So before I tell and show you all about the loveliest things they bestowed upon me, I want to say that the greatest gift is their friendship. I truly mean it. Thank you, Ann and Linda, for being my friends and for liking me so much.
Oh, and for being among the very best gift givers I've ever encountered...

1. Ann made this fabulous apron for me using a vintage pink tablecloth, chenille, pom poms. I'm so in love with it. I'm wearing it now and I swear it makes me more creative!
2. Also from Ann are these wonderful Sally Jean charms. There's a story behind it. Yes, pun intended!
3. Linda put this beautiful and graceful antique paper dove atop a whole stack of exquisitely wrapped gifts.
4. This beautiful vintage lace scarf looks so elegant draped around my neck. I can't wait to wear it.
5. Have you seen this book? It is incredible the eye candy you'll find among its pages.
6. I love, love, love this vintage purse! It is just the right mix of elegance and whimsy and vintage charm. And the cutest little matching coin purse was tucked inside.
7. This scrumptious pink scarf is the yummiest shade of pink. I adore it.
I also got the inspi(red) shirt from Gap. I love it so much that I wore it yesterday and again today. Maybe even tomorrow too if I can get away with it.
Thank you, Ann and Linda! I love all of my gifts. And I love you two too!
Wow, those are all gorgeous! No wonder The Cottage is always such a feast for the eyes!
I will be lucky if I get anything this year. Is it ok to be jealous?
Your gifts, especially the one of a good friendship, are divine, Amy!
Aww, what a lovely tribute to your friends. Their gifts are gorgeous-love the Sally Jean charm, the vintage lace scarf...etc etc :) enjoy.
That apron is the most beautiful I have ever seen..and exactly what I have been looking for for myself! Yesterday was my birthday...and now I have some birthday money just waiting to be spent. Is there a link to where I might be able to get this sort of apron? If so, could you email me...thanks! You are a blessed lady to have such thoughtful and tasteful women as friends!!
Amy, I've looked at this post several times. Admiring your gifts ('specially the scarf).And I JUST NOW saw the 'Bliss' charm by Sally Jean and said 'WHAAAAAAAAA???????' Those are buttcheeks peeking out there!!!! Holy Mackeroli!
NOW I get the pun!
Deb needs more eggnog.....
I am sooo in love with that apron that I want to run to my sewing machine right now. I have several of those old cotton tablecloths and dingle ball trim and I NEED and apron. Wow.. what wonderful friends and beautiful treasures.
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