Earlier today we took a stack of books outside to read them. I'm noticing that we can read more advanced books with more words per page these days. It used to be that he'd want to turn the pages much, much too quickly and we'd end up adlibbing most of it. These days, though, he wants to read pages again and again and then he says "What happened?" and we talk about it some more in our own words. He still likes books of few words and now he recites what's on those pages. "Brown Bear, Brown Bear" is his favorite "not you" book (he "reads" all by himself). I know I'm biased but I do think he's advanced for his 2.5 years. :)

I couldn't resist snapping this as he sleeps...he's such a little cherub, isn't he?

I feel so blessed to have this time with him and to have this chance to be a mother to him. I don't know what our futures hold but I do know that today is precious. I may need the love and security of this day, this splendid and lovely day, to see me through what tomorrow has in store.
Hope you're having a nice day too.
Aren't they the best when they are asleep ??? I have soooo many pictures of my kids sleeping ! Enjoy your day !
I love peeking at sleeping cherubs as well. Last night, Noodlebug slept on his back which he never does. I actually got to see his sweet face while he was sleeping. I sat on the floor next to his crib and just watched him for awhile. Bliss.
(Crafting by Candlelight)
He is just adorable! I love the graduation to more-words-on-a-page too, because then you can start reading more books instead of the same 10-15 all the time. :)
He is precious! Don't worry he'll eat when he's hungry, just try to offer new things occasionally, you'll be surprised by what he decides he likes as his tastebuds mature.
I wish for you to have him forever, I just feel like he is a part of you, sigh, I try to say a little prayer everyday ...... so he will be safe with you!
Margaret B
Oh Amy, having worked with foster kids (in a different way), I know how important those great days are to have and hold in your heart! It helped me survive the uncertainties.
The things that you are doing will matter forever. Its good to know there are people like you out there.
What a very sweet and loved little boy. You're a great Mom and he's very fortunate to have you in his life.
we live nearish to you and had the same beautiful weather! today we also had a baby/mommy friend pair over and we all had such a good good time- and SUCH a good nap :) i loved it when i starting catching my lu "reading" books all by herself...it started with "HUG" by jez alborough (i guess it helps that the book has 3 words in the WHOLE thing!)
As I was reading your last paragraph.."I don't know what the future holds", I thought of a familiar phrase. You have probably heard this and no doubt you believe it to be true. For you have clearly seen God's hand in all of this. The phrase is "I don't know what the future holds, but I know who holds the future." How reassuring!
xo, Jean
I am so glad to see you enjoying your little guy! I have a question that is off subject, but was unsure of how else to reach you. Last year I believe you did some kind of goblin exchange with your friends. I would like to possibly do something similar with my gal pals and just wondered if you could share the specifics of how it works. Thanks!
Oh Amy~ that is so sweet. I love to look at my children when they are sleeping:) Because when they are awake, whew, its a busy house! By the way it is totally normal to worry whether yoour boy eats enough. All of us do the same thing, the sweet plate with the circle sandwich would be a hit at my house. I think I'll try it out even though my boys are 7 & 11! It just looks fun! Enjoy your lovely day. Hugs.
WHat a bueatiful post! ANd yes, he's advanced! My baby girl is the same age and she doesn't speak yet and can't read a book without her starting to close it and open it, close it and open it, close it and open it......... lol
Oh so sweet. I think that he is a very lucky boy indeed. To be so loved by you. Whatever the future holds I think that you will always be a very important part of his life. What you are doing for him is amazing.
Oh so sweet. I think that he is a very lucky boy indeed. To be so loved by you. Whatever the future holds I think that you will always be a very important part of his life. What you are doing for him is amazing.
Your lovely post made my day. It's been a hectic, high-blood pressure kind of week, but your thoughtful words and the photo of your little sleepyhead reminds me to slow down and enjoy the moment. Thanks, Amy.
He is such a darling angel...these photos just melt me. He is so lucky to have you.
I truly hope and pray he will get to stay on with you and Rich...I cannot imagine how that uncertainty feels and hope you find comfort in all these moments with him. Blessings to you always, Sonya
Amy, He is so sweet in the pictures. You two are a wonderful pair!
So sweet! Also relieved to hear I'm not the only mom stressed her son isn't eating enough and that he HATES all vegetables. But your lunch was so cute! I did have one breakthrough a couple of weeks ago when I boiled some baby carrots in a little salted water for a REALLY long time until they were super soft and he actually ate them and asked for more! He also ate some broccoli cheese soup I made the other day--whoo hoo! Oh! And Horizon has started making yogurt that mixes veggies in with the fruit (although I've only seen carrot/strawberry so far). Good to read about all the nice tall kids from other moms whose kids refused veggies too!
he is just such a gift Amy!
"Brown Bear, Brown Bear" is always the first gift I give to new parents! I can recite it by heart....having my own home daycare for ten years (a long time ago) I realized THIS was the MUST have for every toddler.
Enjoy that little angel that you've been so blessed with!
What a little blessing, he is. So peaceful as he sleeps. We must take everyday as a gift.
I wish I had thought to take more photos of my children as they slept. Only as very wee babies did I think of it. These are treasures.
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