Tuesday, September 2, 2008

giveaway time...

Hello, sweet friends! It's giveaway time! Leave a comment below with your name and city and you could win this teeny little Sugarville cottage. It's straight from a fairytale!

Just for fun, when you leave a comment tell us what your all-time favorite fairy tale is...


Unknown said...

I already had a friend yesterday look at the houses and brainstorm the possiblities for winter/snowflake ones. Can't wait to order them.
My favorite fairy tale is Enchanted...does that count?! Love that movie!

Celia said...

Hello! I think my eyes and hands needs one like this to keep living! please! lol...
My name's Celia and I live in Tenerife, a small island in SPain.

Katie said...

Hello there! What a sweet little cottage. Love the little birdies gossiping in the front.

My favorite fairy tale is Hansel & Gretel -- the whole thing -- the trail of crumbs, the witch's house, the big pot over the fire. Very scary!

Thanks for the giveaway chance.

katie in Northbook, IL

crafty diane said...

Hi, I'm Diane and I live in a small southern town named, Alabama.
My all time favorite fairy tell has always been Cinderella! When I was a little girl we had a set of four thick Disney books and in one of them was Cinderella. I read it so much I knew it by heart and the pages came out of the book! I still have the book in which I taped the pages back! lol
Have a Blessed Day

Elizabeth Fedorko said...

Hi Amy!~~~Your sugar house does look like a fairy tale!~~~My favorite fairy tale is the "Tale of the Half Chick". He was teased in the chicken yard for being only a half chick, but he was proud of who he was, and eventually grew up to help the farmer by being the rooster on the weather vane.~~~XXOO, Beth

Treasuresofjoy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Treasuresofjoy said...

Of course, there is Cinderella first, and second is little red riding hood and third is Goldilocks and the three bears.
I have a princess daughter who LOVES fairytales. Me too!!!
I am in Winston Salem NC

Valerie said...

Oooh! Who doesn't love a Sugarville giveaway! I would be tickled pink (as pink as one of the little houses) to win! Hmm, and my favorite fairy tale is Rapunzel. Or Snow White. Or Cinderella. (See what a difficult question you posed?) ;)

Seitvonzu said...

favorite fairy tale: sleeping beauty! :) or maybe hansel and gretel..or rumplestilskin? very hard indeed!

houses are just darling...i could see that making them would be quite addictive

Anonymous said...

My name is Jan and I live in Maine...thats the dearest little house! I guess my favorite tale would be Hansel and Gretel.

Happy Day!

Anonymous said...

Hi Amy, that is the cutest little house ever :-) Don't we wish our own homes could be so darn perfect, lol.

My favorite fairy tale...........can we include them all? I suppose it would be Rumplestiklskin. And I'm sure I have just slaughtered the spelling :-) My name is Donna and live in Lincoln.

Trish said...

love the house!! My favorite fairy tale is Hansel and Gretel:)

Melissa said...

what a sweet little house!!! count me in!!!

i think my favorite fairy tale is rumpelstilskin (sp?).

Grace said...

that is the sweetest thing ever! Hugs Grace

Bonnie said...

What an adorable little cottage! Your blog is so inspiring to me (no pun intended). I'm a huge fairy tale fan... it's hard to pick a favorite. I think it'd have to be Snow White, though.

Anonymous said...

Love your little sugar houses! When I was a teen, I made a whole Christmas village out of my own cardboard houses lots of glitter and a big mess! God bless my Mom for putting up with all the messes I made in her home! My favorite Fairy tale is all of them! But there is a book in the Bible that pretty much sums all of them up, so I would have to say the book of Ezra is my favorite fairy tale, only it is not really a fairytale is it? Vanessa

Anonymous said...

Hi Amy,
This is so cute. Boy! This is a hard question. I like so many of the old fairy tales. I guess I'd have to say that Rumplestilskin is a good choice. After I thought of this one I noticed most everyone put that. How funny. I thought it was so out there. Laurie

Anonymous said...

Hi Amy!

I just love your sugarville houses. I bought 2 of them last year at Silver Bella ... I can't wait to get them back out this Christmas. Please count me in for your giveaway!

My favorite fairy tale is also Enchanted, as someone else had said above :)


Gina @ Feather Your Nest said...

Mine would be Snow White!

Gina in ES, Arkansas

Unknown said...

I adore The Princess and the Pea. But I think it is mostly because I love the image the of all the mattresses and blankets stacked up. So cute!

Paper Relics said...

ooh! I love this! Enter me!

Paper Relics said...

oops - you know my favorite fairy tale... The princess in the pea... but my favorite RETELLING of a fairy tale... the Goose Girl :)

Anonymous said...

Such a dear little house! Nice work on another happy issue of II. My favorite fairytale is probably Goldilocks...not because of Goldie herself, but because the bears have such a great house....all those chairs and Bavarian style furniture! Then there is Snow White- gotta love someone who inspires the little birdies and squirrels to clean the house. Love Enchanted for the same reason! If only I could lean out the window and call them.....


Heidi said...

Darling little glittery house! My fav tale is also the Princess and the Pea! Hey...little things DO matter!
Heidi Woodruff

Lovie said...

