We went there this morning and I loved seeing all the new stuff...especially these funky felt gift boxes! They are just $4 each. I love 'em!
I picked up a few supplies I needed to work on another project to share with you.
Thank you, everyone, for your continued support and enthusiasm for our foster parenting. It has been so wonderful to have you alongside for this journey. I feel like I'm getting my sealegs. Sleeptime is getting better and the three of us are getting along like peas in a pod.
I've prayed a lot about Baby's visitation with his mom. I'm praying to be more forgiving, more open, more positive, more loving. She's a young mother who's lost her baby. She doesn't have a lot of control over what's happening with him. If being critical about my care gives her some feeling of control, I can take it. I can look at the bigger picture and can see this situation from her side. And more importantly, I can see how my good relationship with Baby's mom is the best thing for sweet Baby.
that is SO good of you!!! What you are doing is so selfless and then to take the extra step to put yourself in mom's shoes is above and beyond. it has to be so difficult. I admire you for simply being foster parents, but even more so because you do it with such care, compassion and patience.
You're doing just great Amy. I so admire what you and Rich are doing, and when this Mommy hopefully has her act together and looks back years from now, she will too. I'm keeping you all in my prayers.
ps. Oh, and thanks for allowing us all along on this wonderful journey!
Amy - These boxes are darling, would be so cute with little gifts inside, I need to run over to Michael's in the am.
Love your blog! Did someone help you with the design or did you do it yourself? I love the hearts around the title.
take care of that baby!!
Amy, you and this sweet baby are in my heart and my prayers. You are so right.... it's not you, it's not personal... she is grasping at straws and the best thing you can do is be kind to her. You are so centered and smart and loving. That sweet baby boy is blessed to have you, as I know you are to have him. xo
Ditto Holly Doodle! You are an amazing person and putting yourself in that Mom's shoes rather than becoming angry or defensive, wow. Just pretty dang awesome. Both Baby and Mom are forunate indeed to have your in their lives. You've made my day.
Seriously, Amy. You have the biggest heart! I know I've said it before, but every day I'm more impressed than the day before. How is that?
cute boxes my love!!!! Oh I love what you shared..you are so sensitive and loving and I'm so glad that this mother has you, someone who can look at there part..not everyone does it so beautifully and humbly...You amaze me as you walk the walk..Love, Jennifer
Amy, I enjoy so much reading about your excitement leading up to and with your joy. I can't imagine how hard it will be to share this joy with someone else, but there is a bigger picture, and knowing you will always be there for this child will help you do this. Keep up all of your great work as an artist and a mom. Kim.
You are so wise!
I worked a lot of years in and out of the dependency court system and I have such respect for you and your attitude. You are so doing the right things and with the right attitudes. I hope you can feel all the love and support coming to your family and Baby and Mother. Warmest regards, Trish G.
It is very admirable what you're doing, very inspiring. Keep strong and remember what's important.
The difference between yours and Bio-Mom's approaches to visitation is maturity. You are wise not to set yourself up as her opponent. When I was a young single mom, I knew I couldn't make Dad be the father our daughters deserved. Only he could do that and he chose not to. In their 30's they are still struggling with him but appreciate that I didn't make him The Enemy. I tried to be a sounding board for their frustration and conflicts, and to reassure them THEY were not to blame for his inattentiveness.
Making a family is hard, no matter what you have to work with. But it is worth more than anything else you will ever do. Thank you for sharing your experience. Best luck.
The differences in yours and Bio-Mom's approaches to visitation indicate the biggest difference between you: maturity. You are wise not to set yourself up as her opponent. When I was a younger single mom, I realized I couldn't make Dad be the kind of father his daughters deserved. Only he could do that, and right or wrong, they would have to learn to deal with the dad they got. Now in their 30's, they're still struggling with him, but they are terribly appreciative of my not making him The Enemy, but instead being a sounding board for their frustration and reassuring them THEY are not to blame for his inattentiveness.
Thank you for sharing your experience. Making a family is hard no matter how you do it, but worth more than anything else you'll ever do. Best luck.
Oops. So sorry for double post. I thought the first one had vaporized and rewrote it as well as I could remember it! Please delete one of them if you can.
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