Tuesday, May 5, 2009


I officially closed my online Yahoo store yesterday. It was a big step. Boy, was it ever hard to push the "cancel my account" button. But, honestly, I've been forking out hundreds of dollars for a while now for an inactive storefront.

It's not bad news...it's just change.

I archived all of the old issues of Inspired Ideas...hopefully all the links work, etc. Go here to see the new, very condensed site. If you spot a problem, let me know por favor.

See? I'm brushing up on my español...getting ready for the trip to pick Alfredo up. I leave tomorrow. I don't think I'll be able to check in until I get back on Saturday.

To give you something pretty to look at until then...

I've made so many of these little worlds and I'll be filling up my new etsy shop with them when I get back. It will be my new naptime activity. Be on the lookout for that. It may take sometime, what with my new priority and all.

I'm so unbelievably happy. I can't even tell you how happy. Nervous too...but more than anything happy.


Jill said...

Big prayers and hugs to you!!! I am SO happy for you! Happy travels and enjoy every moment!!!
Many Blessings!

Suzanne said...

So happy for you. Enjoy every moment!

karen l said...

Yay! Can't wait to hear all about it!

Unknown said...

I am so happy for you too! I'll be checking back soon to see how everything is with Alfredo..little angel.

Claudia said...

I can feel your joy and excitement right through the computer! Safe travels - soon you will be bringing little Alfredo home!

Lorrie said...

I wish you much joy on your journey - I don't comment often but I've been following your story and am so happy for you.


Lisa said...

Enjoy! Enjoy! Enjoy! Wishing you a wonderful time!!! Cant wait to hear all about it...:)

Kris and Evie said...

Have a wonderful time. I was so happy to read about your plans to co-parent!

Lynne said...

Have a wonderful and safe trip- all of you!

Jen**SugaredSongbird** said...

I've been reading your story awhile, sometimes smiling at my computer, or crying with you. Have a safe trip and keep us updated!

Sue said...

Have a safe trip, and know that you and your family are in my thoughts. I am so happy for you all. What a lucky fellow this guy is to be surrounded with 2 coasts full of love.

I can't wait for you to offer some of your little worlds on your new etsy shop. After seeing them in person, I have decided I simply must have one!!

Your adventure is only just beginning - enjoy the ride!!


Diane said...

Have a safe trip. I'm so excited for you!!

Seitvonzu said...

the big day starting your next life phase is practically here-- hooray! happy trails to you guys and don't forget to post about some of your adventures with alfredo :):)

Marie in Seattle said...

Amy I love your site and blog. Thank you so much for keeping the inspired ideas available. Best wishes with picking up your little guy and bring him back. I am soooo happy for you and your husband.
--Marie in Seattle

Lisa said...

Safe travels! Have fun with your little man and don't worry about us. We will be here when you get back! Right now you have more important things to take care of...

Anonymous said...

Peace be with you sweet Amy on your journey to pick up the little bird:)


Jane said...

Best Wishes, Amy, for safe travels and smooth sailing during the transition time. Everything will work fine - with all your love for this little sweetie!

So happy you saved the Inspired Ideas!! I didn't get to do everything the first time around & they are so delightful. Right now it just says "Page Under Construction" so I'll check again later. I'm glad you changed the font color to black - not as gorgeous as the green, but so much easier to read!!
Looking forward to your next update - after you're all settled.
Jane - Jacksonville, FL

gillian said...

Good luck and God bless...

Elaina M. Avalos said...

Can't wait to hear all about your reunion with Alfredo!

I'm looking forward to your Etsy shop getting set up too. I heart Etsy. :)

Anonymous said...

I am so excited for you! Children learn a foreign language much faster than adults. Just ask any preschool teacher. Alfredo will pick up English faster than you may think.

I really think that children can adapt to having more than one set of significant people in their lives, as long as the adults all agreeare cooperative and respectful towards one another.

Within A Quarter Inch said...

Isn't wonderful when life gives you something you yearn for?

And lucky little boy - I always say, 'fresh love is the best love' when it comes to my twins. They tire me, and then Daddy comes home or a sitter comes - a voila! They are instantly happier because of the fresh love!

Oh and on a more selfish note... I love that magazine you produce! Please don't stop:(

Christy said...

Change is good! best wishes and success for your etsy shop! :)

Saucy said...

What a smart lady you are, in any language! An Etsy shop is the way to go, for now. Good luck! See you there.

Suz said...

I am so thrilled for you and love the pictures of your little son. I am so glad to see him and know his name.

I lurk daily and write occasionally but I am sure I am lost here! You have many friends for good reason.

I lost twin sons in pregnancy and have a wonderful daughter and I ache with you through all this. We considered adoption, then I got fibromyalgia.

I will be at Silver Bella and hope I get to meet you.

Susan Reaney (Suz, Sue, Suzie, rarely Susan...unfortunately, many names to many people!)

Honey Bend Vintage said...

Amy- First I love the haircut on the post below, so cute~ I have not stopped by in a while. When I did I was so happy to hear your good news. I am a firm believer on things happening for a reason and all at the right time. I think that all this happening for you at this time is meant to be. I am so happy for you and all the good things happening in your life. You were so sweet to me when you featured Honey Bend Vintage on your magazine. It meant a lot to me. I look forward to hearing about your future "happenings! God Bless you on your wonderful trip and the wonderful ride ahead~

meleen dupré said...


somehow, this path was always there for you!!!


Anita said...

Happy Mother's Day, Ms. Amy! May you be enjoying every moment with your wee one!

Anonymous said...

Happy Mothers Day Amy! xo corinne

Stephanie/Doojies said...

I've so admired the way you have adjusted your life, personally and professionally, to work around your child. I'm proud of what you've done and so amazed and entertained by your seemingly seamless way of revamping what you are doing and make it always soooooooo great. It's always great but you seem to know exactly where to go next and it's all good!!!