We'll have to work on those table manners. Yesterday morning, after church he tossed his sippy cup across the table, knocking over my coffee all over my pretty Sunday dress. I swear, I just sat there. I think I even took another bite of my pecan roll, just sort of pretending it didn't just happen. I guess I picked up the knocked over cup because I then took another sip of coffee to wash down that bite of pecan roll. And then I woke up and sprang into action, mopping up and saying things like "This is why we don't throw our sippy cups!"
He's teething...a big old flat molar pushing its way through his gums and making everything just a little harder. Got any good advice about teething?
I'm working this week on getting the next issue of inspiredideas up...and I can't wait for you to see the next inspiredfriend! You're going to love it all, I just know it.
Hope you're having a swell day. Keep cool and don't forget to chase the ice cream truck if he comes to your neighborhood. I think I hear him now...ding ding ding!
Amy, one of my favorite things to do when my girls were teething was to freeze grapes. (the seedless kind) Babies like to chew on them, they're cold so they sooth their little gums and they are good for them. Always helped. (and of course some baby tylenol too)
And the funny thing is, even last night, my sweet girl who is now 16 was sitting next to me eating frozen grapes. :0)
Best of luck, teething is hard.
~Cerri xo
PS, we always froze the purple grapes, never the green. I don't think my girls were as fond of the green grapes...
Highland's teething tablets. It's soothing chamomile for baby's disposition during teething. I like to call them "happy pills."
I have worked with a lot of paents in this position. Some kids dont like grape skins, and for them Ive suggested frozen bananas. Peel the bnana, make slices of 1/4 inch, then cut those in half (or leave whole if your little one prefers)lay them out and freeze. Before giving to baby, let a peice defrost for 1 minute. THe outside gets a bit soft, but is still nice and cold!
we tried frozen plain pepperidge farm mini bagels ... only half at a time. they would knaw on them as much as they wanted and then we'd throw them out. not sure who told me about them ... but it might be something to try. if he doesn't like them, you can eat them!
Amy - try loved a cold wet washcloth. My kids loved those for teething.
Be careful of the grapes as they can pose a chocking hazard.
I used to freeze juice in dollar store popsicle holders. Loved it and was good for them Children's motrin is great for pain and inflammation.
The only other thing is "I'll pray for you." Really. :)
frozen bagels,frozen bananas a frozen washcloth (wash well with no softener!) These were a few of my kids' favorites. I nixed the grapes!
Dang...we dont' have the ding-ding ice cream trucks out here in the countryside. If we want ice cream we have to drive to town or make it ourselves. (Or skip it and make cookies, which is what I do!)
My sister says to put a wet rag in the freezer for a while then let baby chew on that. (Maybe she doesn't literally mean a rag, but a clean cloth...ha). I think I don't remember teething w/ my girls CUZ I don't want to remember!!! But somehow I endured it, becuase they have plenty of teeth as grown women now!
I second the frozen, wet washcloth. But I had to soak it in applejuice instead of water to get my kids to chew on it. Choosing a soft washcloth was important too. Other than that, I recommend a little Infant's Tylenol if he really seems uncomfortable. (And especially at naptime/bedtime!)
By the way, I am posting 50 activities to do with toddlers on my blog this week, and you were mentioned today! :-)
Hi Amy,
Only you could make a beautiful photo of the floor below a baby's chair at lunch LOL!
My little guy is almost done teething except for his 2 year molars, but I know that almost every time he had teeth coming in he pretty much lost his appetite for a day or two. I just let him have as much milk as he wanted and he would eat extra the next few days. We have always given him some baby Tylenol in the morning and evening if he is in a lot of pain, and that really helps.
This might sound strange, but you could try massaging his gums a little, and see if he likes that. I'm sure not all babies would go for this, but I would wash my hands really well, and ask Gabe if he wanted me to rub his "tooth". If he opened his mouth, I would just use my finger to rub the gum a little bit in a circle. It seemed to help (even if it was just a way for me to show him I knew he was hurting there). WARNING - sometimes he would also bite down if I wasn't pressing hard enough, which is fine if there is no tooth on top, but if there is - ouch! :)!
Hope he's feeling better soon!!
I love your blog and have been a fan for awhile now, but am just brave enough to leave my first comment :) I even have your blog link on my own blog!!
Poor teething little guy!! I freeze a peeled banana and let my kiddo gnaw on that, it makes it last longer, feels good on their gums, and is good for them! I also have used a natural dissolving pill by Hyland that is called Teething Tabs and can be found in most natural sections of grocery stores. It really seems to work. Also freezing an end of a washcloth and letting them play with that seems to work, or distract them for awhile.
Good luck, and thanks for such a great blog!!
I use the cold washcloth too, my baby is teething and she loves them !
Oh! Sounds like you handled that little situation very well;)~
Those frustrating little moments when you are in shock and disbelief....but somehow years later...you remember them fondly - hehe!! Time has a funny way of changing those...
*my most recent child, just cut his first tooth...I'm dreading those molars - eeeekkkkkk!!!
ditto on all the teething suggestions....my son LOVES to chew on my watch - he grabs it and just chews away. I'll let him do it for a little bit (I love to hear his little teeth clink against the watch).
I can't tell you how many times I've watched things drop and dribble and fly around me and I just keep on going....I have a 21month old and almost 9 month old (yes, please do the math). applesauce, yogurt. cookies, crackers, cereal...........baby food.......it is fun!
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