Oh how I love this house! But I've already your beautiful silver seashells and can't be greedy, but I think this is just adorable and has me pilfering through all my stuff to see if I can make something half as cute.

Diane said...

Amy - Love the house. Favorite fairy tale - Cinderella.

Anonymous said...

ooooh!!! I love it! it's extra sugary! Keeping my fingers crossed for this one! thanks for the chance Amy!
xo natalea (buffalo, ny)

jeriray said...

that little sugar house is too cute! My favorite fairy tale is Cinderella. So romantic!

LJ said...

I love the little house! I have always been a HUGE fan of alice in wonderland :)

amazonham said...

I love these Sugarville cottages! So cute! My favorite (non traditional) fairy tale is Pee Wee's big adventure. Ha ha!

Heather from Follansbee, WV

Amy R. said...

How fun! Hansel & Gretel definitely! How can you resist a house made of candy!??

Oak Grove, MO

Anonymous said...

Hi! I like the tale of the 3 little pigs!

Susan said...

SO precious, Amy! (As usual.)
My favorite tale has always been Cinderella.

Unknown said...

Ooo it's cute!!! I'm a big Sleeping Beauty fan...

Emily in Hanson, MA

Michelle Frae Cummings said...

this is so adorable!

Anonymous said...

Wouldn't it be so fun to live in a cute cottage like that! My name is Tammy and I live in San Diego. My favorite fairy tale? So many. I do like Billy Goat Gruff, Hansel and Gretel and Rumpelstilskin. Kiss sweet baby - he sounds so cute and precious!

Jen Kershner said...

Jen in Fishers, IN.

I think my fave fairy tale would have to be Hansel and Gretel. Oh to see that house...

Lindz (Yankee Girl Designs) said...

I'm Lindsey from NH and my fav. fairytale is Goldilocks, my Nan would tell us that story all the time before bed :)

Anonymous said...

I'd love my name thrown into your giveaway..You have the neatest blog..Favorite fairy tale--(s) I have many with 11 grandkids..Let's see Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs is right up there and Cinderella right behind..Val

Tammy said...

oooo, my favorite fairy tale...hmmm...I think it would be Sleeping Beauty, I mean, who could resist waking up to true loves kiss?
Your sugarville cottage is sooo adorable. Please enter me in your drawing!

Anonymous said...

Hi Amy, I just love this sweet
Sugarville cottage. It is like a
little fairy tale. One of my favorite fairy tales would be Cinderella. Thank you for this
generous give-away.

Janis in Schenectady, NY

pedalpower said...

what a beautiful little house!

I love The Beauty and the Beast. I was afraid I'd hate the movie when it came out...but I loved it too.

My favorite picture book growing up was The Little House by Burton...your little house reminds me of it!

Pontiac, IL

Scouting_Momma said...

Love it! I love the pink and use it quite a bit to offset all the blue and red my boys demand.

I love fairy tales, so it is hard to decide just which one is my favorite. Cinderella is the one I acted out the most while growing up.

xoxo, Chloe said...

Cute! My favorite is the Algonquin Indian version of Cinderella (the rough face girl and the Invisible Being).

Anonymous said...

When I was a kid, my favourite fairy tale was The Red Shoes. I think because I always wanted a pair of red shoes...I had the complete collection of Hans Christian Andersen fairy tales, but now as I'm older and I read them I get really depressed. None of them have happy endings! Another one of my favourites was The Little Mermaid, and she dies and turns into sea foam at the end! I guess when you're a kid you don't really think about them too much...

Angela, the_queen_jane@hotmail.com

Celeste said...

Ooh I love the little birdies.
My favourite fairy tale by far is the Elves and the Shoemaker. I love the image of the Elves dancing away in their tiny smart new outfits. Apparently I knew it word for word when I was little.

And I'm Celeste and I live in Stalybridge, which is just outside Manchester, England.

Jamie said...

Am I too late? This is a sweet little house. I'd have to go with Cinderella for my favorite - tho' I love them all! Jamie V in MT

Holly said...

My favorite Fairy Tale is the Princess and the Pea. Loved that as a kid. I would make my grandma tell it to me ALL THE TIME. Poor thing, she probably was happy when I went off to kindegarden.

Your sugar house is simple precious. Love it!

Michelle said...

I am in the Bay Area CA, and I looove the 12 dancing princesses! Oh and I love the sweet little house too!

Lain said...

Oh, this is adorable! I also live in the Bay Area, and I would have to say that I love the modern "Paperbag Princess" by Robert Munsch. (I think I spelled his name wrong).

Anonymous said...

Hi Amy - Love the wee little sugar house. Just darling. I think my favorite fairy tale is either the Snow Queen. Someone else pointed out that Hans Christian Anderson wrote really depressing stories but as a child I didn't think much about them, really. I also loved Beauty and the Beast. I still have the old, old book that I used to read it out of.

This was fun - Kathy

Teri said...

What a sweet little sugar cottage. My favorite fairy tale is Goldilocks and the Three Bears. I still have my storybook from when I was a little girl----a "few" years ago :)

Anonymous said...

so sweet and sugary just like tinkerbell

Anonymous said...

