I've been working on organizing my craft studio. Less than a year ago, I claimed this room as mine. I've enjoyed retreating here and making huge messes and lots of fun things.
Instead of buying expensive furniture to help store all the stuff I have, I snatched some of the industrial shelving from my stock room after shifting the stock over to a nearly empty shelving unit. It's definitely not the prettiest solution. But it was a great way to save a bundle...and it works.
One of the problems I needed to solve was to have a place for all the scrapbook paper I've accumulated. On their scrapbooking aisle, Target has these units that you can buy and add to. Some of them are on clearance.

This unit is actually from the closet organizing section. It's meant to be a shoe organizer. I've lots of these in my stockroom with little things lined up and ready to go. This one was nearly empty so I finished emptying it and brought it up to use for organizing craft stuff.
I've just been throwing like things into these bins underneath. I have to go back through and sort smaller things into jars.
It's really a struggle for me to be organized. But I need a system that makes it easier to put away supplies and things so that I can keep this room in good shape.

I still have lots of work to do...I am still sorting through and organizing bits and pieces. I'll finish putting away a few things this morning but then I need to work on cleaning the house. My parents are visiting Friday and I need to get ready for them.

I'll take more pictures as I progress. I'd love to paint the walls and hang inspiring artwork. I think I can make it even better...a bright place to go and make things and be busy. We'll see. At least, for now, it's functional.
what a beautiful place to create. I love the hats! I have one very similar to the pink one and it cheers me up just looking at it. I hope you have a great visit with your parents.
just a question...where did you get the pink storeage boxes? take care, Gail
Those pink locker boxes are from Home Goods long ago. I'm going to put labels in them once I get it all situated.
What a perfectly lovely place to dream and create! I, personally, love the industrial shelving paired with the beautiful supplies. Thanks for sharing!
Oh Amy, I just love your big blue cabinet! What a marvelous piece...is that a Cottage find?
I can't wait to see what color you paint the walls!
Well I think it's beautiful in adition to being functional already! What an inspiring place!
I think it looks great already! I think I need to invest in some industrial shelving...
Don't you just love those mesh bins?! You can see through them... but nothing can fall through.
Thanks for sharing your studio... so inspiring! I am getting ready to do my room and I am so drawing on all this amazing inspiration & creativity out there!
Amy, your space looks great. I see you are reminding me again of that stunning chest with the many drawers.
For scrapbook storage I use vertical files made by Cropper Hopper. http://www.cropperhopper.com
On their homepage they show them and also a row of them full of paper. It's the best!
The big blue cabinet is to die for! So many drawers to stuff treasures in! I'm jealous. One day I will have my own room to devote to my creativity, but for now my collection is slowly taking over my bedroom (much to my husband's shegrin!)
Oooooo....would you look at that creating space?! The blue cabinet of wonders is...well....WONDERFUL!! Thanks for sharing a little glimpse into your world!
I am in awe of your greatness and its' beautious-ness. I long for a neat studio. It is very nice.
Your craft space is already so organised! I love using boxes and various containers to hold things for a different purpose from what they were made for, I feel it gives an element of individuality and ingenuity. Maybe labels will help you find materials quickly? I just love that blue cupboard space with multiple drawers, so user-friendly.
o i need you to come do that to my little space despirately. lol
I absolutely love the table in front of the window in the dormer area. So peaceful! No distractions! I'd use it as a journaling/writing area.
As for the scrapbook paper, I'm a huge devotee of the Cropper Hopper vertical storage. You can see how I organized my patterned paper here:
and here:
I absolutely love your blue cabinet. Where on earth did you find it??
Your organizing project looks better than my organizing project....
Your space is incredibly cozy and oh-so feminine. You've done a fabulous job putting it together. I saw those cubes at Target and am tempted to grab a few for myself. :)
I am so jealous! And boy are you organized in a very pretty way.
Please tell us more about that big blue cabinet!!!! It is in your workshop? your shop? I WANT THAT!!!
Love your blog,
Wow! You got a very nice place there! And you are very creative because you manage to create a place of your own. I really love the idea that instead of buying expensive furnitures to decorate your place, you look for the best things that you have stored. And it is really more economical and functional. I hope you finish decorating your room and good luck!
I'm totally with you on the inexpensive decor. You have a great space there. I especially adore the table by the dormer window. What a cozy nook. I love my making room; it's a little vintage and a little industrial. And, I didn't have to sell all of my earthly possessions to get it the way I like it! Feels good.
I'm a new in a scrapbook, I made digital scrapbook mostly, because traditional one need more space/room to keep all those supplies, the problem that we live from city to city, coz my husband always got transfer to a new post every 2 years :-(, but when I saw you room, I'm in love with it, it's inspired me to make one scraproom one day :D
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