Monday, February 26, 2007

lucky me

The mailman just delivered two boxes of pure happiness.

My sweet friend Wendy sent me this tin box full of special candy. For no reason at all. Little did she know how much I would need this today. I was feeling just a little...just a today. Nothin' a piece of sour cherry gum can't cure.

And along with the sugar box, she sent the nicest little note saying that she hoped I keep this box full of sweet candy as a reminder of how sweet I am. How nice is that? Thank you, Wendy! I'm not so blue anymore. Just a whiff of that box full of candy (geezy pete does it ever smell fabulous!) had me feeling much better. Much.

Last week, Robert declared that he was clearing out some old stock and was holding a drawing for box-lots of his magical products. Lucky name was among those drawn. The box arrived today and I love it all. I'm going to tuck some of the special toys away for when my little friends visit (Seth is spending his Spring Break with me!) My favorite of all the treasures is this wonderful elephant pull-toy.

Do you know how many times today I started writing a blog post only to delete it because it sounded so blah and blue? Oh, by the way, books...done! And on time.

Tomorrow, I'm cleaning my craft studio. It's a mess...I'm inspired by all the fabulous studios I'm seeing out there...fresh and clean and so pretty.


Diane said...

An unexpected treat is always the best!

Angela said...


Always remember when you feel blue, that its not always a bad thing. Once in a while we need to feel that way to appreciate all the things that make us happy, and to be able to empathize with others!

I am so glad that you feel so much better, now!

longnecklady said...

I love too that the things she sent aren't mainstream items. Very thoughtful.


Anonymous said...

I just discovered your blog. Your online shop is wonderful and full of beautiful things.....oh, and I can totally relate to the taxman (or should it be accountant) cometh post below. :)

Anonymous said...

Aww what a wonderful friend and a lovely message, glad you're feeling better.

Anonymous said...

What a fun package! I just discovered those chocolate covered Altoids last week and now I'm addicted to them, perhaps.

Don't let your dentist know about all this sugar! Unless you share with him/her.

carlene federer said...

What a fun gift...surprises are the best! Enjoy your yummy candy!

Carol Bennett said...

How very sweet! I love pull toys!
Come visit me!