Wednesday, May 27, 2009

packing up

I'm working like a fiend to get ready for the class on Saturday. I leave early tomorrow morning and I have a million and a half things to do.

One thing I just did was decorate the bottles of glitter for each table. {Probably a detail that I could've skipped} I used the got flowers from Prima for the know the ones that come in little milk bottles? Well, I had so many of those bottles left that I decided they'd be the perfect vessels for glitter. I added a label, layered flowers on top, and a little strip of fabric. Even better would be to glitter each flower on top. Maybe there'll be time for that when I get there.

I could really drown in a sea of details right now. I need to try to keep focused and make sure that I pack everything I need. I'm on the verge of crazy right now. Just a tip-toe away from ding-dong.

Little Alfredo is napping. This is nap part two. He woke up while I was on the phone and I rocked him back to sleep. Any minute now he'll wake up again and who knows what I'll be able to accomplish then, with those big eyes and sweet voice asking to sit in my lap for the 101st viewing of 101 Dalmations. We're evidently on a little 101 Dalmation marathon. Before that, Jungle Book. And before that, Brother Bear. I bought two new movies for Rich to surprise him with while I'm gone. Rich is taking off work tomorrow and Friday so he'll have some nice together time with him.

Back to work...I'll take lots of photos on Saturday so you'll see all the fun we're having.

Oh boy am I ever going to miss him while I'm gone.


Anonymous said...

Oh I just know your trip will be fabulous!!! Your gliter bottles are adorable and I know the students will love them.

Jungle Book rocks!!! I still love that movie to this day. I love the Bear Neccessities song...look for the bear neccessities, the simple bear neccessities...forget about your worries and your cares...

Teresa McFayden

Pansy Cottage Girl said...

You have such an eye for details...I want a bottle of glitter! Last christmas I made signs and glittered them. I left the glitter out where my cody could reach it, big mistake. He claims it is fairy dust and he dusted the whole house. Even the toilet paper in the bathroom! It was sooo hard to clean up;)

mIzZ (hONeY) bEe aka Marlene said...

Amy, Those are some lucky students that have you as a teacher...the milk bottles are too cool...but the best is the picture of Alfredo, he is truly a handsome & happy little guy!...have a honey of a day & may sweet things come your way! Grace & Peace 2 U, Marlene :O)

Jill said...

How darling are the "glitter filled bottles"- I too get lost in the details- but they are such a special touch! I know your class will be wonderful! and precious Alfredo- what an angel!
Enjoy your classes!
Many Blessings!

Claudia said...

Have a great time - Alfredo is absolutely adorable. I wish I could reach right into that photo and hug him!

gillian said...

Oh, all the fun is in the details! LOVE the bottles!!!

Debra said...

I love the busy little ant. And look at the beautiful big brown eyes on your sweet boy-boy. I love knowing how full your heart is right now.

Alicia said...

those bottles are adorable! but not as adorable as alfredo's sweet little face! what a heartbreaker he's going to be =)

Anonymous said...

Love the decorator ant, love the pretty little bottles, love the sweet little boy bestest of all!

Relyn Lawson said...

Not skipping that one detail is what makes you, you. I love it!

Journal Swag said...

What a doll! Look at those eyelashes! Precious!


Heather Ales said...

oh how i have such fun reading your blog! It brings sunshine to my heart!