I've been thinking of the thoughts someone left in a comment about how this arrangement might not be the best for Alfredo. I hear you. I worry about this too. Stability is so important for little ones and this plan we have to help might turn out to do the opposite.
Rich and I have talked about this often. We just couldn't possibly say no to Alfredo. Our hearts made him a promise that we would do whatever we could for him, always. We will give him so much love and we'll teach him so many things. We talked to as many experts as we could find. They all agreed that the positives of this arrangement outweigh the negatives.
We honestly don't know what the future will bring. Who does? Well, none of us certainly. That's why we count on God to help us through. He knows.
the flower square is darling, but that HOME one is my favorite. Beautiful.
I feel compelled to tell you that any home where a child is loved is home. You will be co-parenting. Co-loving. Co-sharing. I used to spend summers with my grandmother when my mother couldn't care for us. How is this not stable?
You have loved that little boy when other's were unable. You took him into your house and gave him a home. If that isn't stable, I don't know what is. You are his family. Not by blood, but by love. There is nothing strange or harmful about your situation. Please disregard the comment someone left about this not being the best thing for your little one. Coming from a child who knew very little love, I beg you to just love him. And leave the rest up to God.
Before you even considered becoming part of the fostering community, the Lord knew that little Alfredo would need a home and support once he left your care. God placed him with you. Because you would be willing to bring that little boy back into your arms and heart.
Amy, Amy, You are worring too much. The love you and Rich have for Alfredo is enough for a hundred little boys.Haven't you heard 'it takes a village to raise a child' Your second guessing way too much. I understand why you have to keep busy and your little sewing project too cute. Don't give the meanies so much power. Your perfect just the way you are.
I would ignore the nay-sayers. How could it be anything other than good for little Alfredo to have such an abundance of love? I agree, it's no different than staying at your grandparents' house for the summer. Just continue with the good thoughts. All will be well.
Amy, I'm new to getting on your blog. You are a wonderful person and I get inspired by seeing all of your projects. Love your little sewing project. It inspired me to start an embroidery project today. You and your husband are in my thoughts and prayers. God is watching over you and he knows how much you love Alfredo.
Sweet, precious Amy...what a delightful soul you are!!! You will be such a Blessing to Alfredo...however the "time" is worked out!
LOVE the embroidery! You have inspired me!
Many Blessings!
I'm a terrible worrier...in fact I worry things to death...but something tells me that your worries are for naught, that all is just as it should be...to provide a safe and loving home for your little Alfredo. The best is almost here!!!
Amy, YOU are the best thing on the internet!! I love your giant heart and this sampler is a favorite before you even finish it.
I'll send up some prayers for you, Rich, Alfredo and God's guidance in all this, too.
oh amy -
you are in my heart and prayers...just keep giving your love and moving as God opens the doors....
they are open - keep walking forward!!!
lynn : )
Your sampler is beautiful as well as you! You and your husband will be a blessing to Alfredo and God will continue to bless you. Chin up! You are awesome! I know this because I read your blog and I know your God and I just know! No worries, okay?!!!!
it is so natural to worry amy-- i think it just goes with being a Mother. i know too that everyone is just trying to be encouraging, and that is great too. but be easy to yourself, and meanwhile keep posting your sweet little projects! i just posted to an email list this morning about your sweet house bookshelf. my very next 50% off coupon went to getting our house the very same shelf, and i love the ball feet (going to steal that idea to decorate ours). we also ordered a pinky chair and it's just the centerpiece of our living room :) so thanks for being you- the Mother (this makes you a hard won warrior), the Worrier (this makes you real), the Inspirer (this makes you, you!) ! you guys are in my prayers.
You know, a photo of that four-square would make for awfully nice "baby bird's living here" announcement cards!!!
Your sampler is precious. I can see how it can be a relaxing thing to do. I'll have to give that one a try!
Good Luck with what the future holds. You have to follow your heart. It won't steer you wrong.
One can never have enough love. It "takes a village" to raise a child and Alfredo is very lucky to have you in his life. My mom was a single mother and most of my summers were spent with my grandparents since she worked a lot. I had a close bond with my grandparents and summers that I have always cherished. You ( and Alfredo!) will be soooo glad that you did this . Best of luck to you!!
gracious sakes. would you look at that sampler? i love it! the colors, flowers, heart, buttons. i do say it looks like it will fit in nicely with the rest of your candy colored world. ;o)
Enjoy that baby!
How could anyone think that having so many people to love him could be bad for Alfredo?
The love you have for each other didn't just go away it will still be there when he comes home.
My two granddaughters lived with me for a year and for the past year they have gone between my daughter and us. They are doing wonderful...they know they are loved and don't think anything about having two homes. They also know who their parents are and that we will always be here no matter what. They see us discussing what is best for them and I think this shows them that we all put them first.
