All this is packed up and is on its way to Omaha. I'm going to track the packages everyday so that if they do get lost or their progress is slowed down, I'll know precisely at what moment to really start panicking.
Now that all this stuff is gone and I can't tinker with it or add to it or make one more last thing or just sit down in front of it and stare (I confess), there are other sorts of things to do. I need to get a haircut. I need to see if I can find a pair of cowboy boots* (but if not, borrow a pair from my sweet friend.) I need to figure out what clothes to bring. I need (I just decided this morning) to make some fun business cards to hand out.
*Why cowboy boots, you ask? The theme of dress for Silver Bella's vendor night is Junk Gypsy, as seen here. I do not have a cowboy hat or boots or a prom dress. I do not want to appear a fuddydud. I would like to:
1. use what I have
2. fit in with the theme
3. be cute
Oh, AMy!~~What a glorious site! Best best BEST wishes to you at Silver Bella! Can't wait to hear all about it when you return! XXOO, Beth
OK, I have already picked out exactly what I have to have...I might have to throw some elbows getting to your booth! Hopefully it is still there by the time I get to you! Best of luck!
Amy, I so admire you! What a great job you have done! I've been in the craft show business for years, your space is wonderful, and your houses are beyond cute. Wish with all my heart I was going to this ball, think my fairy Godmother will show up just in time? Best wishes! Do try to have a good time, you have nothing to worry about, bet you will not have to ship anything home, but the stage!
One thing though, maybe you might want to get some side drapes, just a thought. love all you do, Vanessa
it's beautiful! can't wait to see it in person!
Oh hope you have my two saved. I might have to bump elbows with Wendy to get in there and more of those adorable goodies.
See you Thursday.
Just look at all that fabulousness!! I think you should definitely take that rockin' pink wig to vendor night!! xo, suzy
I don't think you could look anything but great :)
I'm not doing the junk gypsy look myself. More like colorful/glam, a big of bling.
Good luck with your packing! See you in a couple days
...addendum: the above should read "a BIT of bling", not 'big' :)
Serious eye candy!
Oh, wonderful! and sweet! I wish you a fabulous time at Silver Bella!
Everthing looks just wonderful. Have a great time.
oh, oh, oh... gorgeous!
have fun!
Onto my checklist:
Lots of packing supplies to bring home Amy's lovelies on the plane!
See you soon!
Amy, your display picture is making me wonder how I'm going to run fast enough to all the fun vendor booths and sweep up all the gorgeous stuff! Can't wait to burn up some money! woo hoo! see you there! have a safe trip! xo natalea
You will surely fit all of your criteria and be very cute. If you lived near me, I would lend you my super-delicious 1950's frothy pink prom dress that my mother made famous in her heyday. How cute would that be?
o WOW! i mean thats like alli can say is WOW. big flippin' capital WOW!
Squueeeeeeeeeal! That is the most fabulous little village I have ever seen. I know it will be hard to part with! Best wishes for the show, and have big-time fun!
Yay...can't wait to see all this gorgeousness in person!!!!
See you SOON!
Gasp! Your display caused my heart to flutter!!! I can't wait to see it all in person--and you too!!! By the way, I've never seen you when you're not the definition of CUTE!!! But I do love your boots! xo-Mel
It was such a pleasure meeting you at Silver Bella. Your creations are so delightful and inspiring. I am still coveting the suitcase with the tea cups that got away. :) Please keep in touch.
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