As part of this new update, Debbie has created a new section called "Last Call". It's the bargain basement of her site and you aren't going to believe the deals to be found. For instance...

But, I have one question for you today...
Are you feeling lucky?If you are...leave a comment here and you, my friend, could be a lucky duck and get a pair of these sweeties for free. Compliments of my bff, Debbie.
And if you're feeling especially lucky (and you have a tweenish daughter), you should definitely head here. You are just not going to believe how crazy generous my friend Saucy is. Just go and see for yourself. She is the Oprah of bloggers.
If I didn't have the guilt of taking the tickets away from true fans, I would take Alfredo. If we start now, we could learn all the words to all their songs. And I could teach him to swoon and scream. And, most definitely, I would get him a baby-sized purity ring. (You can't start too soon with these things)
Oh I was just on Debbie's website and planned on ordering these. I am taking Jennifers bird class at Silver Bella. Hmm. Maybe I'll just order the chicks and keep my fingers crossed for the ducks.
what a amazing giveaway for that trip/tickets! my girl is pretty far from the tweens -- thank goodness! 16 months today :) sweet sixteen in a way, i guess. i love those little duckies--we're easter all year long around here, so they would fit right in :)
i have always love duckies. and you know, chloe's boyfriends, last name, kwakkenbos, means "ducks in the woods!" this would be such a perfect gift!! pretty please lucky star
Oh my!! These ducks are truly adorable and would look so perfect in my house!!!
I'm feeling lucky! :) Too cute -- they would be perfect on my mantel in the springtime!
I just had an email form Bayberry Cove, I was thinking how nice their new look was!
I also have a couple of Jennifer's creations, I love to collect, especially such beautiful bears and bunnies. She is so sweet and talented too!!
I was reading Saucy's post, I live in Edmonton, but I don't have a tween to take if I won, but that is a fantastic give away!!!
I am trying to do something for a give away but I haven't found the right thing yet! I will though, soon!
Take care,
Margaret B
What a beautiful website!!! Those duckies would absolutely love living here at Coyote Gulch!
Hi, yes I'm feeling lucky today.
By the way, you are a special person who has so much love in her heart and is not afraid to share it. I admire you & what you do.
quack quack :)
You should totally enter and bring Baby! I started teaching Buddy Budderson about music when he was that age and now he's going to study music at University! That's what I get for taking him to see Weird Al Yankovic when he was three years old ;)
I love Bayberry Cove. I ordered some darling pilgrims last November and the packaging itself was a like a gift. Great attention to detail!
I am feeling lucky!
Thanks for the giveaway.
Happy days,
Love those duckies ~ and your blog. I've been lurking for sometime and I'm so glad that you're back!
What good news about Alfredo ~ like the sauce!
Love these ducks. They would be so cute in my new clean (some what) scrapbook room...
Oh, those look like such Lucky Ducks! I would love a pair of lucky ducks to sit around and watch my cats while I'm at work! I think the fur balls have been ordering pizza and having parties! They've also got the channel flipped to Bravo to watch The Crazy Housewives of New York City! Have a great day sweet Amy!
Toodles, Julie B.
Hope I am a lucky duck!!!
(Crafting by Candlelight)
I would love to have the ducks living with me in Minnesota!
Just duckie! I mean fabulous!
Too sweet! You and the duckies!
Count me in please! How adorable!
Oh, these are sweet ducks! Add me to the pot! :) Kristin
I am SO glad that you are back and happier than ever!!!Off to see Debbie's new and improved site.
These are so cute, and just right for Spring!
they are absolutely adorable!
How cute! I'm de-lurking (giveaway!), and I want to tell you how lovely and sweet your blog is. There's a special place in heaven for folks like you and your hubby. And even though you're not doing Inspired Ideas at the moment, it still inspires me! Thanks! (Wow, this seems kinda brown-nosy, but I don't mean it that way!)
The beaks! The hats! These ducks are so sweet!
Thanks for the heads up about the goodies on Debbie's site. Time to go shopping!
The ducks are just adorable! They will look adorable wit the easter crafts my daughter has made for me at school.
I love reading your blog and following your little bird journey. You are an inspiration to us all.
I'm feeling ducky... errr umm, I mean LUCKY!
I am feeling lucky ducky and blessed at the same time! It's great to hear you will be "co-parenting", what a special gift you are giving this little Alfredo.
I love the duckies! Your blog warms my heart.
I would love to be a lucky duck!
How cute! I'm off to check out debbie's site next!
These ducks would have a happy home here with me!
-- Michele
Those ducks are so cute!
I couldn't be happier for you!
Looks like you'll be coming back better than ever. I know you're looking forward to a great summer.
I do love the birds and would like to enter my name in the drawing but mainly I just wanted to say how happy I am for you.
They are so cute!! So much of her stuff is to die for. I've been following your blog for such a long time and I'm so excited for you in the co-parenting thing. I hope everything works out for all of you.
darling duckies!!
Oh, pick me. Pick me! Imagine my hand waving wildly in the air and my bottom bouncing up and down in my seat. (Can you tell I'm an elementary school teacher?)
Hope it's not too late to enter! I've been visiting the blogs you mentioned and got lost in blogland.
i would love to be the lucky duck!!
lynn : )
omg too cute!!! i hope i win!!
You have such a sweet and wonderful blog! Found it via Posie Gets Cozy (love Alicia P's blog too)! I came to look at your rooms for decorating inspiration, started reading and got completely drawn in...had to go back and read it all from the beginning. You are an amazing gal--saying prayers for your little family. The ducks are adorable, but really I just wanted to pass on how much your blog inspires me.
these are adorable. I really enjoy your blog and your handmades. Keep on keeping on girl!
love-a-duck,those are just adorable.cheers from the antipodes..karen
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