so amazing. I feel like I just become a part of your daily life and looking forward to hear from you. Because of the time difference I have to wait all day for the new post :) Anyway I just wanted to say you are doing such a great thing by being a foster family. I agree that your love will be multiplied with each child comes to your life.
I have one suggestion about living room which looks so sweet. You will have 3 toddlers in that house at the same time, who will play with each other, run after each other all day, inside the house and I thought that the coffee table in the middle might cause some accidents while they run. It is quite tricky to keep 3 toddlers under control all the time.
I wish you all the best
Amy I saw the perfect drapes for you at IKEA yesterday! they had rick rack and ribbon and red, oh I will try to find them on the website.
How truly delightful it looks! I would be so Happy living there!
What a happy room!
Such a happy looking house! What a wonderful way to welcome your new family members into your home!
Loving the "house/home" theme, I vote to paint the chairs! or at least add it to the list! :)
I too love following your life Amy the highs the lows and the sweetness in which you fill your home but above all the grace in which you do it.
You probably need some "chilling out" time. I know I do... still recovering from the holiday rush, having a baby 3 months ago, etc... You've had plenty going on so enjoy tinkering in your cute home!
Why do I cry every time I visit your blog? Your tender heart moves me. I wasn't good at appreciating kids until I had my own (and now I am just amazed at the beautiful creations they all are). You have a beautiful gift and I'm so glad you are compelled to share it with little ones. If I were a child walking into that room I would think I had just walked into the best dream.
OMG, I love it all! So bold and fun. I just ordered a heart with wings from Catherine at Red Shoes! Looks like you already love her stuff too.....those houses are so cute on the wall. Great job! charming and FUN! The kidlings are going to LOVE it! In fact, I'm going to show your pics to my 6 year old to see if they provide any inspiration for her new room or our new school room. I usually gravitate more towards neutrals (with some aqua added in here and there if it looks vintage-y enough), but this is absolutely delightful! Go for the periwinkle on the chairs! I think you'll love it! We had some old wood high chairs hanging around in storage, and I pulled them out and painted them a soft aqua for our toddler, and we all love them. They add a punch to our decor that we couldn't have even anticipated! Our little man insists on eating in "his blue chairs" and is very protective of both of them...meaning older siblings had better beware before they try to sit in them, even though they're strong enough to hold most of us! He'll only share them at tea time or special times, but we all get the benefit of being able to look at them and enjoy them all of the time. I'm so glad I decided to go for it with the aqua paint in spite of my reservations once I opened the can! I'd planned to paint one aqua and one white, but the white one was repainted to aqua once we saw the other one completed. I think that the white one would have felt plain and under-dressed if I'd stuck to my original plan :o)
The little ones are so blessed to be landing in your happy nest! Who wouldn't be ecstatic to live in such a happy environment?!
Such a happy, fun, and warm room! It's really beautiful, Amy, like everything you create. Love the red and thanks for the tip about IKEA. I can already imagine littles coloring or playing with homemade glitter dough on that fab table.
I so related to what you said about swinging from panic to excitement...what a difference a day can make! Your room is pure HAPPY!
go for it with the chairs! I think they would look FAB a bright color!! I am so excited for you - you guys are going to do GREAT!
This room makes me feel SO happy. Such a perfect space to inspure imagination in children. I say YES to periwinkle blue chairs.
It's a beautiful, colorful, cheerful room, Amy! Pssst....I think I hear giggles coming from behind the curtains!
Your taste and style is so incredible it should have a name of its own. I think perwinkle and red would be such a niffty combo for that chair. I just love everything here! YOu are amazing!
Of COURSE, I still love your living room, but I miss the red tree and hearts. They were so darling! :) Thinking of you often!
With all that joy even the panic is exciting! lol...
Congratulations on your life and home!!! lol
Oh so very lovely & enchanting - where oh where are your delightful pillows from? Please do tell?
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