Everyone, including Rich (but not me), napped today. We went up to their room and they each got in their beds. I read a little of Curious George and put on some soothing music. Then I used my magic sleepy hands to cast a spell on each of them. I didn't realize that I had such magic sleepy hands but as I cradled each of their little heads in my hand and whispered hush, they slipped off effortlessly, and almost instantly, into sweet slumber. I impressed myself. And then I went downstairs to test my magic sleepy hands on Rich and they worked a 4th time. Magic!
On Saturday, while the boys napped, my girl and I had a pink treat...pink hot chocolate, with clouds of marshmallows and drizzles of rainbow sprinkles. It was as delightful as it looks here. Did I tell you that she loves pink as much as I do? Oh yes. I love this little girl. And I love those sweet boys. They just left a little while ago and I miss them already.
p.s. We all went to church today and they were perfect angels.
Yay! Those little cups and saucers are just darling...and now I have a strange craving for hot chocolate with marshmallow and sprinkles!
Hurrah for magic sleepy hands!
sounds like the weekend went well - I am so happy to hear it!
Call tomorrow if you can so I can hear all about it! I can't wait!!
isn't it amazing how much we love to nest with our young! warm thoughts to your new family from ours.....ps add a little red food colouring to sugar cookie dough and you can make swirly pink cookies.
I love her little hands. Bless you for taking care of these children. The world needs people like you.
Sweet...that you had such a treat having the little chicks spending time with you and Rich...and that's awesome that they will be staying with you full time (or hopefully sooner)in March...just in time for spring...I'm not sure if you pick their Special names - but I would like to give two suggestions - the 3 little chicks and this one for your little girl Pinky or Pink"ette" (I couldn't come up with a personal one for the Boys)...I wish you many blessings and sweet dreams and may all your dreams come true...Peace & Joy 2 "U" :O) Marlene
My first thought...there goes her heart again! But your love is a gift you'll give these children that will change the course of their lives!
Magic sleepy hands, hmm? I say it was the whole Magic-Loving-Foster Mama!
I just love the sweet special little touches you lavish on everyone in your life, Amy....it's your way of saying 'I Love You' and it is so touching. And that pink cocoa in pink cups with pink sprinkles - this little girl must think your home is Heaven!
Blessings to all FIVE of you!
I too love the sight of those sweet little hands. I hope in their time with you they begin to know the security of trust and unconditional love. Blessings to you all!
What an auspicious beginning! Glad you're enjoying them, and they're enjoying your magic sleep hands :)
the loveliest start! who wouldn't smile- and expect the best from life- looking into that fairytale pink cup of sweetness. so happy for you, Amy! xoC
What a magical way to start off.. memories of this day will hold you in good stead on the days that life dishes out a bit of 3-kid chaos. You are doing the work of the angels - bless you.
We all knew that you had magic hands, so creative and caring! I love the photo of the sweet, little hands and perfect pink cup of cocoa. You are an enchanting fairy godmother!
That is the cutest cup of hot chocolate ever! Are children just precious!
If the new little princess likes pink, you must get the book "Pinkalicious!" Such a great little children's book... And so is the sequel, "Purplelicious." My little girl loves them! Have fun with your new brood!
oh my- i saw that first picture and thought "yum." then i thought "where did she get the darling cup?" then i read about the pink chocolate-- how does one do that?
what a special weekend!
I know people are saying this a lot, but this is such an incredible thing you are doing, Amy. I admire you greatly for it.
Of course you have magic hands...they're connected to your magical heart...thanks for the update! xo corinne
i am so happy for you... how wonderful for all of you. You are an angel. Enjoy. We'll have to try the pink sprinkles in hot chocolate, my little girl loves pink too!
I have stopped by here many times before but never left you a comment.
I think this is going to be a win win situation for all of you.
It sounds like to me you have a heart so full of love that if you don’t share it your heart will burst…
And what better way then three little ones to keep all that love flowing…
Wishing you the best on your new journey,
Pink hot chocolate sounds divine! And served in such pretty cups! Wherever did you find pretty cups in those colors?! Sounds like your life is going to get a lot busier and lot fuller. I would love to hear your tips on keeping little ones occupied at church. I haven't had the nerve to bring my 8-month-old yet to services yet.
I hope you got the little treat I sent you. I can't wait to hear that the little birds have permanently landed in your nest!
much love--Amy from Petaluma
I am so happy for you ALL! And that pink cocoa makes me grin and wish I was there to share, too:)
Hugs, Sonya
how do you make the pink cocoa? it's divine! you rock, ms. amy.
I stopped back to read what you were up to, and I scrolled down to pick up the story about baby. Kleenex in hand and so touched by your life. You were the reason I started blogging in 2007. I just adored your blog, your shop and your crafting community.
Needless to say, I am so thrilled that your joy has been multiplied and now you will have three new little children to love.
I am so glad that I stopped by to visit and read your beautiful posts.
Beautiful! So much love there! All the best,
Fascinating to read your blog and know that children who need help are getting a wonderful start from caring hearts.
Suzanne in CT
I know it's been said many times but what a wonderful and courageous thing you and your husband are doing. What lucky, lucky children! Oh and I love your wall in the previous post. It's like magic;) Best wishes!
ooooh Amy!!!! Aaron and I are just so so so so happy about all of this!! So so so exciting and fun!!
Sending you so much love!!
xoxo Jenny..and Aaron
That is so very wonderful. I adore the pictures and look forward to reading more sweet stories.... :)
You see? Love does multiply, your Dad was right! The pink hot chocolate sounds delightful, tell us more! Is it strawberry?
How lucky these children are to have you! You must seem like an angel to them, floating into their lives creating magic and bestowing blessings and wrapping them in the softest coccoon of love!
Will you be my Momma too? What lucky kids! You're the best!
Are these precious little Angels going to be more long term?
You are such an exceptional mama... you do all the things I wish I did for my children. You are such an inspiration... I learn so much from you.
A little girl who loves pink to have pink parties with! A little girl to sleep in a pink bedroom! I'm a wee bit envious. I love my boys, but I really thought they were going to be girls. lol! Oh, do enjoy, sweetie!
How lucky can three kids get.
Your are motherhood personified.
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