After breakfast, I still had a little while before Natalie arrived so I ducked into this beautiful church. I was feeling a bit upset that the baby's father hadn't taken off work to spend more time with him while we are here. More than anything, I felt hurt for Alfredo. Spending some time with my head bent in prayer helped open my heart and soften my feelings.

I didn't take as many photos as I should...and we almost went the whole day without getting a picture of us together. We had this snapped at the end of the day just as we were saying our goodbyes.
It was such a nice day...thank you Natalie for spending it with me. See you at SB2009!
What's on the agenda for today? After breakfast at the same place, I'm going to the craft store to buy supplies for a quick project. And I'm treating myself to a matinee...Julie and Julia, of course. And lots of buttered popcorn, please.
I say this with no disrespect, but, not everyone can afford to just take days off. Not everyone is as fortunate as you when it comes to money and perhaps he couldn't take more time off because he couldn't afford to take time off. I understand being upset, but not everyone is rolling in the dough, so to speak, that they can afford leisure days.
Anonymous, I understand that. Truly I do. It's just that the purpose of this visit is for Alfredo to spend time with his father. It's not just a luxury for him to spend time with his father but a necessity. He needs to know "home" in two places.
I really enjoy your blog. You have a wonderful mix of real life and projects!
After working with children for many years, I have learned that there are simply some parents who can't be bothered. I'm not saying this is Alfredo's case, but something that I've noticed. Alfredo is lucky to have someone like you in his life. Someone who truly loves him and is there for him.
I love your blog, its gentle and serene and you are very talented.
Please pop over and say hello if you have time. I have had a little go at doing a similar sample to yours hope you dont mind, Its not as cute as yours and I seem to have made the squares bigger doh...
Maybe I'll do a post on it when I'm finished.I'll pop in regularly.
Glad you had a good time with your friend.
I've always wondered if you should have Alfredo permanently...you all make a perfect family!
What a wonderful day....love the gentle shopping time..and time with our head bent in prayer is always so good for the soul...Your gentle spirit is infectious :)
and yes, I do think you could paint up an adorable latte bowl!
I'd ask on Etsy about the latte bowl, I think they have a feature (Alchemy?) where you could request one! :)
Amy - I think you should get the latte bowl (I work in Anthropologie p/t & they have great ones) but instead of Amy on your latte bowl...please put "Mom" I think you deserve the bowl and the title...you are excellent at it - & bravo to you to have those leisure days to bring Alfredo to visit his dad some people wouldn't be that kind or caring to do that....you & rich are two kind hearted souls -I just wish that we had more people like you guys to care for those who don't have it so lucky...more power to you my friend!...have a honey of a night - sweet dreams! grace peace & joy 2 "U" my name is Marlene - not anonymous
I am so glad you found the church and some peace of mind in a painful situation.
Dear Amy,
I read your blog from time to time. I enjoy it so much! Just reading your blog one can tell that you are such a loving & caring parent. I understood what you meant when you expresed your disappointment about Alfredo not seeing his father as much as you'd hoped he would. You weren't judging. You sounded sad for Alfredo. It didn't sound like a judgement. Only like a Mother concerned for her son.
I wish I followed on a more regular basis as you visited my home town of Petaluma. The old church you visited was St. Vincents. It's a lovely old church. I hope that you and Natalie walked all the way up Kentucky street. I no longer live in Petaluma but the next city north of it. But to me it's still my hometown.
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