This is a corner of the little ones' room. I used to draw little characters like these when I was little. It was fun to revisit them and see how they've grown. Just like I used to do when I was a young artist, I drew the character on a sheet of paper and cut it out along the edges. I'd then place the little naked guys on another paper (it used to be construction paper, now it's fancier scrapbook paper) so that I could draw around it to make the clothes. This is how I used to make my own paper dolls too.
I have lots of less fun work to do. The closet in this room is full of stacks and stacks of linens. I need to sort through them to decide what I need to keep and what I can live without.
Also, our laundry room is on the second floor, just next to this room. It's a very small room, made even smaller by a door that opens inward. I'd love to get someone to come in and redo the door to open outwardly but Rich suspects this might cost us an arm and a leg. I'm going to clear out the room of all the crazy things I've stashed in there behind that door (for instance, a thingamajig that steam cleans the floors that I never ever use and that I don't think really works but I'm a sucker and will buy everything offered in an infomercial or on QVC if the dial lands there)
We have a whole checklist of things we need to do to get ready for the home inspection.
- Household chemicals, out of reach.
- Fire extinguisher in kitchen.
- Outlet plugs on all outlets.
- Redo electrical configurations to make sure an extension cord or surge protector is never plugged into another extension cord or surge protector (I think I'll just forget the Christmas tree this year...call me the grinch but have you ever in your life seen a Christmas tree that didn't have lights plugged into lights plugged into lights plugged into lights???! We've already been warned this would be a no-no)
- Safety ladder from a second floor window.
- Special latches on all second floor windows.
- Devise a fire escape plan and post somewhere.
- Stock up on first aid supplies.
- Get safety gates for the top and bottom of stairs and for the doorway to my studio.
There might be more...this was all just floating around in my head. And there definitely are more things I've personally deemed necessary....like the clearing out of the laundry room and the pantry and the general tossing of crazy things that I really don't need, haven't used, and forgotten about completely. Such as the clorox spray and mop thingamajig, the aforementioned hard floor cleaning steaming thingamabob, and the clothes steamer thingy (all found behind the door of the laundry room at this very moment, abandoned, forgotten, and sad).
Hey, Amy, while you're sequestering your household chemicals, why not also color code them for what to do in case they're swallowed, etc. It might take a little research to identify which should be diluted with water, or simply thrown up, or straightaway call 911. But color coding would save time in an emergency. In his paramedic training, Risto recently had to present a community safety program, and although he eventually settled on motorcycle safety (big surprise ;>), he considered suggesting this, just as pharmacies are starting to color code medicines for older people.
Hi Amy,
I'm so thrilled for you and the children who will come under your care and love.
The quilt pattern is adorable. I had to study each picture and look at all the details. What wonderful stories you could create for each character. A child is never to young or too old for a story. If you bought a 2nd quilt cover, you could make a cloth book of the characters.
You are in my thoughts and prayers.
Looks like your home will be in tip top shape...probably more than most! :)
Your laundry room door...could you just take it off?? Or do you need to "hid" the room?? Just a thought.
You do indeed have quite a checklist of things to do--most of them are things that should be done anyway. I would also suggest switching to inexpensive but effective natural homemade cleaning recipes. For example, a simple bottle of vinegar is helpful. Mix with water and you have a cleaning product sans harsh chemicals.
Every single thing you cross off your list is another act of love for the child who will be loved in your house.
Those cable-ties work wonders for child-proofing cabinets and other things very easily and you can get into it quick - some of those latches you buy are really difficult to get into for adults.
Oh, and Amy, as an experienced parent... get a lock for your bedroom door.
I hve to agree with Saucy, get a lock for your bedroom door! : )
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