Monday, January 10, 2011

Land of the dinosaurs!

 Do you want to see Alfredo's new Dinosaur Room?
 Alfredo is way into dinosaurs and has been for a while. But just in case this is a passing phase, this theme can be changed fairly easily.

I bought these dinosaur decals from Amazon...the three big ones plus a set of small ones. I think the total was about $50 for all of them. But that was just about the only expense in this update.

The walls were already painted with the sky and hills from when we first prepared this room. Remember?
I wanted to keep the scallop edge along the top of the walls but quite a few of them were wilting and coming off. Maybe I'll add more someday.

 I picked up this super cute trunk from Ikea yesterday. Sometimes Alfredo has a little trouble at night. I told him to fill the trunk with things that he thinks will help him fall asleep at night. We tried it last night and I think it worked. He only popped in our room once and that was to say he thought of something he wanted to add to his room...a volcano!

 This sweet vintage bed used to sport bird finials (they were so cute!) but for his new room he needed dinosaurs. These 4 were from the dollar bin at Michael's. I just glued them to a wooden disk and then to the bed but they can be removed when the theme changes.
 He doesn't really play in his's more for quiet time, naps and bedtime so there aren't a lot of toys in here.

I think we do need a bigger bookshelf. I have an old one that needs a fresh coat of paint.

And even though it's filled with scary dinosaurs...

I do think it's turning out to be rather sweet.


miss lynn said...

dinosaur finials????
only you, miss amy
would think of
something so
stinking adorable!!!

yes, it's most
definitely sweet.

Unknown said...

How fun. I like how un-cluttered it looks, even with a theme.

Tolentreasures said...

How cute! Great decorating!


Becky (My Fabric Obsession) said...

That is SO wonderful. What a lucky little boy!

vivian said...

What a lucky little boy! (and a lucky you too!) the room looks great.

Tammy said...

That is amazing!! So cute!

Christie describeHappy said...

The dinasaur theme is fantastic and I like how you incorporated it with charm! If I wasn't going on 30... I too would enjoy a dino room!! Good stuff!

Doreen said...

That is really cute! Love that you kept the scallops on the walls - perfect for dinosaurs! My dude just recently got into dinos and I discovered the cutest books - you probably have already heard of them - a whole series by Jane Yolen. They are adorable! We have How Do Dinosaurs Eat Their Food and the Goodnight one and a couple others. Just an FYI in case you hadn't seen them. They also have one about how dinosaurs love their dog or cat!
Alfredo is such a lucky little boy! And you and your husband are very blessed to have him!

Sandra said...

oh wow, this is just amazing.

Noël said...

Amy, Alfredo's room looks adorable! Those finial's are a great idea.. thanks for sharing! :)

Jill said...

I've always loved that room. It's so darn cute, I even thought about replicating it in my dollhouse at one time. I love Alfredo's idea for the volcano... so sweet!


Angela said...

Alfredo's room looks great! And the dinosaurs are so fun - I do like the finialidea, too.
He has quite the imagination (volcano) which I'm sure is nurtured and encouraged in your sweet home!
Happy birthday Alfredo and we like your room - it's COOL!
p.s. that trunk idea is a new one but I like it!

Me said...

I love love LOVE this room! And so will my Little Guy when I show it to him. Genius. What a wonderful gift for a mummy to give her child :)

My Life Under the Bus said...

That gigantic dinosaur brings back sooo many memories! My youngest was obsessed with them and carried that thing EVERYWHERE. We have family photos of all of us and the eating dinner with the dinosaur.....him sleeping with the's not like it's easily portable or cuddly either! LOL I hope Alfredo enjoys his new room!

Michael Wurm Jr said...

as i just commented on your dinosaur lollipops my nephews love them too!

this room is genius and fun and awesome! thanks for sharing! beautiful work.

Cherie Wilson said...

lucky lucky Alfredo....not just the room, but a Mama like you!!

Sandy, Sisters of Season said...

Hi Amy,

Absolutely adorable . . so much love I see. Can hardly wait for your next inspire magazine . . really enjoyed the last one. Blessings, Sandy:O)

Maaike said...

this is indeed a very sweet bedroom Amy! Lovely colours and designs. Have a great week,
love Maaike