Monday, February 5, 2007

the birthday girl

I'm going to a birthday party for my friend Irene today. She's such a hoot! We call her the Diva, a name she's earned with her style and attitude. I'll bring my camera and take pictures of the party.
For her birthday, I made a tower of gifts. I didn't think to photograph any of the gifts before I wrapped them. The best gift is an extra long necklace with two gold puff hearts and a key. It's so beautiful. (I've requested one for Valentine's Day!) Most of the rest of the gifts are just for fun. I bought a set of body markers for a temporary tattoo (just in case she's always wanted a tattoo!), chocolate covered oreos, those things you put in the water that grow 6 times their original size, some fairy magic dust, a tee shirt that has "birthday girl" written in rhinestones, monogrammed post-it notes, and a few other things I can't remember.
Happy birthday, Diva, my friend!


Anonymous said...

ok, this is just too sweet! You've got a lucky friend!

Anonymous said...

how cute it your tower of gifts!!! My daughter's 16th bithday is in 2 any grand ideas for that?! A tower of 16 gifts would be good. I have a few ideas up my sleeve, but I'm sure your ideas would be over the top Amy!!!
Lucky Irene!!

Jennifer W. said...

Wowzers! I think I'd faint if somebody gave me a tower of gifts like this!

Junie Moon said...

You give the most thoughtful and fun gifts--a tower of them, how perfectly divine! Happy birthday to your friend--just being friends with you is a gift in itself.

Dawn said...

Oh my...your friend will absolutely LLLLOOOOOVVVEEE this tower of diva-deliciousness!!!
Love your banner, too.
Always inspiring here...dear Amy!

Anonymous said...

You are so thoughtful, that tower looks amazing and so beautiful. Can I keep the boxes once she finished opening them? (joking...), absolutely unique and wonderful! Your friend is lucky indeed, can't wait to see the pictures.

Anonymous said...

Very fun~~ How did you ever find the boxes to make this tower? She is very lucky to have you for a friend.

Gypsy Purple said...

You are a great friend!!
Lovely tower of gifts!!


Anonymous said...

I would love to receive a tower of gifts...what a lovely idea! I wouldn't want to open them though they look so good.

Diane said...

What a great idea for a special friend!

Emmie said...

Happy Birthday Diva. The gift list is grand. Wonderful gesture. She will sure love it.
Peep into my friendship blog for some beautiful e-greeting cards and friendly tips.

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful idea! I love it and will try to recreate it for my sister. But tell me more about the necklace! Where did you find it and do you have a picture?

Anonymous said...

What a dreamy stack of goodness!! I find it to be a gift in itself!!