Everyone is still asleep (except for my father who's gone for a walk) Any second now, I'll hear waking sounds.
Last night, Rich had a game after work in DC. So, with free dessert coupons in hand, I decided to take my parents, Seth, Baby and me out for dinner. Everyone packs in the car, I go back in to the house to get a sippy cup and bib, set the alarm, shut the door. I get into the car and start looking around for my purse to get my keys out. Uh oh...it's locked in the house.
We thought my parents had an extra key but we couldn't find it. I called Rich and he told us to get our neighbor across the street to drive us to the Silver Diner and Rich would pick us up. Geezy pete, what a night!
It reminded my father of when I'd just gotten my driver's license and first car. I was 21. After leaving my parents' house, I stopped to buy gas. I left the keys in the ignition (I know, right?) and thought as I was shutting the door "If I'm going to leave the keys in the car, I'd better lock it so nobody takes off with the car!" Well, that made my father feel really great about all that money to pay for my college education, that's for sure!
Oh well. I could tell you a million more but I'd better get started with my day.
here ya go! :)
Oh yes, I've locked myself out of my car and house a few times. The funny thing is that my dad's a locksmith and each time that I did this I was no where close to his work or house. LOL
Aren't Mimi's teacup pincushions adorable?!
My husband and I have endured a lock keys in car episode - definitely not fun!
It's been a while since I've read your blog and sounds like you're doing great! (I met you at the Paris Flea last year)
I thought I locked my keys in the car with it running last week. I felt the lurch in my stomach as the door slammed shut... oh, crap! But I hadn't (this time). The last time I remember doing it, I was, of course, almost out of gas and running to meet someone.
A couple of times a month I get out of my car and head for the shuttle at work -- with my car still running.
PS. Love the new layout and the new magazine you have now!
Love your blog. I was going to leave you the link to Mimi's site, but I see someone has already done that. I was impressed with her little teacup scenes also.
Hello There!
I am a first time visitor here, what a beautiful place you have here. I so enjoyed my stay and will be back soon! Happy first day of summer!
Your Daddy must be just like mine! They look at mundane objects (like earring backs) with fresh eyes and turn them into wonderful things.
We all have done it, some more than others.. but oh well... LOL ;)
My husband locked his keys on our first date back in high school, and he still, to this day, will lock them in the car every so often! (Old habits die hard- real hard, I guess!)
But I love him so! ;)
Just found your blog afer hearing so many good things! Your story sounds alot like my husband I lovingly call him the key bandit as he is always and I mean always losing his own keys or running off with my mine! We have had our share of sticky situations.
for the felt house and cup
Hi Amy,
I've been a lurker for way too long! I think we live in the same area! I'm just so.in.love. with your blog and your spark for creativity! I will not lurk anymore!
Yeppers, it was a Mimi masterpiece:http://mimikirchner.com/blog/
Oh you reminded me of the utmost worst event of my motherhood!! When I was 21 I had a 3 month old and stopped by my mom's beauty salon to let the ladies ooogle her. I got out of the car hit the unlock which actully locked it and she was still inside. Frantic and paniced and crying we were able to open it via a clothes hanger- she slept through the whole ordeal- I felt like the world worst mother. Since then (she is 15) I do a triple check everytime I leave!!!
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