I'm in Evansville, Indiana. I've always liked Hansel and Gretel. Not sure why.

Suzie Button said...

Oh this cottage is so sweet! Thanks for hosting a beautiful giveaway! Suzie

Suzie Button said...

And, oh, my favorite fairytale is "Cinderella."

Anonymous said...

I'm in Niagara Falls. I like the Billy Goats Gruff because I can remember my son retelling it to me when he was a pre-schooler.

Anonymous said...

The princess and the pea. The cottage looks sweet enough to eat.

LIsa in DE

Beth said...

my favorite is the princess and the pea !! just love that one !! sweet giveaway and perfect inspired friend as always !!! it always thrills me so much to come here and read your mag!! hugs,

Anonymous said...

How utterly charming! I'd love to win (fingers crossed). Don't know if it counts as fairy tale (might have an author attached--I'm too lazy to Google!), but "Beauty and the Beast" is a favorite story.

Jessi Nagy said...

hey doll
what a sweet giveaway.
see ya soonm

Unknown said...

Is Shrek a fairytale? I just love it! Please count me in your fabulous give-away!

Toronto, Canada

Anonymous said...

The house is toooo adorable! My favorite fairytale is Snow white (love those dwarves!)

Karye, in Los Angeles, CA

Annette D said...

I'm Annette from Indianapolis, IN.
A memory from childhood I have of fairy tales is watching Danny Kaye star in the movie "Hans Christian Anderson". I love stories by Hans and this pretty little sugarville house reminds me of that movie. Specially looks like somewhere Thumbilina could dance!

Emy said...

I'm Emy from Frederick, MD. We're practically neighbors, right!!! My favorite fairy tale is Shrek. Yeah I said it. I looooove Donkey. I'm trying to convince my son to go as Shrek for Halloween, but he wants to be Batman. :( There's no princesses in Batman!

Michaele Sommerville said...

What a sugar sweet house!

My favorite fairy tale is Hansel and Gretel- two can-do kids, the woods (not deep, dark or scary to me), a house good enough to eat, and once the ol' witch is gone, trunks and boxes and barrels of pearls, diamonds, and other precious gems for Hansel and Gretel to stuff their pockets with.

Yep, I'm a jewelry girl.

What is your favorite?

Heather - Speckled Egg said...

ooooh I LOVE this sweet little house! Thank you for sharing such a wonderful project!

I do love fairy tales... with 2 little girls, we have lots of pixie dust around here! My favorite has to be Cinderella! :)

Anonymous said...

I would love to move into that house! Laurie from Portland, Oregon. Favorite fairy tale....hmmm probably Rupunzel.

Anonymous said...

Mine would have to be the twelve dancing princesses. Remember it? The 12 sisters dancing slippers would be worn out every morning and no one could figure out how until a suitor followed them through a magic passageway where they were dancing all night. I loved that story.

Anonymous said...

What a sweet little house! My favorite fairy tale is definitely Cinderella.
~ Suzanne

Anonymous said...

The cottage is the sweetest! My all time favorite has got to be Sleeping Beauty!

Anonymous said...

Hi! Doreen from Land O' Lakes here.
I like Rapunzel (sp?). Not so much into the princess tales - I was a tomboy! Guess I still am. Good thing I had a boy!

Saucy said...

Mine is the Princess and the Pea. I completely believed it. My Dad put a giant-sized pea under my mattress - I felt it of course. He completely convinced me that I was a princess at the age of six!

Anonymous said...

Too cute for words. You make it look so easy. And I love that you now pick a special guest artist every couple of weeks. I have learned about so many great artisans out there. Thank you - its always fun stopping by your blog!

Anonymous said...

I love your Sugarville cottages. Wish I could make myself really really small and live in one. My favorite fairy tale is Cinderella. Love it so much. Enchanted is a fun movie too.

The Moes said...

So cute and yummy looking!
For sure...Cinderella!! I think I have memorized the movie..
Hi, Amy! It's Carrie M, in Leesburg...thanks for the referral.

angela said...

I adore your sweet little houses. I have been admiring them since finding your blog some year or so ago. My favorite fairytale is Red Riding Hood. Wolves, forests, little girl in a beautiful cape. The images are so strong and evoke such emotion.

Marianna said...

How cute is that!
Anyhow, I'd have to say Cinderella, I'm a shoe gal and those glass slipper are devine :)


pink23 said...

i think we both know where this little house must live.. and join the neighborhood it belongs in. xoxo

Angela said...

OOH, I love giveaways! It is hard to decide what my favorite Fairy tale is or was but I guess I would say Jack and the Beanstalk.

sewtakeahike said...

such a "sweet" giveaway!!! I'd have to say Cinderella for sure!

Anonymous said...

Sugar and Spice...to live in your
Sugarville Cottage would be so NICE!
I Love it! "Snow White" is at the top of my list.

Anonymous said...

Please put my name in the hat if I'm not too late!!!! I love your little cottage and, of course, sugar!!!!! Hugs, Stephanie