I'm crossing another little thing off my extra-long list...candy jars for all the guys in Rich's family. (We had to nix the sharpening steel idea.)
The jars are from Target. They are the smallest of a graduated series of cracker jars they sell. I washed them in the dishwasher with extra hot water to sterilize them, dried them very well, and then filled them with the jolliest assortment of unwrapped candies I could find (also Target).
I created the labels using doodads from my dear friend Mo Jackson. A tie of a bow is all that's left...presto! Gift, done. Cost per jar filled with candy: ~$8.50
I Love this Idea!!! Amy you are so wonderful - Have a Merry Christmas!!!
GREAT idea! Happy Holidays!
What a great idea! I should do that for my co-workers next year :)
these look fabulous...so festive! i wish you a very merry christmas. may your 2007 be filled with much joy & peace.
Fantastic!! Love the whole idea. Merry Christmas, Amy!
that is brilliant! stealing this idea right away!
those are so cute! They look like something you'd buy right off the shelf!
I saw those jars at Target and fell in love. I have 2 of the smallest now, and want more more more!
The candy is a great idea.
Happy holidays!
Super idea! I am going to file this away for next year.
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