Here's the state of things now. I know it's not bad but I'm just ready for a change. Not the kind of change that will cost thousands...not new cabinets, new counters, new floors sorts of changes. Uh uh. No money for that. I just mean new decorations, new wall color (maybe) and new window treatment kinds of changes.

Here's what I'm thinking...
That trash can at the end of the counter has become a real problem. We shove plastic bags in the cubbies and Baby makes a game of it every single day to take the bags out and spread them artfully around the kitchen floor. "This bag is not a toy" is evidently meant for dopes like me.
Also, if by chance we forget to shut the hinged, drop-forward trash can, some sort of radar sensor goes off in Baby's mind. He shuffles over as stealthily as he can and shuts the trash can on his poor little digits. Again, dopey us for leaving it open but you can't easily undo a decade of bad habits.
I'm sick to death of the faded pictures and decor that's been in place for too many years. It's out of here. In its place will be some very sweet things...think ice cream cones and cupcakes and candy.
(what's that on the floor, you ask? oh just some laminated pictures from the refrigerator. Baby prefers them on the floor.)

The biggest problem of all in the kitchen is the little half wall separating the kitchen table area from the family room. Since Baby has arrived, I never use my craft room for anything but stashing. It's gotten so bad. Meanwile, I do all my crafting at the kitchen table with Baby crawling around at my feet, inspecting my toes and feeling my ankles for stubble. When mealtime rolls around, whatever is on the table goes in precarious piles on that half wall. I'm going to overcome my embarrassment of it all and show you what I mean.

Yikes! See what I mean. And the height of my embarrassment was seeing my cleaning angel with her feather duster ever-so-carefully wanding over the heaps of mess.
So here's the jab...I know that I will be using my kitchen table for crafting and that the stashing to some place convenient isn't going to change anytime soon.
But not to worry. I have a solution. A beautiful solution. Stay tuned.
You have a gorgeous kitchen and I don't blame you for wanting to do your crafts in there! Personally, I'd have to change those yellow walls...not an appetizing or relaxing color...to me anyway. Good luck on your redo!
You have some really good ideas going there. Love the look you have now, but understand the need to change. Just finished painting my own cabinets. As for that cupcake cookie jar-I gotta start shopping at Cracker Barrel! I know some girlies of my own who will covet that once they see it here.
Once there is a kid in the house, things do change don't they? I always have to laugh when I am at other's peoples homes because of the piles on top of the fridge. It seems to be the only kid safe place in a house! No matter how hard I try a million and one things pile up on top of the fridge to keep them out of reach of little fingers...
Your kitchen has great "bones." You've got some fun ideas. Terrific combination!
Looking forward to seeing how it evolves.
-and gee, waiting on pins and needles for your beautiful solution to stashing the crafting....!
what about a soft apple green or pale turquoise on the walls? i do love the awning idea - i wanted to make those for my little girl's playhouse but ended up making red gingham/pom pom trim bistro curtains instead! please share with us how it turns out! and, i'm so glad you showed that ledge with crafty clutter - you are HUMAN after all!
I’m with you. I would love to redo my kitchen but the money is not there. Always new window treatments and a paint job always perk up a room. Good luck and happy decorating.
I'm a lurker. I confess it. But I had to come out and say that I cant wait to see what you'll do with your kitchen. While it is simply lovely now... I understand the urge to change things. I do the same thing.
oh how exciting! I can't wait to see what you do...I have been wanting to make some changes to some areas of my home as well. Maybe you will spur me on!
What a funny and honest post! Of course, we turn our worlds upside down for babies...they are the boss after all. Your comment about baby feeling your stubble really made me giggle. I can sooooo relate. Happy day to you! xoxo kimla
I look forward to the unveiling of your updated kitchen. :)
Hey Amy... Oh how funny, we're in the middle of doing some remodeling in our kitchen. We got new countertops and a new backsplash. I am going for the same candy-colored feel. My walls and kitchen already are a salt-water-taffy-green. Here is a picture of the "before". I'll blog about the after... after! http://flickr.com/photos/7424764@N08/426183252/in/set-72157600395607279/
Your kitchen is so cute now!!! But I'm sure it will be even better after you cupcake it up!!! I love the awning idea, and thought about something like that for the window next to my kitchen table....but never went as far as figuring out the actual construction of it. Hey! there is another inspired idea for you!! I posted about some changes in our kitchen a few months ago....still need a new floor though.
Oh, and thanks for showing that others have piles too!!!
You have a basically lovely kitchen to work with, so the simple wall colour changes and some new accessories will do the trick! I love the awning idea.
I like your kitchen now but certainly understand wanting a change (much to my husband's dismay). I'll be staying tuned for your fabulous solutions, JoAnne
do you know where you picked up your trash can I have been looking for something exactly like that. By the way I love to change things up too, it always makes me so happy! Thanks Valarie
I love your kitchen! I think the changes you have in mind will look great--cant wait to see them!
Anxious to see what you do with the kitchen - it's great already but I certainly understand the need for change. As you said there is so much you can do without a major overhaul and it looks like you have some great ideas in the works!
Anxious to see your changes. Children certainly do change our lives, don't they! Looks like you just need some baskets or bins for your daily piles! ha We all have them.
So pretty already- can't wait to see the "redo." And thanks for posting the photo of the pile. I have so many I wouldn't know which one to photograph!
I love your "Scatter Joy" board - is this available to purchase somewhere?
Thanks for sharing!
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