Wednesday, March 13, 2013


The cover girl of the spring issue is my spring nest, which I absolutely loved creating! In the issue, I give you complete instructions on how you can make your own and I do hope you'll give it a try. I made a whole bunch of them and seriously can't wait to see the ones you make. You can use any combination of fibers to create them.

I made this one all from this super gorgeous (and a wee expensive) knit collage yarn...

This tiny nest was constructed with all-white fibers, including vintage lace.

I made a few others but I do think this one, the cover girl, is my very favorite...

You probably already have everything you need to make your own...except perhaps the instructions...found in the Spring issue of Inspired Ideas, available here for a mere $3.99. 


Unknown said...

I love the cover nest but that white one could sure hide some really sweet things.

eileen hull said...

love the nests... and all you create :-)

Cherie Wilson said...

Thanks Amy! This project and all the others are adorable. Love this issue!

Lucy said...

Loving this issue!!!

vintage grey said...

So beautiful and sweet! xo Heather

Anonymous said...

So beautiful and sweet.

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Gingham Red said...

Yeah ! I love your publications and have been waiting all season for its release. Can't wait to read it. Thank you :)

Linda Jo said...

I made two this past week! Just love them...the nests!!!

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Alex Moorett said...

Good stuff! I helped wrote a resume who used to make nests as a hobby!

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