I hope it's not too late in the season to show you some wonderful gift ideas. Soon...very soon, I'll be adding lots of really wonderful things. Including this bracelet to the left and lots more cute and fun jewelry.
Also, as promised, I'll have some twinkling Sugarville houses (8 to be exact...a cupcake house, a glittery eiffel tower, a few music boxes! just you wait!) I might even be able to finish them up and add them tomorrow. Maybe!
And to top it all off, my friend famous mo jackson has been busy all year making her special mo-mades just for us. Are you ready for a sneak peek?

Hold your britches, these'll be in the shop verrrrry soon!
Do my eyes decieve me or are those Mo's famous stockin's a'la Mini?????
what a fantastic blog you have. Love the little bears in a post below.
Loooooooove those stockings!!
How darling! Those stockings are wonderful!! Chapeau as we say in France to such a cleverness!
FABULOUS!!!!! Love them all!
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