Monday, September 26, 2011


Alfredo and I flew on the red eye last night and it wasn't pretty. My poor guy is sick with a cold and threw up about 20 minutes into the flight. I had to change him out of his cute footed pajamas into not-so-warm emergency clothes. He managed to sleep most of the flight. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case for me. Oh well...I'll catch up someday. :)

 Art is You Petaluma was fabulous! It was such a wonderful group of women and I can't wait to show you what I're not going to believe it.

So, tomorrow is our custody trial with Alfredo's mom...say a little prayer for us. I'll be back later this week...I have a lot of life-catching-up to do.


Danee said...

I'm sending you terrific thoughts and all good wishes. Ironic that you blogged today because a couple of hours ago I thought about how fun your swap was and I need to do another swap and that went to "I wonder where Amy has been, she hasn't blogged lately, I better check".

Jane said...

Oh, Amy, I do hope & pray the custody situation is resolved (in your + Alfredo's favor, of course) soon! What a stressful situation!

Brenda said...

Sending up special prayers for you and your family.

Jackie said...

Sending many many prayers your way!

radmegan said...

Welcome back from Art is You! And good luck tomorrow. I'll keep you in my thoughts <3


Lorrie said...

Praying for you all.

Debby said...

Prayers for you and your little guy. This is so hard, I know. Please let us know. Can't wait to see waht you made.

Lisa said...

Praying for a favorable outcome tomorrow.

janey jennings said...

Praying so much for you Girlfriend! All will turn out well, you're such a beautiful person. Miss and Love you, Janey

Jennifer Hepler-Takens said...

blessings for your little sweetness! I know he will perk up soon. Please know that so many are praying for your family!

Suz said...

You are all in my prayers, Amy.


Julie said...


Jill said...

Sending up a prayer for your sweet family...

vivian said...

sending up a big prayer for alfredo! his mom has been basically out of the picture right? I think it'll all go well for you. keep us posted!
Hugs and prayers!!

Anonymous said...

I will be sending you and your sweet family prayers for your challenge tomorrow. May you find some comfort in the fact that so many people are keeping you in their hearts.

Best wishes,

Tamera's Craft Palace said...

sending up prayers!

Tracey Fisher said...

Good Luck Amy. Sending positive energy to you!

Judy said...


Anonymous said...

Praying for you and your sweet family, Amy!

Amy M. said...

So sorry Sweet Boy is sick! Poor baby!!!

Of course, you know you are in my thoughts and prayers!

Crafting by Candlelight

Fiona said...

De lurking to say your family is in my prayers..

Anonymous said...

Hi Amy,

May God grant you the goodness you so deserve. I have been praying for your family and can't wait to hear you are comforted! God bless you.


Whosyergurl said...

Amy, I'm sorry Alfredo was sick. Will be sending love and prayers for the hearing.
xo, Cheryl

Anonymous said...

My prayers are with you and your little man. I seldom have written to you, though I do enjoy your blog. My sons are both adopted and I have been at such a hearing with my Joey so I know just how scary it can feel.
God bless you all.
Anne Washington

Shelly said...

Thinking of you...Hoping that everything went well today with the custody trial and that Alfredo is feeling much better! I'm even going to attempt a little prayer though I'm pretty rusty. BIG HUGS!!! -Shelly

Heather Simpson-Bluhm said...

Good luck Amy. I hope everything works out for you and Rich and Alfredo. I will be sending good thoughts. Please keep us updated...

kmore said...

Hi Amy, I met you at The Creative Connection, and after reading this post, I want to tell you that I can't imagine anyone with more positive energy than you, and I am certain that your positive energy is going to come back to you in this situation. Believe.

Priyakhanna said...

Wow, what a journey! I'm so sorry to hear about Alfredo getting sick on the flight. It's always tough when little ones aren't feeling well, especially on a red eye. Hopefully, he's feeling better now and you can both catch up on some much-needed rest soon.

Art is You Petaluma sounds absolutely amazing! I'm thrilled to hear you had such a great experience with a wonderful group of women. I'm really looking forward to seeing what you created—I'm sure it's incredible!

I'll definitely keep you in my thoughts for the custody trial tomorrow. Sending you all the positive vibes and prayers for a smooth and favourable outcome. Take care, and looking forward to catching up when things settle down a bit. Hugs!

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