There are some people who are not charmed by me. My accountant is one of them.
My books are due to him on Saturday. I had a little updating to do that I did mostly last night. Hate is a strong word, I know. And I reserve it for just a few things. This is one of them.
I just called Mr. Beankounter, bless his heart, to ask what I thought would be a quick question. "What do I do with all the sales that have come in through Paypal?" The discussion that followed nearly left me in a puddle of tears. I asked questions that he didn't understand. He told me directions that I didn't understand. We speak two different languages, he and I. And I'm convinced that I could hear his eyes rolling. I could definitely hear his exasperation.
What I must do now, before Saturday, seems insurmountable. I have to go back through the beginning of the year and account for every little bit of activity of my Paypal account. You should know that I treat my Paypal account like Monopoly money. Funny Money. I spend it freely. When I said this to my accountant, he groaned. He is not amused. Not one little bit.
There's nothing like tomorrow for a job like this. I'm working at the cottage today anyway. I will try to push these feelings of guilt, self-pity, gastro-intestinal unrest, and loathing back to the recesses. Until tomorrow. The sun ain't comin' out tomorrow...that's one thing I know for sure. If you hear a little rattle, it might be my tin cup against the bars.
Amy, Paypal should have a history for you that you can print out. You may even be able to imort it into excel or some other spreadsheet program. Just check with them. I hope so!
I used to deal antiques, when I quit it was like freedom to not have to report all that sales tax stuff!
Ugh. That is the part about business that I dread. The reality those numbers.
I'd guess that a lot of your readers tread around the edges of small business, selling a few things, made or found. If you could write a post about what you've learned after you get everything straightened out, I bet it would be much appreciated.
In the meantime, good luck with that!
i agree with Jan, pointers would be greatly appreciated!
Ugh! I feel your frustration! I've had my own business for 12 years. Might I suggest going through the Yellow Pages today? There's got to be hundreds of accountants in there. Some with personality! I've had the same one for 20 years and he's hysterical! ; )
Oh he should be nicer. Don't they understand that most people's brains don't function that way? I know paypal can print out reports- for example, how many sales, how many purchases- that sort of things. I print those out and use them as reference when I do my taxes. Maybe it will help. At any rate, good luck!
Bless your heart! Try not to agonize too much over this, Mr. Beankounter should have clued you in long ago. Why can't accountants hand out a list of what type of things to keep track of? Sigh.... After all, that's why you hired him, because he KNOWS and you DON'T!!!
That being said, I take care of the household finances. If I were to see the pearly gates tomorrow, my poor hubby would be SO in the dark. I don't keep a checkbook the way "normal" people do (yikes! does that mean I'm "abnormal"?) plus I so enjoy sticking money here and there...after all a girl has to have access to cash in an extreme emergency doesn't she? One never knows when a wonderful estate sale or something may cross her path!
Just know sweetie that you are not alone!
I just changed accountants last year because mine retired. I am so pleased to find that not every accountant gets annoyed and bombards you with the sounds of eye rolling! I'm sure I caused much of said rolling (my new guy's secretary recognizes my voice *blush* ) but my new guy understands that we all don't have those accountant minds. I would suggest that after tax season start looking around.
I am so glad I am not the only one. Thank goodness my sister-in-law is my CPA but sometimes that makes things a little too close for comfort. Just remember all the fun things that you have sold and all the people that you have made happy with your inspiration!!
Get yourself through this hard time, Amy. Then change accountants. Find one that not only understands the accounting, but understands how to simply answer your questions.
There is nothing like a good working relationship to build your business.
Ohhhh.... Amy, I am in the same boat!!! At this very moment I am going through all my Paypal sales. You can download and print out reports, but I have to go through each transaction individually to get some info. Do a couple of dollars here and there really matter so much??? Uggh! I was almost in tears myself when I read your post. Next year I will be better with the book keeping!!! Good luck, hun!!!
Hi Amy, I deal with a bit of book-keeping in my line of work. If you need any help don't hesitate to email me (I know UK tax and books may be a little different but I can give some pointers).
Oh sweetie! I'm a longtime blog lurker of yours and this drew me out...I'm a bookkeeper for several small businesses. Like it's a bit of a joke, one gal pays me to work ONE OR TWO HOURS A WEEK. Sometimes I'm in and out of there in 45 minutes. And it's a bit of a headache for me, but I save her the 8 hours or so at the end of every month, let alone the HOURS and HOURS at tax time. I like her, she appreciates me, and what is a chore for her is a simple hour or so for me. You need to find someone like me. It is money well spent. Trust me. Two hours a month could save you so much grief. Ask around and find somebody to help you out.
Oh, my business partner Ann and I can so relate! We are constantly stumbling around in our bookkeeping efforts. I will say this though--in addition to our year-end accountant, we have a bookkeeper who comes a couple times a month. Her name is Ilamay and she really keeps us straight! As a matter of fact, basically what she does is fix stuff Ann and I have screwed up. Ha ha! She is well worth the money we pay her. Also, are you on Quickbooks? This also makes tax time much easier. Hang in there...as you can see by all of the loving comments, there are other creative types out here who feel your pain.
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