Did you guess Emeril?
He's taping a new show, Emeril Green, at our Whole Foods right here in my neighborhood. How cool is that??!
My friend Hope and I saw him there about 2 weeks ago, taping his show in the produce department. And today, as I was pushing my cart through the store, telling Baby the name for everything we bought and giving most things (not eggs or such) to toss in the back after his careful studying, a young lady flagged me down, whispered that they were taping and asked me to "act natural and do not look into the cameras" as I walked by.
I think I might start grocery shopping every day.
Ooooh! I wish I was there! It was fun seeing him before... did baby say "Bam!" yet?
Lov-er-ly Blog! Flew on over from Today's Creative Blog. Will fly back soon!
Okay, I am new here and totally in love with your site... is there an "about me" somewhere? I see lots of paper artists in your blogroll... would love to know more about what you do!
Oh man, why can't I have adventures like that at the grocery store!
Glad you had such fun. You are such a good mom!
love your blog! today's creative blog always finds the BEST ones out there--lots of great things to see here!
emeril hey-that would be awesome!
Vanessa in Winnipeg
What a great treat, Emeril is so fun and full of the joys of life.
You should teach Baby to yell "BAM" loudly when he throws something in the cart! That would be fun.
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