We mamas worry a lot, don't we? Your heart is tied to your child (and yes, Alfredo is your child), and worry, along with great love and tremendous joy, is part of parenting. Enjoy the splashes in the pool and the banging of pots and pans again.
Ummm....stability comes in many ways. If he's bounced from unknown home to unknown home as sometimes happens with foster care, THEN that might be a problem. But I really don't see that this is much different from a divorced family where everyone gets along and the child has his own things at each place. These kids grow up fine! When they know they are loved (as he truly is) it can be something that he will definitly look forward to! Give that boy all the love you two have to give. Paraphrasing a bit from E.L. Doctorow, this will be a bit like driving a car at night. You can see only as far as your headlights, but you can make the entire trip that way. - God bless, Amy. Don't forget to have FUN!! - hugs from Kathy in Chicago
I just had to tell you that you shouldn't worry any more. You've got it figured out - the positive will far outweigh the negative. (if there is any negative at all) More people who love a child is never a negative. You will all do well, I just know it. & I love your sampler!
I love your sampler, the idea is so stimulating!!
You worry too much, but then, that's the sign of a good Mom!! Together you and your husband will create a wonderful environment for Alfredo. You are so thoughtful and kind, your love will guide you and it will certainly be there for that precious little boy!!
Margaret B
Oh Amy ~ Alfredo is absolutely one lucky little man to have you in his life. Read and re-read all the positive comments and take in all the positive energy directed towards you and brush off any negative comments or negative energy. Trust yourself!
Amy I'm loving your sampler! You are working away! I love work like this when it can give you time to ponder things! As long as you follow your heart and that intuition you can't go wrong! So excited to get to see you in a few weeks in Cali!
This is so beautiful already! What a great inspiration piece:>)
Amy - my heart is full as I realize what wonderful people you and Rich are!
Alfredo will be better for having you in his life, just as we are all better for having you share such a tiny piece of our lives!
All that and lovely embroidery, too!
Warmest wishes,
Take it one day at a time and enjoy each and every minute with Alfredo, God has always taken care of you all and he always will.
Amy, Alfredo will thrive with two loving homes, and what a great opportunity to become bilingual at such an early age! He'll adapt to both homes. My little grandson is always perfectly happy when here with us; he knows where everything is (his toys) and how we do things here (eat, nap, etc.) When Mamma comes, then he's all hers, and he has different routines at his own home. You'll be wonderful co-parents! Enjoy this precious little one!
Jane - Jacksonville
My name is geneen, I am the nay-sayer that left the comment. I didn't mean it as a negative. Amy, I believe you have a very pure and giving heart. I believe you want the best for this little one. All I wanted to make clear was that I would love for him to have roots..with you and rich (for those of you that think I am a nay-sayer why dont you go read the comment before you judge!)I would love for him to stay put and know love...Also, don't worry so much..love is realized at any age...you took care of him and loved him before...nothing has changed now...if you took my comment as a negative, I am sorry..it was not meant to be..I have never met you but from reading your blog I do believe you have one of the purest hearts of anyone i have met!..and for those others who judge before they read..go read it!
You are making a wonderful decision for baby. I know God is leading you in the right direction for the best for baby and for you.
Enjoy every moment. Babyhood flies by way to fast.
Oh... ah.... I LOVE this sampler! It's turning out so fab!!!
This sampler is so beautiful and precious.
There can be nothing negative for a child that has two families that love him. Nothing. Not even remotely.
Hi Amy,
I just discovered your blog and as I read your entries and began to get a feel for your spirit I was so touched by the beauty of your heart! I used to be a preschool teacher and would have to attend various classes for continuing education. I cannot tell you the countless times I heard...sometimes it only takes one positive person in a child's life to make a difference in how they will grow into adults. I truly believe you and your husband can make all the difference in this child's life! When he has bad memories they will be replaced with your loving faces, when he remembers fear, he will in the same breath remember the comfort of your arms. You are replacing all his negatives which positives and how can that ever be wrong. My best to you, your husband and your lucky little bird. Keep following your hearts!
Greeting my friend, God's love surrounds us like soft feathered wings. You, Rich and Alferdo are part of his perfect plan.
It's looking wonderful. The "home' square with the bluebird of happiness is my favorite. It makes me think of the little bird you will be seeing VERY SOON!!!
(Crafting by Candlelight)
Wow! Love, love, love your sampler. As a scrapbooker I have recently discovered the fun of scrapping bright colors & colorful patterns on kraft colored paper. This so makes me want to pick up a needle & transfer the same feel onto fabric! Blessings to you & your family.
I just started mine after reading of both your sweet samplers last night. Embroidery is my favorite relaxation technique! And these days I'm needing plenty!
Your sampler is wonderful, makes me want to give it a try.
Love is the path. Everything that blooms from there is good.
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