I'm so happy to hear how many have signed up for my Big Picture Class!
Have you signed up yet? I'm not sure how much longer it will be available at just $10 (reg. $20)...so jump on it if you're interested.
It's a one week online workshop, offered June 21-27, with lots of fun videos and extras, including a couple of live chats! We'll be stitching an grid-style sampler, filled with all the things that make you happy. You could follow along, stitching the same squares I do, or take off with the inspiration you find and customize the sampler to specifically what makes you happy. I seriously cannot wait to see what you come up with!
Lots of folks were worried that they couldn't sign up since they'd be away for that week (it is summer, afterall) that they'd have to miss out on the fun. Not so! Signing up for the class gives you forever access to all the materials and forums. You'll miss the live chats, I suppose. But don't let that stop you...it's going to be a great class. So, even if you are going to be away for that week, you can still sign up and have access to the videos when you return.
Another question is whether this class is appropriate for beginners. And I think it absolutely is. I learned to stitch when I was just a little girl and my style still has that childish charm to it. It's perfect for beginners, including youngsters. This sampler is all about expression...not perfection.
If you're still worried, you can try this exercise...osn
Draw a design on a bit of fabric and try stitching the outline of what you drew. Then try drawing a simple but tiny heart, and try stitching from one side to the next, filling it in, like the heart above. Try that exercise and then, if you had fun and enjoyed it, I think you'll really love the class.
Signing up gives you access to the pre-classroom immediately, which is filled with fun things like a video to help you make your own happy list! There's also a video to help you purchase your supplies and get you all set up to start stitching next month.
Have any other questions? Post them in a comment below and I'll address them here!
p.s. I had an email from Virginia who wants to use the exact fabric I did for my sampler but was having trouble locating it. Here's a direct link http://www.123stitch.com/cgi-perl/itemdetail.pl?item=67-135X
Shelly, yes you can access the class in full anytime after the week is over. But you'll need to sign up for the class prior to the end of the workshop. Does that make sense?
Raychill, here's a source for Osnaburg which ships internationally. http://www.onlinefabricstore.net/sheeting-fabric/osnaburg-fabric/unbleached-osnaburg-fabric-.htm?s_kwcid=TC|1027047|osnaburg||S|e|12821926453&gclid=CIni5JLflrACFUdN4Aod3BAG2g
Or, check your local fabric store. They probably carry it.
Adriana, I don't really show instructions for stitches but most of the stitches are very basic. In fact, you could probably stitch the entire sampler using just satin stitches (filling in a space by stitching from one side to the other, like the heart above) and backstitches or outline stitches. A really great resource for learning new stitches is http://www.needlenthread.com/ The video tutorials are fabulous. Just remember that with out sampler, it's about expression, not perfection.
Lyn F, It's okay if you're not great at drawing. If you need help figuring out a design when you're stitching, you can just email me or post it in the forum and we can all brainstorm together. Most importantly of all, don't stress! It'll be fine!
Yael, I think you'll be okay gently washing the sampler. Be sure to pre-wash your fabric. There's one part of the sampler where we'll be making button people by drawing faces on buttons. You may need to experiment to make sure the marker you use stays when washed. And you'll want to be mindful of the washability of all the embellishments. But what a great idea to make it into a quilt. Will you change the dimensions of the grid...or will you make a tiny quilt?
Tina, Monica, Melissa, Cherie & Kerrie! So happy that you'll be joining in on the fun! Let me know if you have any questions. It's going to be so much fun! I can't wait!
Will it be recorded and available after that date? I would pay to watch it after the fact....I am a Cub Scout Camp Director, so I will be at camp with 50 boys!
I'm excited to participate in the workshop. I'm in the process of gathering supplies.
My first choice for fabric would be Ornsaberg, but so far I haven't had any success finding it (I'm in Canada). Do you have any sources for getting this fabric online?
I love the idea of stitching but really am all thumbs at every past attempt. Will you be showing how to do specific stitches or knots in really simple terms?
Oh Amy---- since I {sniffle} won't be in class with you at ME, I'll happily settle for seeing your sweet face in class. Maybe YOU can get me stitching more regularly, after all it is just way too hot to knit right now! :)
I am not a good drawer - I mean seriously deficient at drawing more than stick figures or hearts. A cup of coffee will be a real challenge, as would a cup cake. Any ideas where I can get some sketches to copy/trace.
I am signed up and can't wait! I am currently in the middle of two stitching projects, but plan to put the skids on when it's time for class! And I managed to find a copy of the magazine, really enjoyed your feature!
Monica Fullerton
I'm signed up and ready and waiting
I think it would be great project for the couch while keeping warm at nights here in Melbourne (Australia)
Sweet Amy! I couldn't resist and signed up today. Just watched two videos and can't believe what a gracious price you are offering us. Well, then again.....it is you and yes, I can believe it! Thankyou for perhaps keeping this mother of the bride sane with some Happy Stitching these next few weeks!! XO
I'm all signed up! I'm looking forward to the opportunity to get out my needle and thread. Thanks, Amy!
Hi Amy,
I'm all signed up for the class, and I'm just wondering...Do you think it that with the right choice of fabric, it might be possible to make a (gently) washable sampler? My thought is that if it were washable, I could use the sampler to make a happy quilt...
I can't wait to start! I've enlisted my 10-year-old daughter to help me draw designs for my squares. I think that will make my sampler extra special.
I wanted to use a white fabric instead of an unbleached fabric. If anyone wants to know where to get White Osnaburg fabric, you can buy it at Beverlys.com it's called James Thompson Waterford Osnaburg-White.
Just in case!
I'm so looking forward to the class!!
Help Amy! I didn't receive anything today, emailed you and it bounced back as box being full, left word on today's posting, and have finally figured out what the problem is - I registered under jane1@cp-tel.net and had that email turned off this week due to tons of spam. I have a new email address which should show up to you on this post. I don't want to get far behind. I have had my things ready now since April. I hope you can help!!!
I am so disappointed I missed this class. Will you be offering it again? I would love to join in the fun.
Amy, I am so disappointed I missed this class. Will you be offering it again? I would love to join in the fun. Angie ta.weldon@yahoo.com
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